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LL Apr 19
the alarm goes off
I'm fighting a war in bed
it's against myself
LL Sep 2015
short hand at 3, I waited
now there's just 1 hand
LL Apr 14
can't you trust me like
you trust gravity to pull
you back to the ground
LL 5d
empty bed, half-light
didn't mind sleeping alone
till we did last night
LL Apr 25
love can
be like a
with asthma
Smoking kills.
(World Health Organization: WHO, 2023)
LL Apr 16
summer sun, high noon
little boy tied to a tree
it's midnight, full moon
LL Apr 14
talking in the dark
speaking with only our hands
I found warmth and light
LL Apr 29
flowers and dried leaves
these gravestones neatly aligned
just like office desks
and cars stuck in traffic jams
and spreadsheets with empty cells
LL Apr 25
lights on or lights off
does it really matter, when
either way we'll smash
LL Apr 14
bamboos sway and bend
in the moon's last summer light
we say our goodbyes
LL May 2
endless summer day
hoping by the end of it
you'll come home to me
LL Apr 17
boy ran to the fields
and saw how big the sky is
brother didn't see

boy ran to the fields
and fell towards the big sky
brother longs for him

boy ran to the fields
his brother chased after him
they ran forever
LL 1d
if traveling around a star
is a fight, and it
changed us that much,
no wonder they call it
LL May 12
some spaces
we only                           
                                      for someone
while they're gone
LL Apr 22
wrong sh_t all the time
a fish is caught by its mouth
I'M the f_cking fish
LL Apr 21
ghosts do not forget
they haunt where it seems quite
just like past lovers
LL Apr 14
Looking back
on the moments we had,
all I see now are dead things
and broken people.

I thought they were beautiful,
flowers in full bloom,
until they were picked
and were laid on gravestones.

LL May 15
we're to meet at noon
I stepped out, hand on the gate
the sign says
                          WET PAINT
LL Apr 19
eight hours of sleep
eight to work and to hustle
eight to love yourself
LL May 17
it finally
the thunderclaps were orchestral
the water splats, a van Gogh
against red tail lights
and windows

and people held their breath
as the first drops of relief
hit their skins
                        ­             kiss


long before you knew
how they taste

like the line
                                    I trace

in the small of your back

like your breath

just before you wake up
                do it
LL Apr 18
you speak with your eyes
and love with your hands and mouth
can't help but listen
LL May 21
do I long for things I don't hold
or is it fate that I don't find 'em
exactly because I long for 'em
LL Apr 14
right hand seeks the lamp
left arm numb with you in it
I wake up alone
LL May 7
when you are driving
don't slow down when the light's green
do so when it's orange
LL May 8
kung pagod ka na
'di kailangang umalis
magpahinga ka

LL May 1
someone's calling me
I look around thinking if
I forgot to pay
LL May 1
she gravitates me
like rain from a thundercloud
quenching the cracked earth
LL Apr 14
quickly does the road
get stained by the rain that fell
fast from somewhere else
LL Apr 14
sorry ≠ apology
LL 3d
Dear future lover,

I've been feeding the good wolf all this time.
If I throw caution to the wind,
will this red string find you?

your future lover
LL May 12
the wind is calling
there's nothing left for you here
what do I reply?
LL Apr 14
restless, these long nights
looking for you in the stars
found you, I found rest
LL Apr 14
inside the tunnel
the clown made you cry again
so I hold your hand
LL Apr 20
boy ran to the fields
his brother rose to meet him
finally, they're home
LL May 7
yeah, I'm twenty-eight
next year I'll be twenty-nine
nasa'n ka na ba?
LL Jun 2016
the way your hair waves
seems like sakura petals
so hard to ignore

sakura fall five
centimeters per second
I'm falling faster

you're a sakura
and I'm a cobblestone path
waiting for autumn

I left home armored
and I will be home again
as a sakura
LL Aug 2015
waves rush towards her
sand slipping between her toes
I am letting go
LL 4d
the green of the sea is the green I see
when I look in your eyes
LL Apr 29
let's not skip the part
where I confess and go straight
go straight to heartbreak
LL Apr 25
I step to my right
approaching girl hesitates
she steps to her left
LL Apr 14
the night, swift and loud
crying of the long day's sun
about the full moon
LL May 8
it started raining
so I put on my raincoat
and the sun came out
LL May 2016
you make the sun rise
so I look across the sea
the sun sets on me
LL 3d
To MB,

I'll love you forever, even from afar,
just like the sun.

Always doesn't have to be near
just a secret, because we're both

LL May 2016
leaves fall like ashes
touching the ground like tancho
flowers spring from it
LL May 7
my head hurts so bad
tired of explaining myself
thought you'd understand
LL 5d
Dear Finch; Connor;

I'm not sorry you did it
but I'm sorry we failed you.

LL May 1
high noon, I waited
for you at the torii
night came, you did not
LL Apr 29
don't ask me to stop
when tears are all I can give
I go back to sleep
LL May 12
she can be water
gentle, or wine, spirited
then there's me, thirsty
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