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Melany Garcia Jul 2019
I love you. The end.
Melany Garcia Jun 2019
It's like all my feelings just hit me at once and your picture flashes in my mind. Suddenly tears stream down my face and all I could think to say is, "I'll eventually be okay."
Melany Garcia Jun 2019
We feel so wrong, and not in the way that it makes me want you more. But I'd rather save you a heartbreak then save myself all this sadness.
Melany Garcia Feb 2019
I bet I'm a pain in the *** to date.

I can't say what I feel
I don't love without feeling judged
And I won't ever admit that maybe I like being loved more.

I bet I'm your favorite pain.
Melany Garcia Feb 2019
I figured out today that maybe I'm not as cold-hearted and loveless as I show the world.
Melany Garcia Dec 2018
I get these butterflies everywhere every time I see you smile.
They soar through my body, I've started to grow wings.
My heart feels so much lighter almost like it flutters.
The sky so blue, I feel like I can fly.
Melany Garcia Dec 2018
I can't think about anything but you.
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