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 1d Traveler
You seek for your spirit to be fed
I seek your satisfaction
We sit here at a stone table
Both hungry

Tell me you are a child
I will not ask for how long
I am tomorrows memory
And you, todays

This body has tricked me
I am easily deceived
To think I am
The brain beneath the crown

Another man wore thorns
I am naked
As a newborn lamb
Only half as pure

Snowflakes sit in your dark hair
Star crystals in an auburn sky
They drip, melt, run, dry
I change much quicker

I am not patient
For even a moment
I am the rainbow
Waiting behind the storm

Are you ready
For something beautiful
You will not see me
Beginning or ending

I will only remember you
Look at me
The way you did
After the flood

We are in the mountains again
We made our sacrifice here
The stone is split
A perfect half, how unholy

Feast your eyes
Your body will still hunger
I will break
Like bread.
 4d Traveler
to document ones demise
surely truth there resides;
waits at the end of the road
to greet you, 'welcome home'.
When battling
the moment

with light
dimming fast

dark and shallow

— adrift and begone

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)
Round and round ,The carousel turns
Faster and faster with moxie we learn
Life shows us ups and downs
Cherished love Sweet laughter sounds

Younger hunger, more invincible you are
Chances to prove your a bright shining star
Rushing through life not a moment to spare
Soaring high in the crisp clean air

Around and around the carousel turns
Resilience in the face of adversity we ride
The oceans we cross, Turbulent tides
The chances we take Mountains we climb
Lessons, sublime In the passage of time

Around and around,The carousel turns
problems in life, that each day would bring
Changes pass by to catch the brass ring.

Around and around, the carousel turn
Disparity and pain my ride will slow down
God’s gentle hand will push me around,

He picked me up, carried me, when I fell
He stands beside me on my carousel,
BLT, Webster’s Word of the Day
Moxie 6-6-24
Refers to courage and determination, energy, or know how
All the ways my heart broke,
in the time that I was yours.
With every fracture of my soul,
my memory obscures.
As I sit beside you now,
in this empty room.
I realize that I am done.
But do you feel it too?
It is a heavy feeling,
deep inside my chest,
sinking down to fill the void,
and giving me no rest.
You say that you won't lose me,
but I fear that it's to late.
Cuz it was only after I walked away,
that you begged for me to stay.
I am done with cheaters,
So just stop acting like you're hurt
Its getting to be ridiculous
Remember you left me first.
You made that choice to walk away,
you chose her not me.
So now you can live with what you've done,
You got your wish,
                                     you're free.
Imagine walking into a forest full of pine and other trees
They are all colors and sizes

As you stop amongst the trees, all you can hear is the deep silence
and the sound of your boots as you walk along on the dirt path

A slight cool breeze rustles through the trees moving the limbs
as the branches sway back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze

It is pleasant and calming
There is a scent of freshness in the air
It is invigorating

The sky is clear, and there is a glimmer of the sun gently hitting the path ahead
As you look up through the trees, the sun seems to shimmer

You keep walking
At the end of the path, is a small log cabin with
a fire burning in the fireplace, waiting quietly for its owner to return
You can smell something baking in the oven

It’s a perfect summer day
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