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always in a room without windows
a straw up his nose
a bottle of Jack Daniels
on the moveable food tray.

Harry, he

lived his life like a hurricane
violent and fierce yet
in the havac he caused

the lone wolf,
never a destination
all he owned was time



the neon sky, dark,

afire with visions
of  the wounded women
partially wrapped in night, hears

the song the sirens sweetly sing

so he chose to fly


above the high wire trapeze,
grasping for tranquility with a straw
and with ease
he follows the shadows
into rooms without windows

a solitary wanderer in the heartland

the man who chose to fly

strange fish, my friend,


I salute you.
****** angel slept

in silence

softly curled into a ball

a sweet song in nylons spirited

away in dream rapture
Went to California last week
My friends deserted me
And I was alone in the California desert
Broken heart and watery eyes

Then the sun smiled and said
It's okay
It's okay
It's okay to get a little lost sometimes

I went back and changed my name
I hoped they would not notice my problems
A fresh start in life is all I wanted
Forget all my problems in my diary

But she smiled and said
It's okay
It's okay
It's okay to get a little lost
Everyone gets lost sometimes
Do I want to be your lover?
Yes I would love to be your lover any time
And do anything you ask me to do for you
She was a horrible parent
Abusive and nasty and mean
I stepped on every crack
On every sidewalk and street
And still
That woman’s back
Remained all too intact
When you gone
You lived me in
Because I never
Expected that
This would happen
One day
I still love you
And I also have
Feelings for you
I am always praying
For you every
Single night
Now we booth
Have to live
I must say that
I hate to be left alone
Because now I am
In isolation also
I must say
That I can’t stop
Thinking about you
Also, I don’t know
Why I deserved it
What did I do wrong
Can you please
Tell me
Should I take the
For loving you
Yes I also miss you
Having you in my life
these little things
i've barely accumulated
i've shared beyond self-interest
the truth is complicated
because i gave you these things
wanting someone else to hold them as close as i have
seems you took them and ran
and i shouldn't want them back
but i genuinely wish you could and would
that i'd be removed from your after credits
that since you ruined almost everything i have
you'd let me have my wits
but no
you are simmering with flippant disregard
ungrateful for what this took for me
emotionless as i can't compete
hope you can be that closed off when they have to bury me

don't cry now
i waited for you to love me
don't feel bad now
you should have cared while i was here
and no it's not just your fault
but it sure snowballed into an avalanche
and maybe if i could just never see you again
i could have tried to make it work
but you just love rubbing it in
the things i barely had
i never want to trust again
i'm dying of cold and lack

you can call me an indian giver
i catch the blame and hate regardless
and you can have back your rare occurrences and slivers
i started with nothing and now i have far less
they keep telling i'm too nice
i was naive
i never should have shared my heart
I love to gaze above me
The sky abundant with orange and pink and blue
Right around 8 at night, I watch the colors deepen
As heaven prepares for darkness
The ending will always be the least favored part of such a performance
Even though it is expected
And just when I prepare for my own darkness
A starless sky
An encore emerges from the clovers, the grass, and the gardens
Here to say, “if only you’d look down- you’d see there are stars here, too”
A quick piece on perspective
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