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Sarah Spencer Oct 2023
I can't go a day without missing you,
most days I feel like I can't go on,
but somehow I do and the thought
of being able to live without you makes
me feel like I betrayed you,
I miss you more than the world,
and it breaks me that the world
continues spinning without you
no matter how much I beg it to stop,
but the world will keep on spinning,
torturing me with every breath I take
until you're nothing more than a memory
Sarah Spencer Oct 2023
Left behind
in the dust,
left for dead,
left to rust,
I've given up
with the passing days,
waiting for the hour
I ' l l   f a d e    a    w    a    y     .     .      .
Sarah Spencer Oct 2023
I feel like I'm about to cry
and the only thing that's going to stop me
are the tears that drown me
Sarah Spencer Oct 2023
I think about cutting myself
every single day,
I don't even know
what stops me from doing it anymore,
but every day I feel like I'm further away
from being able to be talked down,
and this voice in my head will take control
Sarah Spencer Oct 2023
I hate her
even though I barely know
anything about her,
because for some reason
you're in love with her,
even though she wants
nothing to do with you,
if she was in love with you in return
I wouldn't stand a chance
Sarah Spencer Sep 2023
I'm still wishing for the day
when I can be a priority over
everything else in your life,
I'm still wishing for the day
when I won't cry alone in my room  
holding my childhood stuffed animal,
I'm still wishing for the day
when I won't feel bitter about the way
you continue to treat me,
I'm still wishing for the day
when I can be a person
who can stand on their own,
I'm still wishing for the day
when you stop trying to turn me
into a ticking time bomb,
I'm still wishing for the day
when loving myself will be enough
to pick up the pieces when I shatter
Sarah Spencer Sep 2023
I'm so unhappy
but I can't say how I feel,
because if I do
I'm just being unsupportive,
so I can't win either way,
I can either be unhappy or selfish,
one of us will take the blame,
but that person won't be me
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