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neth jones Oct 2021
a wobbily lip

the woe behind the wobbily lip :

a hobbily goblin did cause the wobbily worry
(and the wobbily lip
that did it

the hobbily goblin extended a mit
'i mean to be friendly'
suggested this from it

'my name tag says 'Bobert''
it bellowed in a fit

the wobbily lip fled
it's owner scared
socks from its wit
'...You know, for kids !!' - the Coen Brothers & Sam Raimi
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2022
I stand and wobbily make way to the door

Night fallen so quickly again

Afraid of dark
Shut the door and turn around
Not before flipping the lock

Instead of going to move amongst glowing lights and the odor of *****
Slip into pajamas and slide under the covers of my dependable bed
If patient
Sleep will find my skull eventually

So once more I am left in the space between dreams and reality
To float amidst streams of wind inside my empty mind

— The End —