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Lianette Reyes Jul 2014
Let me be your Isis
I'll scavenge the land for the pieces of you they've stolen
and fit each and every piece back together with delicate fingers
Your kintsugi astounds me, each and every break so beautiful
It is not my reflection I admire as my eyes dwell along and ride
the golden rivers you try and keep from me
Let me be your Isis
let me see the melancholy spill from your eyes
the snap of your spirit when my words are like sin
I am not perfect, and I will drown in my folly like gin
down my father's throat
my father does not know how to swim.
But your pain is like a gasp of breath sometimes
when it reminds me that you are of the firmest birch tree
your bark does not bend to just any wind
and the symphony of susurrus that accompanies the midnight
breeze, escaping the ivory lamina of your leaves, each note
leaping off of every blade like a dancer,
are NOT composed by just any sultry sylph
Let me be your Isis
Be my Osiris, a masterpiece
Arturo Hernandez Dec 2015
Carrizo, lamina,
Cemento, y varilla.
Mi casa
Su casa
Sus casas.
Te busco
Te deseo
Y no te encuentro.
y Recuerdos
Es donde te tengo.
Habla y dime,
Como esta
Mi pueblo.
Villa de Etla,
Himanshi Nov 2014
A salty concoction
Of  agony and sorrow
Rolls down her cheek
like fragrant dew drops
from the silken lamina
Feeding no one
but the undue desires
Of the wrenching heart.
Her sun-kissed skin
and honey-touched lips
now drench in the
brininess of her tears.
Counting seconds
by her slow gasps.
A breath, that was
only hers now.
Tears, that were
only hers now.
Nigel Morgan Jan 2014
We could say the obvious
about a leaf,
typically flat and thin,
terminologically rich:
an angiosperm
with petiole, lamina
and stipules (lots of these).

But enough for now
because I want to be
poetic about the leaf
and its collective:

As the haiku goes
Leaves lose trees
And trees lose leaves
Who can walk without
Dancing on windfalls
As crisp as these

It is their dance,
their dancing,
(these veined forms),
that bring me
gentle reader,
to the page.
It is the wind’s doing:
rustling and rubbing in
summer airs,
turning and falling
in September’s gales,
path-bound then
leaves leap and glide,
twist and scatter
in the winter winds.
In spring they are like
babes in the womb,
attached, full of life,
hidden in the bud.
The haiku is by Cid Corman
Rui Serra Jul 2014
O cavaleiro seguia pela
orla da floresta.
A lamina da salvação
brilhava ao ser beijada
pelo sol.
A mulher!
A mulher foi assassinada
Um tilintar de copos
Uma azafama infernal
Kiss me
I'm falling
Hold me down
I'm so in love
Confine me
So I can fly
Want me
our lamina

..white heat..

Keep me
and after
Take me
So I may
take you
Remember me
my voice
Feel me
deep inside
Walk with me
I will give you
my mind
Run with me
wait right here

Are you ready
to go to

© S.T. Rebel of Eden
wichitarick Nov 2017

Began a day without a need to pray,nice to not feel an inner danger

Facsimile of a failure ventures in from the twilight,moments rest leaves us hoping for the best

Softness still lost in sleeps caress,focus with hope and not to release anger

Patiently peel away layers before they become lost in the abyss,another mornings test

Black is blind,no light still kind, lingering in lamina,slowly unfolding awaiting an answer

Unfolding fear, which way it may steer remains unclear,nights patterns assessed will help align our daily quest

Will we care if caught in the demon's lair ,rethinking if it will become our master

Reality often hardened ,time tested not based on theory,the truth we come to detest

What has it cost to have turned & tossed,maybe to find this time to have avoided disaster

Now relief instead of grief ,life will again allow new growth instead of keeping it suppressed

Game of chance no signal in advance but for now we find relief instead of grief blessed with another moment to enjoy the laughter. R.C.
Honestly with this it can be read as fighting sleep or similar issues,but is more on the lines of the feelings we get trying figure out if we have had a seizure in our sleep, more of my early writings are actually pertaining to this .
It becomes real mind game,sometimes even dreaming the "event" happened when it didn't ,so even a bigger revolving door
But I take it in stride for the most part but "IT" is always with me. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Olivia Ventura May 2018
The moon woke me up with a sideways grin
In my bassinette, in my hollowed home
I used my foot to scratch my chin
I ruffled and preened, as I lacked a comb

Brother has gone to find me dreaming
Sister sees me restlessly sleeping
Father is a sun whose face is now beaming
Mother can be found behind me, weeping

Wings are for my stamina
Beak is for my bite
Bone becomes shear lamina
Now I can all but take flight.

— The End —