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Onoma 3d
phrenological markups

around a seraphim's

shaved head.

found the contoured unevenness 

of gross neglect--in regard to

human case studies.

after exhaustive High-hand


subject to the penal code of a

gargantuan pipe *****--where a

single note could signify any number

of years--even before sentencing.
Onoma 4d
a gypsy has the
horses of her
sit like
while she suckles
on a rabbit foot...
then uses it to
scratch an itch.
taking pleasure in
giving the moon
her evilest eye.
Onoma 5d
a broken column tilts at a forty five

degree angle--bulging earth at its


its top resembles a snapped femur,

whose opposable reflection streams

along a murky sky.

unaccountably driven to its lone feature,

starkly confessant among a hill's dry grass.

an Orphic marker bowing to the downriver

strum of a lyre, that carries...
Onoma 6d
what's never to be gotten

over metes out its own


as in never.

in the affirmative.

immovably beyond.

yet right there with what stays--

lost as a void under the watchful

eye of a whole.
Onoma May 7
a bundle of strings,

murmuring skyward.

(think) deep sea tentacles--



balloons in a jellyfish's

transparent wet suit.

a clown out of character--

constructing a model circus

from scratch.
Onoma May 6
a harpy.

silvered & gilded--

feathered & tarred

in an illuminated manuscript.

yay to the irony of feather

weighing down feather,

uglier than awkward.

forced out of a gewy shower

of pitch black.

as said harpy begs flight to fancy

her, from the humiliation of


where she's granted with a sloppy

flop onto the page's margin.
Onoma May 5
down the main aisles of a movie theater,
cranial malformations of popcorn are
the brittle knockabouts of a cannibal's
unstrung necklace--left to the ritualized
red of Hollywood's carpet.
the flashlight of a theater attendant stretches
out its beam, to pinned concentrations.
just as the movie screen becomes the bubbling,
gaping hole of burnt film.
the projector let through, flickering back its raw
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