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Creux 7d
sometimes, it just feels like
these waves of emotions
and the droplets of moisture from my eyes
could drown everyone around me;
so i just close 'em
turn to my room
and drown myself instead.

but sometimes,
i leave a tiny gap on the door,
let a few drops spill out
and wish that someone hears
the little tippy taps
and follow the sound.
no need to pull me out;
no need to keep me dry.
I'm happy to just hold on to sumn
to keep my head out of the waters.

so, come with a boat, yeah?
Creux Nov 2023
they see the facade, the academic veneer,
but the truth lies hidden, only i hold it dear

the world believes success is all i chase
but i question if i’m running in the right race
i question what truly this journey is worth
am i just building castles on this shifting earth?

amidst textbooks and deadlines, i quietly yearn
for answers not found in a grade i might earn
will this path i’ve chosen be my true fate?
or will i wake up one day, realizing it’s too late?

so when they call me hardworking and bright,
i smile on the surface, hide my inner fight
for behind the facade, the mask i wear,
lies a soul pleading,
“Lord, hear my prayer.”
Creux Aug 2023
I ponder a tune,
ethereal and bright.  If it ever exists,
what would it sound like? Would it be the laughter
of a child's delight or the soothing  hush of the moonlit
night? Perhaps a melody of stars' soft embrace or a gentle
breeze's tender trace. Would it echo like ripples on tranquil
seas,  or  dance  like  leaves  in  autumnal  trees? I ponder  a
tune, ethereal and bright, but could that sound be within,
out of sight? In smiles of beloved, in gentle embrace,
in moments  of  stillness, whenever hearts pray.
Perhaps in memories, a glimpse of what's
been through. Maybe  it sounds like
home, almost like déjà vu.

Creux Aug 2023
i stood witness
to a scene---
a king and queen,
their love serene.
a painter's dream;
a poet's delight;
their love aglow
in gentle night.
he leaned in close,
with lips so light,
upon her cheeks,
a tender flight---
the king's sweet smile,
a sunlit embrace;
the queen's fair blush,
a delicate trace.
how i wished
to hold still the air,
capture their love
in a canvas so rare
but love's vibrant palette
moves and evolves,
in the tapestry of time,
it resolves.
to paint their love
in hues so fine
is to capture the essence
of love's design.
in my strokes of paint,
in my shades of rhyme,
their story lives
beyond the confines of time.

Creux Aug 2023
Dear future self,
     I hope you've found
     the strength to stand
     on solid ground,
     for you are me and i am you
     with colors old and shades anew.
     I hope that you will be, at last,
     from lost to found, from spark to blast.
     Walk with grace and head held high.
     In this letter, my words hold tight.

Sincerely yours with all my might,
     Your lost self reaching through the night.

Creux Aug 2023
released from mortal chains I wore
i take the sight of His promised home
i'll dance among celestial shores
where love and peace forever pour
as the last verse gently concludes
may the ehoes of my song live long
let the melody of my life imbue
the hearts of those i've loved and known


— The End —