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3.4k · Sep 2022
Told I was your world
Heart's around the sun
Love makes our eclipse
Connection true as one

Does the heart ache?
When the love breaks?

Galileo sees your love up high
But Satan sees my thoughts down low
All I want to do is cry
But you'd never know

If I left the world
Would we be unfurled
And left to the underworld
Our cold loved left lonely and curled
1.9k · Oct 2018
In Service
Mirror, mirror
Laced in fear
Dictate my life I'm meant to steer
Consequence in wine and beer
Seek a journey I can't be near
My thoughts of glass
Are limber and shattered
With the sledgehammer of past
To be crushed and mentally scattered
I found the pieces
I put them together
I struggle to remember it forever
The pains of my action
The results of my distraction
The screams of my endeavor
To serve my mindless faction
Draft me
An architectural blueprint
To serve my life in death
And live as a hollow mint
I've done the job
To be ached as sin
To hold the weapon of man
And peel the thought like skin
As a cover of wrong and thought of different
I shoot my thoughts of new and inherent
To be on the winning side and walk away the crow
Is to peck the skin of the dying and reap what I sow
The second half of my military poetry.
I grew up in a family that fought for causes they were paid the believe in. To put that kind of admittance into words in beyond me.
1.4k · Oct 2018
It's more than the struggle
There's pain beyond the weapon in arms
Where it stems from
The scorn of the homeland
There you find the source of your fear
What made you run
Is what taught you to stand your ground
To remember what made you strong
Is to forget what makes you weak
And to live with the heart of a defender
Is to die with the mind of a pretender
To defy the suffering you see every day
Is to remember to scorn that made you who you are
From the source, a man in pain
With the tears of denial
Scared of the status
And enrolled in the abandoned
Take life with paycheck
And live with the chosen's suffering
Every day
And tomorrow
You drink
To remember the cause that was lost in sorrow
The first half of my military poetry.
704 · Mar 2018
The Gardener
My garden is small
Think nothing at all
Vegetables here and there
No weeds to interfere with care
I water my vegetable plants, I keep them healthy
I give them sunlight, prove I'm wealthy
They grow as strong as can be
Surely they're grateful for my help, you see

My garden has flourished
But my status?
My plants are strong, they bear great food
I ask politely, not to be rude
"O plants of mine, may you spare a meal?"
Ripe vegetables before me, 'tis quite the steal
As I come close, they begin to rot
Inedible food scattered all over my lot
My plants must've spoiled, surely the case
I buy new seeds, the old ones a disgrace

My garden has grown
New seeds have been sown
Water, sunlight, I should have known
These plants grow just like the last
Rotten vegetables, I am left to fast
Others approach, they find a feast
An untouched garden, abundant at the least
Carrots, Spinach, and Peas galore
Except for The Gardener, for which they abhor

My garden has forgotten
I thought they remembered
The help I have given them, I would never dismember
The stalks that I brought into life, caressed with care
But to not feed The Gardener, completely unfair
Starvation upon me, bitter with grief
"I dare not water you, may you lose every leaf."

My garden has betrayed
I ask for a meal
In return for my help, they leave me misdeal
Without my help, they continue to grow
Healthy and proud with others to show
The Gardener is left with no food to survive
"Rot in my garden, you do naught but connive."
I lay in the grass, my garden grow strong
As I lay separate, I did not belong
My vegetables feed all but me
The life I live, no longer a guarantee

My garden has taught
Me of devotion
I gave my life for your growth with great emotion
To not repay the bargain, I cannot see
Why you would choose to grow without me
Without The Gardener, you are healthy as ever
The debt of my help, the payment due never
Live as you would, proud and bold
But I simply ask;
"Do not leave my story untold."
613 · Sep 2019
Blue Knocking
Is it punishment
To serve or to die
Hide from the reality
In house we built to make us cry
612 · Jul 2018
Power, Continental
Gone with the casket to behold
What I deem tired and old
As an elder betrays my hopes
And listens to every trope
Of an ending where I bring no thought to the table
Fabled in the mind of the third that had heard a word
Beyond the scourge of the purge occurring
In the hand procuring
The glee
The joy
The life founded with heart and handled like a toy
In the gleam's fourteen it glimmer
With the shimmer of ash, to ween
And be clear in time
To fear without wine
A running case of Brandy, drunk with a hand so sandy
Of our edges to sea what be
Collective hearts of Pangaea, dubbed colossal
Sink in the sea of Panthalassa
Drown inside a coffin of wine
And make it mine
Behold a drowning dream
Further from sea than it may seem
Even I don't know what I was trying to convey in this "poem".
574 · Jul 2017
Fear not the man but the mask he wear
It's strength be greater than that which he bear
The morning light cast off the skin
Cover dishonest dark that shalt always win
Pour unto man the thought he share
A guise of speech and misaligned care
Dare a smile call itself so wise
No man finds his thoughts a prize

Wield a lance of voice as man remove his mask
He is no man, a scoundrel without ask
563 · Sep 2017
Phobos & Deimos
I miss the days of young
Time flowed as we spent it
The sunset, our greatest fear
Waste days like sunlight never shifted
Sit adrift in the belt of rock
My asteroid
Roam the black for a ray of you,
Light in my life, what gives me incentive to see
A nightlight in the bedroom
Keep the monsters away
Brighter every night
No travel of space is too far
To drift right where we are
I find myself tidally locked
I will never turn away from us
Little lights in the sky
But that one that shines so brightly
I can see it, standing out from the others
Brightest star in the universe
Expanding further
No distance will discourage my travel
Journey the constellations for the bigger picture
The stars I see in the dark
Are afraid of the light you bring me
Every sunrise
560 · Oct 2018
La Luna
Each scar is a story to tell
But a heartache is a book to be published
Only the killer can heal this wound
Of distant thoughts and forlorn dreams
Orb of white in twinkled sea of empty
To paint a frame of wonder
The riddle of guidance hidden in our satellite
Cratered land of forgotten giants
The symbol of pursuit and discovery
A world of destiny to be held in the palm

Brush memories like fresh paint
And pike the ground where the sky fell
Let it be known where the dream landed
And remember the burial as death personified
Leave the ache, keep your heart
Bury both and forget who you are
But digress one scratch and let new life blossom
The seed to the breathing, new leaves on bruises
Life needs light to grow without doubt
Goodnight Luna, maybe again you will be sky-high
Today, to abandon the night and await your new phase
For today, to begin a search for soul under kind Sol
518 · Oct 2017
The Tortured Artist
Write by me;
Skin of lead, paint a colorless void
Ink is in my blood
Contamination flows through my hands
Only I draw what holds me down
The paper with which I create
Draw my pain to life, and watch it erase what is
The binds an artist draws to life
Are denser than the lead in their palm

Show them what you've drawn
Heart of charcoal, voice of prison
A thousand pains in the picture
Hurt not meant to be known
Stay hidden in the fibers
On display, your museum
Resting place, my mausoleum
Read the stories for me
As I tell the canvas how I feel

The secrets to my inspiration
Behind my own bars
Where I was not meant to guard
A prisoner outside the cell
But a traveler of the voids
I seek color
I seek spirit with utensil
The burden is not my canvas
But what I can't explain with pencil
The art is in what I will never say
487 · Sep 2018
My pain, my oath
The life I define as a growth
To battle heart with yours
Is to sink and pour
A feeling, melded in meaning
Struggle to see and believe
The life of yours I perceive
To be other than my own
Is a hollow stretch I have sown
Itch of the blacksmith to earn it as whole
To forge a love in nothing but coal
Burn it in my furnace
And power my machines
Knowing your fire is nothing but mean

The cold of hard iron
You build the spire of which I admire
A cold influx of emotion
And a career where you found devotion
Chill the metal and make yourself periodic
And I will craft you into something more sporadic
A metal meant for war
Passion of the sheathe you wore
To do nothing but settle a score
Of who's love bore
The scandalous prize of more
Or more.

My life is in iron
Forged in the heart of the pyre
I am the one who builds this nightmare
The weapons that do nothing but fare as a weaponized liar
A battle I perpetuate
And a soul I can not consulate
But to make up for with a payment
I will ignore you persistent ailment
And follow my own path
As the blacksmith, ignorant of your goals
Fought under oath it do help the sociopath
But rather show the animosity of it's written scrolls
Admittedly, I wasn't even sober for this one. Creativity is wonderful when uninhibited.
482 · Jul 2018
Cancer will not share a secret
A burning sting in the shell
That burns hot with smoke
Gills that cry
And a heart buried in a price tag

Capricorn will not ease an issue
A horn that will not quit the taste
Remembering what it clashes
Hooves that gamble
And a beard trapped in a book

Text only tells of emotion
Ice can not freeze rationale
The goat holds only two leads
The crab holds every lead but two
Moon and beyond, instinct is not truth
But the insurance of love

Highest mountain and deepest sea
Cancer and Capricorn know where they be
Possessive of each other
Without a hand to hold
Foundation and fundamental
Passion of landscape
Turn hand into pincer
And horn into knife

Commitment to hostility
Is breathing fire into ice
Melt their bond into water
A shared beast, drowning freely
Will rise and split land and sea
Into realms where Tropics
Thrive all but forgotten
474 · Sep 2018
Intoxication, Inebriation
Onset to my deviation
Annihilate and Calibrate
My need for compensation
Count the number, Quicker to slumber
A subtle drip to encumber
Hearts, Parts, I brace and come apart
An ache for deliberation
447 · Sep 2019
Error Code 409
Tell me another
Love like simple infection
Tempted with tales of happiness
And told like stories of deception
I have met someone new
And answer to the unsolved equation
Do they make me feel loved?
Deceived, I love like the abandoned one
431 · Jul 2017
Burn your brand into my skin and treat me like cattle
Just don't be angry when I leave the door open
I live behind gates you've born me within
I eat the filth you hand to me, last on the line
Open your mouth, talk to me like I'm below you
Tell the world I'm cruel when I bite back
Tip me over, you know I won't fight you
Metal in my hands say I stand firmer on all fours
While you struggle to confidently stride on two
I'm built to react, you call me sensitive
The bond we share could slaughter our herds
Send me away from your vile care
And prove to me that cleavers are dull compared to your words
406 · Jun 2019
Fate of The Talented
Just what am I meant to be?
Hands on the piano
Brush on the canvas
Voice on the microphone
Hands on the papers

But do I stop there
Or is talent channeled forward?

Why stop at destiny
When I define it?
388 · Sep 2017
Everyone stands
Everyone must see
You can't stand forever
No one can please
One who sits down with a purpose
But no purpose to stand back up
You're comfortable in your seat
It warms you
It comforts you
It's unique to you
Even more than

No one else is aware of the connection to this chair that you've built
They do not acknowledge it
They do not question why you sit while they stand
Hand in hand
Everything seems fine in the end
But then you realize
You do not wish to stand
Nor command a hand of your own

In this seat,
You see the world from a different perspective
Your friends from a different height
Your love from a different heart
What a sight.
Most would stand up with a purpose
That being to never see the world from that angle again
Some don't stand
And question the consequences within their brain
And remain
Some can't even leave the seat

And so, they sit
They watch the world move around them
They watch the good and the bad
Not being able to do anything to respond
But yet, they wait with hope that some will ask them to stand
That some will entice them with new purpose
Some even have the world lift them from their seat
Others remain in the seat where they theorize it's what's criticized down to the size
What a treat.
It's where they breathe
Such a feat
The world knows this
And let's them stay in the seat
Only to move the heat when they leave the world alone

And so they drone:
"Minus one."

Some people take seats away from the world
Back to where they know it's safe
It's where they feel comfort
The world can't disturb them in these seats
But when they can't sit anymore
They have no reason to stand
The world won't help them up
No matter what you planned
Soon enough by far
You don't want to leave this seat
You thrive off of your knowledge
Knowing you won't leave
You continue to create reasons to stand
But you can't be deceived
You can hear the world
You can see the world
Songs from birds that can not fly
But they don't know you're still sitting.

They think you're already standing
Gone to join them
There's no reason to go find you
You remain seated
Conflicting yourself and denying everything you know
At this point,
Can you still stand
Even for show?
Will someone ever help you grow?

Did you ever even want to stand?

You wait in your seat
But help never arrives
But the world has a question
A beckon
The world walks over to you with arms closed
A curious mindset and a simple reckon

The world wants to borrow your seat for someone that wanted to sit
But the world doesn't help you stand up
They just hope you'll take the hit
But you can't
You can't answer the world
And the world has no reason to answer you
So with nothing so true
You stand anew from blue answering the request of the world's shrew
It is here you take your one breath to contest the world's best request
Heart set
You've curled
And to the world you've blatantly hurled
A wisp
An answer
A silhouette
And yet

The seat is empty.

The host isn't here anymore.

The score;

Minus one.
369 · Dec 2017
On Our Behalf
Do not dwell on good deeds
Move on as if it were natural
Others will prosper, thanks to you
Good is wrought through time
A balance fought for eons
Equalize the karma around you
And show others there is promise to be had
368 · Jul 2021
The Mirror
The fidelity of the mirror is beyond me
Let not settle the forlorn, or I will watch it manifest
The ruminative stick of vapid saplings
Intent to corroborate my next passing
Be it tonight, tomorrow, or never again

To be accompanied in a time of sheltered pride
Demanding for the individual
The thanks, the praise, the shoulders
I seek a true scintilla of empathy
The dissociation
The one I see in my own eyes

Could a mirror be flawed?
Or am I peering the face of contemporary banality?
Is a plight such as mine replaceable?
Am I to age as a statistic rather than a life?

The devious catacombs of neurons
The enabler of my hindsight
The existential home of my saddened microcosm
Witnessed a single reflection
In my mirror.
348 · Oct 2018
My aptitude was a farce
An inadequate measure
"To be a poet" some time ago
My high percent sell my heart as sure
That this was meant to be
But with my time dwindling so
I see it not as blatantly as it be
But rather chance of mistaken identity

I am no poet
But a man with temporary troubles
A canvas to convey it
And thoughts popped in drifting bubbles
My perception is my rival
Changing my life as I follow through it
Making it harder to face my denial
As I splinter off of this conduit

My words are a sham
The meaning in them is hollow
Even I can not follow
What I write to define me as who I am
"A change in career, perhaps"
Another mindless change from fear
An accident made from confusion
Another wound I see as only a contusion

I don't agree with myself
My definition of a poet
To lock myself in rhythmic testimony
And charge myself for it
I say no more
I abandon the tradition of my rhyme
I have no stories to tell
"I've run out of inspiration"

Am I excused?
It doesn't feel genuine
I won't want to hassle you
Brief over me and dismiss me as fodder
A ticking clock in the form of text
Is this the journey?
The life of a poet, drowned in confusion and uncertainty
Am I destined to live without knowing who I should be?
Is this for me?
Or have I seen all there is for me?
Jaded skies in uncertainty
I am a number in forcibly
What I deem my constitutionality
A judgement I decide as worthy of personality

"Am I a poet?"
It says I am.
I can think I'm one.
A poetaster, a lyricist, a bard.
But literature be ******, I'm destined to live as I am.
A poet or not, this is the life I've sought.
Whether I like it or not, I'll give it all I've got.
Life changes. I can understand that. But I'm worried that I've stopped writing poems, and instead just try to "churn them out". I'm not feeling inspired anymore, it feels like a self-obligation. I don't want to leave this website with sub-par writings, but I feel like I can always do better. Even when I give it my all, I'm not sure if it's all I can give. And I want that to change.
335 · Oct 2017
Love of Grimace
Within a mortal's lifespan
There is a dream that they wish to see through
As for my dream
I dream that I can see yours come true
Through loved and lost
I know not when this dream is due
But I know that I wish to be there and achieve it with you
335 · Jul 2017
Without happiness, you would not know depression
Without depression, you would not know the bright future awaiting
If not for depression, we would not know what fills us with joy
If we were never depressed, we would all be ploys
If we never gave up back when, we could never try again
If we never felt the bad, could we feel the good?
Could we feel the world as we should?
An arm-in-arm progression, an isolated discretion
If we never cried, would we ever write?
If we never felt, would we understand our plights?
Open your knowledge to feed on sadness
An abyss of happiness sink below our madness
310 · Feb 2021
The Personal Ballad
Foresee the strings
They bleed to tell the tale of you
Struggling to smile and weeping vibrato
Symphony of blight to cry tonight
Orchestral somber and tonal allegro
310 · Mar 2019
Christmas Time Is Here
Christmas alone?
I know what time of year it is, I just wanted to be here for you
Someone who could use it
A gift under their tree
Long rotting and wilted away
Sometimes a message needs to be ******* and left under the wrapping
Santa won't bring it
This gift can come every year if it needs to
Merry Christmas, blockhead
You can hate the spirit all you want
But others will bring the spirit with them wherever they go
310 · Jul 2017
Call Ended
Where are they
I knew them well
Close to me
Life long
Now scarcity
All gone awry
What I loved
Is now 2,400 away
296 · Jul 2017
The Wall of Mann
The moth, of course
It is the mental eruption
Jaded by flight and hinder
Sensors drag it without aim

Silent squares, two by light
The gasp of which is gone
Your notice is not to blame
The day of, it begins

The cry of dead
Unwanted and beaten by
Man, and Only
Sky stretched moan into echo

It shan't follow, nor become
You shan't find, nor conquer
The build that split in two
Haunted by the confused

Distraction by lack of
The whisper of insect
Only Tea is left
Vanished into particles

Refusal to believe
It is not with us
Crawl asunder to new dream
Our hearts separate

Wall is not begone
Yet begs for more
To be named, waiting
I had a dream of an insect. A moth who's presence would foretell the collapse of all relationships you had built, one by one. "The Wall of Mann", it was called. I dream of it often, and I wonder if it's actions speak of reality.
296 · Aug 2018
I am shell
Captivated with the weight of fear
Patterned, mesmerism, predatorial magnetism
Obtuse in angle to the sky
With power born in grace of the lake
Sharper than shield I be before thine wake
To pry emotional flux from harm
And coat it in here
The statuary of further life held sweet
In calcified virtue of longing to live
Deep in shell
Asylum for essence
Board under adventure in the sense
We are colleagues in purpose
To you
I am shell
289 · Jul 2017
Even the most passionate are nothing in monochromacy
Dare ye believe in fault,
Shatter the wall
Mirrors aboard the spectrum
Spy reflection in colour and know where it starts
See no faults in devotion
288 · Aug 2017
The Wandering I
The wandering I
Oh how boots travel the tundra
Course in hand as the path becomes faded
Like the frantic bee, hurt only by fear of nature
Outside the system with a sharp knee
Point blank
Reasoning before you, after nothing else
Bite into granite opinions as the cast break
Out lost in irony
A memory of what task bring me here
Fall in snow as we forget
282 · Oct 2017
Unable to Leave
Clear as day
The nurse will not heal my wounds
The doctor will not diagnose my
It aches, it screams in the vacuum
I am sore from the taste of difference
See a mark you tore from the top layer
Look into the abyss, see the pulsing core
Watch it beg, no more
No more
Open from behind comes the point
Soft words built to puncture
Lay in bed as needle cross over
275 · Dec 2019
Shy of Sky
Poetry takes a lot of forms
The heart, the soul, the written course
Some writers plead to the beyond
Others plead to the

Paintings do not move down
But art travels up
Create skyward-bound
And die presenting
267 · Jul 2023
Save Them
Life is long
But your simple voice
How it serves
The basic choice
266 · Jul 2018
A Beverage Never Served
Bleed out my thoughts and distill it
Create a pain I can drink
And dwell on in spastic sorrow as night grows old
Bottle dries up
Ask for addiction to inspiration
Change my mind when Monday is here
But pencil meet paper come the night after
My wind to caution hold steady
To the spout, always ready
Except for when it matters most
264 · Jun 2018
Where does it fly
To shatter from the inside
And look into the blank, only to see it all
The feather that sticks to hamartia
Breath of few that fall on a deaf ear of empathy
Soundless cries of wish for turnout
Drowned in anguish of proper evasion
A lasting moment of red to be brought down by Atlas
No longer brown as red become black
Flightless under the dying evening sky
261 · Oct 2017
One Too Many
Misery is a company that was not invited
A company that is no friend of mine
A friend that would lie to me
A lie that would convince me of the pain
A sharp sting that reminded me of who I was
A person with no ambition to see

Her overdose was the last nudge I felt
A push to save someone other than herself
A someone that meant the world to her
A world that would stop time at will
A time that I would never see again
A sight that did nothing for me but stir

His screams were acoustics in this house
A home for the abused and lonely
A kind of person who could not take it anymore
A problem that would never fly away
A soaring journey of haunting memories
A thought that treated your brain like a *****

Happiness stands like the vigilante it always will be
A watchman to those with no hope
A dream far beyond their grasp
A reach that will never come in contact
A touch that could save them all
A savior that did nothing but rasp

The ears of the skirt
The eyes of the dirt
No mental dessert
Your last concert
They sit there hurt
And only ask why
256 · Oct 2017
Into Words
Ambrosia is not the essence of why
Joy is found in the limit
You only cry when you look at the clock
And you wonder if this is it
The century before us
Is millennia to what it means
The life beyond is not up for discuss
We'll only see them as dreams
253 · Jul 2017
Life has more to offer than modern life
A strife to confide any level of high tide
A mask to bask should you be asked to tear
A shoe to construe if you can't quite wear
Allies sink like hopes
Invent nothing but tropes
Expectancy is a bastion built for Sebastian

Serpent to shed skin annually
With fangs as sharp as words
The touch that brought forth
Is the palm that hath spawn birds
The hand holds all beyond
What is remembered as fond
Modern life has more to offer than life
Life is what you make it, not how you see it.
253 · Aug 2019
Dare I say, lost
Confused even
Hemorrhaging at the directions
I know which way is north
But not where life is going
No map can plan that course
Charting maps with alacrity
Set sail as Magellan
Yet land with such insipid wording
That the book of tales I pen is a thesaurus of fabrication
241 · Sep 2017
Painfully lost in the field
Pouring hearts to see purple
Profound loneliness when surrounded
Pinned to standards I can't live without

Torn between two lifestyles
Tear me down, see me as normal
Totalitarian emotions
There's no freedom at home

Save me from myself
Save my family from their trauma
Sleep lightly, the fear follows you into night
Stranger to the front, cry for the family

Defy death and come home
Deny thanks, stay humble
Death is what you bring, death is what I fear
Dedicate your life to protecting ours
221 · Jun 2018
Burden my collection
With the onslaught of familiar protection
Put words into me as the caricature
Of your burlesque, hymnic theater
Strong diction feed my fiction of a strong prediction
That a future is nothing more than a premonition
Found into the base of this scepter
Filled with substances to weather
My filibuster of poetic muster
Near-meaningless custard
That ****** the art of word
Be it heard
As I set forth the life of lyrical discord
No thesaurus can solve my lingering incoherence.
221 · May 2018
Remember me who you are
And be ****** to who you be
Step off stage and show me the colour you really are
I love the ventriloquist, not the dummy before me
I am your tea cosy of a partner
The price you pay to keep from getting burned
White, black, brown or red
The liquid poured is turned inside my head
Just sit still and yammer
I know who makes you work
Pour a cup of tea, I want to talk
About the hand inside your mind
It makes you think and walk
Like the vessel we all wish you were on stage
Not behind the curtain
Where the real thoughts are kind
208 · Nov 2018
I've spilled a song
A tale in C-Flat
Minor of course
Not for the harp, a demand to struggle as piano
I am impractical
I am the tale of noise
Not a word dare question my poise
One player on piano dare not try my story
His struggle is impossible if left alone
Dual pianist may riddle my mystery
Of eleven minutes
The story of interpretation
Composition of heart and definition of blank
Determine my heart as the words you sought
It is my sonata, do with it what you want
I will breed with it a story of soul
Burn fire with coal and melt my thoughts into a whole
An instrument leak the tale
Of what I compose to speak ill of me in the lightest
204 · Sep 2022
The clock has stopped ticking
For not I flinch
Twice a day I'm scared
I'll go clockwise

If I go counter
I will never fall in time
My life starts then
But my thoughts start now
And in my day of thought
I am in love twice over

Grandfather say
The clock is wrong
A time of love
All day but twice
When I strike noon
I forget all but her
And have to wait
To the very next day
203 · Jun 2019
What is incompetence
But ramblings of the confused
Speak ages of misery
In misdemeanors of agony
201 · Oct 2017
I fear what is to come
The men who pave the paths of war
The machines built that crave for more
The walls of which won't stand for night
The people of home who dismiss their plight
Notions carried throughout our past
Forgotten, to be repeated at last
The power held within our grasp
Beyond our reach where we can cast
A moment of remorse for what we can build
Never stopping to think about who could get killed
My fear lies in what I've yet to see
200 · Nov 2018
I wish for it's end
The beginning of my story
To dissipate into a strong send
Off to what won't mend
Let it know what I know
And submit the heart I scold
I have the fingers
To push what can submit
The ending I prepare to omit
199 · Sep 2019
Nothing But Dirt
Does it feel like nothing?
The underdog from cream of the crop
To the basis of the loser
Open your eyes
The crops will grow and sell
Under the dog is the dirt
The foundation
The giver
Prop the desired in essence
And give life to life of desirability
The source of what we want
Is the loss we give no credit
196 · Jul 2020
Can We Start Over?
It's all colored lines
Point A seldom trot to Point B
A mind grounded in grey haze
Matching hearts held in loving daze
Let it paint where we all stroke
Show the color of us
As strong as oak

Rainbow black and grey
Chaplin days of telling tales
Hands held high in blank states
Grips tightened on shallow slates
Suffer slim paint of a tree
Be the master of the canvas
And the picture is incomplete without thee
You, me, we

What's defined, heart-to-heart as key
A solemn "her" without a desperate "me"
The fruitless beg to start over
The "me" that can't live without "her"
Two combined, defined by God as One
Defy the language, I'm not done

Rainbow as vibrant as night
Modern day do flaunt said show
Hands do clap for deafened crow
My love for her unbeknownst, who know
Grow birch from ground to sky
Left me simply asking why
On top of lumber she live life
Yet on dirt I define by knife

Answers are not want we want
But another chance
Start over
With me
Flamboyant cadence
"Me" and "Her" left to a simple, single dance
191 · Jul 2018
In the arms dare do find where she fall
A heart born red, boiling with a burn of Solaris
Carry a fire as Olympic as time
And admit to her, the metaphor
You do not know
Nor do I
A feeling described, burned into fabled try
Scare as it do unto us
And bring fear in what flames tell
Where focus meet dimension
The condescension meet the unending mention
Of you
My mantra that scribble itself across walls of peeling fossil
Hallucinate timeless clippings of ill
Speak to the walls to translate what I spell is true
190 · Dec 2022
The Bird
Silver is a currency
A dollar to sling for dollar
Fire one sky high
The value to sink oh so far

Silver or lead
They would sooner be dead
Than be full of it
And quit flying to become red

The flock has flown off
The bird stayed the nest
"They'll be back," they said
"Just like the rest"


Still alone
Little to their being
The future grows shallow
Not much they are seeing

Perhaps the flock, the rest
For betterment
The wings flap hard to the sky
Flying higher than ever meant

Out in the sharp blue wind
Eyes spy the sharp white feather
A lead dollar for your time
A silver price piercing the weather

The birds that fly highest of all
Come down with broken wings
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