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y i k e s Jan 2014
i'll never say a word to you

but i expect you to notice me, want me, crave me, care for me
treat me like a queen

without a word from me.
this ladies and gentlemen, is my stupid mindset on love.

((fixed my typo))
y i k e s Nov 2013
I swear, I wish I was rich.
I wouldn't waste the money on myself.
I'd spend every ******* dime of that money on you.
Just to see you smile.
That smile kills.
You deserve everything good in the world
And I want to be able to shower you in gifts and blue soda.
Because god, who doesn't love those sugary drinks?
y i k e s Jul 2014
I love looking back at our old messages because  at one point during your life

You took time at of your day to talk to me

*fixed my typo*
y i k e s Oct 2015
I'm not good with words
and certainly not good with picking up hints

I have no way to actually put this in words
and I have no way to actually tell you

But recently you've had me floating on a cloud
that you exhaled

And I've never been more happy to have someone stroll into my life
stupid lil poem about a new you
y i k e s Oct 2014
i just want to rip the scars you left on me off

i just want to remove the thoughts of you from my mind

i just want to burn the image of you out of my thoughts

i just want to pretend like you no longer exist
its almost been a year
y i k e s May 2014
       what a lovely day
                    to float  away from here
y i k e s Apr 2014
your eyes

so filled with lies

often gives me hives
i tried to make a good rhyme..
y i k e s Dec 2015
The bus stop is at an odd spot, I always thought that whenever I saw it.
It's placed in front of that flimsy fence, the sliver fence that's about to toppled over, with green metal behind it that's just as flimsy.

Remember when you ran into it, throwing all your weight onto it?
I dared you to do it, because you told me to. You wanted to make yourself seem tough.
I'm not gonna lie, it's cute when you do that.

Do you remember that night?
The air was cold, but that was alright. i was happy to be with you. You were engulfed in your cigarette, the street light shining above you. The smoke could be seen fluttering into the street light, it was a picture perfect moment. I should've taken a picture of you then, kept it forever.

You were being discreet, blowing the smoke above you, but you didn't realize the cold air was blowing it right back in my face.
I held in the cough, you didn't know I have lung issues.

You cracked a joke, corny ones at that, and told stories of your past. Ones that would get you arrested, and fired. Or how you got punched at a party, and yet still managed to keep drinking. You always have a great story to tell. You don't let silence fall. You're great at that, keeping things alive and well.

I was freezing.
For being an October night, it was really cold. I wanted you to put your arm around me, do something cliche. But you didn't, and that's okay. I'm glad you didn't, it would've made you going on a date that much more painful.
the second time was my favorite.
y i k e s Dec 2014
every love song i listen to is always dedicated to you
y i k e s Jan 2016
the sun shines, once the clouds move

the wind blows the leaves away

the grass grows once the rain falls

and i am in love with you
y i k e s Dec 2015
Through all the ups and all the downs, i learned one thing this year.
Its that you need to keep moving forward
y i k e s Jan 2016
'new year, new me'*

I won't be a new me this year.

No, I'm going to be an upgraded version of myself.

I won't become the person I always aspired to be.

No, I'm going to push myself to fix all the wrong things with me.

A prototype and a completed project.

I'm going to create a better me, not a new one.
"maybe it's not my weekend, but it's going to be my year." - All Time Low
y i k e s Mar 2015
when everyone you trust isn't there
there's not much left to spare
i thought i trusted you
y i k e s Mar 2016
you're not as dependent as you assume
                                                          ­        once you leave the room

give your self some time alone
                                                      put down the phone
i dont need you like i thought i did. thank you.

//"put down the phone" seems a little condescending to me so I'd like to explain. more or less it's basically saying stop messaging the person you feel too attached to, it's okay to be alone
y i k e s Nov 2013
add a poem
add a poem
**** that
add an idea
because i think
we all need that more
i got the main idea from my babe alex
y i k e s Mar 2014
here's a letter so i can ensure this is not your fault
and never will
don't you dare think that
you're one of a kind

don't be alarmed
when i'm gone
it's not your fault
you tried your best
i tried too little

you were good to me
i was bad to you
i was bad to everyone
i deserve my fate

i'm sorry i broke my promise
please don't hate me
don't shed a tear for me either
i'm not worth your golden output

remember that i love you
and i love the memories we shared
and the jokes we made
the worlds we created
and the worlds that never got to be visited

please still live on the memories i destroyed
they're meant to be shared
not just for us, but for the world we would have changed
the world that is in your hands
and is left for you to take on

you're strong and are able to do this
without me
without any burdens
because you're strong, brave, and powerful
everything i am not
and can never be

i love you
regardless of where my body lays
y i k e s May 2014
your thoughts are a rain shower
your mind is a tornado
your actions are like a hurricane

you're implacable
and i'm an inexperienced conductor
y i k e s Nov 2013
Alone, Alone, Alone
It's all I've come to know.
Alone, Alone, Alone.
Even in a crowded room, it's all I feel.
Alone, Alone, Alone.
No matter how much you tell me I'm not, I still feel it.
Alone, Alone, Alone.
It's all I'll ever be.
Alone, Alone, Alone.
I'm gonna die *
y i k e s Mar 2014
"everything is going to be alright, I know it"* you said

little did you know,
just by saying those nine little words
everything suddenly become

just a bit more, 'alright'.
y i k e s Mar 2014
fold me up
put me in a box
let me be your jack-in-a-box
only use me
when you need me for a quick entertaining time
then fold me up
and leave me to turn to rust
isn't that what always happens anyway?
y i k e s Apr 2014
the sun shined just right at the right spot
the clouds were in the right place
the right things were said
the right actions were made

and everything went *well
i had an amazing day and i'm really happy

**i fixed my typo**
y i k e s Aug 2014


i'm ringing up your items
answering your questions
and bagging your items

because the only way to be able to make it in life

is to be a slave for someone else
y i k e s Feb 2014
i'm going to make the ground my new home
a cozy bed, six feet under a dirt cover
the mud as the walls surrounding me
the worms, my new best friends that keep me safe,
using my decaying waste as a home
in and out, in and out they go, exploring what ever is left of what i gave up
this is complete **** wow
y i k e s May 2014
here i am

writing another poem about

such an immature event that took place today.

here i am

writing another poem about you

just because you took time out of your day

to sing to me about ****.
he really did sing to me about ****.
y i k e s Dec 2015
don't you wish it didn't hurt anymore?
y i k e s Dec 2013
For a while, I was in the mind frame that the scariest thing that could've happened to me was dying.
But in actuality, the scariest thing anyone can ever do is live.
Because really, what's so scary about taking a lifelong nap and not failing at your dreams
or having your heart obliterated by the love of your life?
Or watching your loved ones slowly die
day by day, by day?
im bored and lonely sorry
y i k e s Aug 2014
you're so beautiful,

but you're not meant for me.
i guess i have to deal with that

inspired by a death cab for cutie song
y i k e s Nov 2013
look at me
I watch as you sit
by yourself
and strum on the bass
cracking a joke
making the whole class laugh

look at me
i watch as you sit alone on the bus
joking with the bus drivier
laughing as she rolls her eyes at you

look at me
i watch as you crack a joke in class
scooting your desk around
annoying the teacher as she teaches

look at me
i'm looking at you
helplessly thinking these lines
as you crack another joke
unaware and unaffected by these helpless emotions i possess

look at me
i lent you a pencil
you own something i once held
but you got numerous pencils that day
will you use mine?

look at me
you once picked up my pencil
my voice fluttered saying thanks
you didn't respond
did you notice i was blushing?

look at me
i'm helpless
another dumb crush
another dumb line uttering the same exact thing
'look at me'*
in my head.
y i k e s Jan 2016
You can't decide if you're a good or bad person

                                So you create a version of yourself you want to be

Are you an artist?
                                                                     Or a lie?
Written in philosophy class
y i k e s Mar 2014
i like you
i really like you
i want you
i really want you
i need you
i really need you
i think i really really like you
i think i dream about you
i remember you in my dream last night
i think i love you
i really want you in my life
i really can't stop thinking about you

i love you
i really really love you
y i k e s Apr 2016
Being in your arms for those ten seconds was the most wonderful feeling in the world

more beautiful than a spring flower blooming,

the sound of laughter in an elementary school yard,

and the smile on your face when you see me
You make me so happy
y i k e s Nov 2014
i lost my touch, but that's okay

that just means, i'm not as sad

as i used to be
y i k e s Mar 2014
'yo be my partner'

you extended your partnership
i accepted it gracefully

we slammed the competition
tossed the shuttlecock back-and-forth, back-and-forth

everyone was in shock
oh how that tiny shuttlecock soared

okay, let's be a little realistic...

0-3* was our score
we lost in pride
and in demise  

at least i could dream we were kind of good
i accidentally touched his hand :)
y i k e s Nov 2013
Less than two years ago, you were my best friend.
We would stay up every night and talk, creating fictional worlds were we lived our dreams.
Two antipathetic, pessimistic kids against the world.
Running on little sleep, we'd create this worlds until we ran out of ideas.
Then destroy them and start over.

A year ago, things changed.
Like all good ideas, you run low on them.
So we stopped creating and talked about us, our life, and how we'd end up.
Hours on end, we'd talk about how we had no future, no path, and how we'd create our own.
But then something else happened, you made new friends that year.
I already had new friends.
They're great friends, I never had friends like them.
I'd try to tell stories about them like you did with yours, but you'd give me a 'cool' answer.
So I shut up.
They too meant the same to me that you did.
After all, you're my best friend too.
But like best friends do, I never left you.
I never could.
You were my best friend.

Less than four months ago, it was my birthday.
Like all birthdays, that day wasn't special for me.
Birthdays never are special to me.
I apologized for not buying you a gift for your birthday earlier that year.
My dad had lost his job last year and I'm low on cash
Plus, I'm not doing too good mentally, and emotionally.
You said it's fine, and got me a gift anyway.
With that gift, you wrote a letter.
You're not good with words, but you were saying I saved your life and I'm your best friend.
None of your friends get you quite like I do.
I cried, because for the most part, it's the same for me.

Less than a month ago, you stopped talking to me.
Our conversations grew into petty arguments anyway.
You never did listen to me.
I should've known you never did care from the way you never listened to me.
You would talk about yourself, and not care about me
And if I did, the answers were so vague.
okay, cool
But I still ached to talk to you.
I'll never know why.
Another thing I'll never know is, if I truly was your friend
How would it be so easy to forget me?
97% based off of true events.
y i k e s Jan 2014
i'd like to write a poem about how i feel
but that's been done a thousand times.

i'd like to write a poem about how a dumb boy makes me feel
but that's been done a thousand times.

i'd like to write a poem about how the sunshine makes me dread staying in all day long
but that's been down a thousand times.

i'd like to write about how much a person makes me hate myself
but that's been done a thousand times

i'd like to write a poem about how much i hate myself and feel emotionally dead
but that's been done a thousand times

i'd like to write a poem about how everything has been written about
how everything is overused and overrated
how life is just about repeating emotions and acting on impulse
which you regret later on
but of course
that's been done a thousand times
y i k e s Nov 2013
At night,
there's not even a hint light

just dark streets
that are beyond beat

shimmering stars way up in the sky
that are bright enough to get you high

while down below, i'm in my house alone
still in inhaling my jacket to get a scent of your cologne

because at night is when i'm at my worst
and you're too busy holding her purse

because you're her's for the night
and i couldn't accept that with all my might
this was supposed to be a poem about my night, but this happened and idek
y i k e s Apr 2015
limp legs

loss of breath

no motivation

not much time left..
i may be gone

y i k e s Apr 2014
i very much enjoy the idea of us being one
it seems to make a lot of sense
as does the idea of you not being such a hardheaded *****

i very much like the idea of you talking to me
we could come up with quite the conversation topic
it could stir up a *** of friendship!
yes, *** the silverware, not the plant

don't you see,
what could be
if it became we
this was written as a joke btw.

i hate this idiot.
y i k e s Apr 2014
i love how you can make me feel high
like a child's balloon, which floated out of her hand
and into the air, soaring
                                                          and higher

                                                         ­           and even higher

until it reaches a simple tree branch and


and then the balloon begins to tumble down
onto a innocent driver who's on their way to work
who's windshield the now deflated balloon lands on
when they swerve to not crash into the ongoing traffic ahead of them
now that an object is blocking their view
and they drive straight into a tree,
and their head bangs off the the car's dashboard
since a worker who inspected the car's model
did not realize that the airbags did not deploy
and they are dead,
all because of a balloon
which a careless child let slip out of their hand.
i love how you can make me feel dead, and alive
at the same
y i k e s Jul 2014
As I stepped foot on the beach for the first time this weekend, my head was spinning.

This was such a great experience for me, I've always wanted to go to the beach. And I was extremely jealous of everyone who got to go, multiple times in one year.

The sun was beating down on to my sunscreened filled skin.
My toes were submerged in the sand, which was sticking to my feet.

And then it hit me, this is such a normal experience for someone. Walking on to the beach in the blazing heat, splashing in the ocean with their best friends, jumping into waves; it's all normal things.

But to me, this experience was extraordinary.

So remember, be thankful for every little thing you have.

Every experience. Every action.  

Some people would die for things like that.
Now I'm really sunburned, ahh.
y i k e s Dec 2014
as we stand there

hand in hand

falling back

so gracefully

i want you to

remember me as i was

before i turned into

what you were
this is so ****** idec
y i k e s Nov 2013
she opened her mouth
and let it all out

the words spewed out her mouth
like a rapid waterfall
with vicious waves
that can cut a rock

heads turned and gazes widen
i wanted to slowly walk away
crawl under a rock and rot
turn into soil for the next flower
maybe it won't be such a coward

but all i could do was shrug
because as usual
another part of me drifted away

i'm more of a shell than ever
y i k e s May 2014



y i k e s Mar 2014
inject me with sunshine
blast me off in a rocket with a destination of the sun
paint me a bright tint of yellow
cover me in sparkles and call me a sparkly star

i'd do anything not to be dull
y i k e s Mar 2014
eyes as bright as an ocean
with the sun blaring down on it

eyes as deep as an ocean
millions and millions feet below

an ocean i wouldnt mind swimming in for days
and drowning in
y i k e s Apr 2014
What if

that tiny bug you just killed,

which in no way was harming you,

just wanted to make sure

you were okay?
I actually can't stand bugs
y i k e s Dec 2014
every memory you left is in a box

with the lid glued on
to keep them trapped inside

a hole is waiting for the box
in the yard

and it's hungry for every single memory of you

are you ready to be buried?
so long & goodbye
i won't miss you
y i k e s Mar 2014
if sun is a symbol of happiness

(pure and bright)

(life and growth)

why does it burn people?
y i k e s Jul 2015
you can try

with all your might

to get back

into my life.

you can try

to wedge in

through the holes.

but in the end

the results won't

be what you want.

because i've moved on

and there's no room

for you.
y i k e s Dec 2014
you said you loved me

                                                   but you really meant you loved my attention
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