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Nameless, faceless
         Sea of Many
Save a soul
         Toss a penny
Need another?
         There's aplenty
                            Reach into my pocket
                         Ignore the silver locket
      Take a penny
                                It's all yours
       For each is worth
                                         A little more
        A sea of Souls
                                     Unlock the door
My will to live has left me so,
Now I'm alone
In the ******* snow
Lost my way while walking home,
Now I'm alone
In the ******* snow
Cold creeps in, my bones, so numb
The wolves they howl, my heart it thumps
My achy bowels, my arms in mumps
Blood is moving extra slow
Now I'm alone
In the ******* snow
Dying alone
In this frozen hellish landscape
In the *******
Hello sun
          You don't know me but
                       You touch me
            in ways that einstein couldn't describe
                                           I feel your waves
        Through my heartstrings
You burn my arm
                   but strengthen my heart
        Give me cancer
                                     but brighten my day with
      art &
                   life &
                                 food &
                                              radiation thAT MIGHT **** ME ONE DAY
......SORRY .... sorry....

You're my muse
                               I'll use you to power my house & your scorching
                         tendrils to

                                       You're a man
                    in my dreams
                                                   sometimes a woman
              but that doesn't matter
                                   it never has
                                                     because what you feel
           inside so strongly
its just            you.....

like the Sun is what it is
                                       nothing will change that
                   be it rain
                                                              nor comet shower
                                     The Sun will always be
             A burning tower
A guide in these
                                                 drastic times
If you pray to him
                   he'll grow your
                      *****...                 and your mind
she'll radiate your vegetables
                              it's by design
            it tells me "it's been awhile
                                          since anyone said hi
it's oh so lonely up so high
                                the moon sometimes makes me want to cry
                thinking of better times
             people communicated
                                              instead of
    typing out their pantomimes
                          into silly
                                                             machines..... and a rhyme.....

wake up little humans
                                          I'm warming up
           it's not my fault
                                                You like driving big trucks
               your planet decided
you're      S.             O.                O.                L.

the carbon levels
               in the atmosphere
                                 are troubling
                       but have no fear
               you're in for a jazzy
                   existence here
                                              Whether it be desert sands
                                  or icey strands
                                                    of land
                                                                  with many man..... men..... man?
                    Anyways the moon says "hi
                                                                         I'm bright
            but only tonight
                                           my light
                                                           is tight
             I radiate delight
                                           & I might
                     be a hollow shell of metal that's tidally locked like a
                                    the Sun shares it's life
       without it
             I'd be a dull dusty oval
                                                      floating into a black hole
                            Thanks sun.... I mostly love you
and we're both seeing the same planet..... so.....
                           I won't go above you
                                      you'll be my king
                                                I'll be your boo
                       just keep me lit
                                        I'll do anything you want me to
but the guys from andromeda said
                                           "Keep an eye on these humans
            they're a bit    new..... man....
                           shoot down their nukes
                   don't let one land
                                     if it hits a city..... well.....
                 there goes our plan
They show promise
               they're still off..... a bit.....
                            maybe humanity has lost it
         it's the flu                       are they *******?
                          they're letting bug-eyed weirdos on TV
             tell them they should get injected
                       with something that 'might' save them?
                                       Let's see where this goes
                Keep observing..... we might visit and
they will be                 overcome"""
Hello sun, hello moon. Thanks for the great day/night. You were extra luminescent tonight moon, and that's because of the sun. So thank you both :)
Memories like broken glass
                     fill my heart                    my sensible soul
                                    shards of you
                  Tattering this perspective
                                  Leaving a broken person
                                                       behind                        these eyes
                  This Kerouac perception
                                       mounted on confusion
               for                                                      feelings left
            Baffling me like a child
                                                         Thunder and rain my
                    only solace
                                                       dark clouds             my psyche
mutually bound
                                      Like hurricane Galveston
   ripping apart               these thoughts                 these transgressions
                                     mortally comforting
          like cigarettes on Sunday
                                                             reaching forth      
               grasping at straws                                   so they say
                                                 they always say
but do they feel                                                  as I've felt?
                            alone                &                 tempered
                                       as glass
the glum periphery                                engulfing
                                        melting me down                     eating away
       into a pool of nihility
                                                   to harden              to break these chains
feels outdated          unscripted nonsense
                        in the background of my memories            souvenirs
      a setpiece             based on untruths

                                          sheer              crystalline              matter

They call
Kiss me
                           Take me to bed

                                    punch me in the nose
                            ****** my mind with your rage

                                                                   and forgive me nothing
Hold me tenderly
                       as your friend
                                                        and      keep      my secrets
                          Interlock your fingers         into mine

show me your eyes
                                  allow me the depth of your soul
                            the chance to kindle
                                              your intricate loveliness

Feel something         &
     allow yourself to feel it first
                                                        before tearing it apart for answers
It's extraordinary. Today my existence felt like a cloud. A cloud of luminous star stuff, billowing in the dark. A feeling of spacious wonder and cosmos. Like I was within this void cloud, succumbing to the ether of nothingness and consciousness at once.

Such serendipity filling my lungs, tracing my heartbeat. I had no clue at the time. My absence of knowledge like the innocent breath of a thousand newborns.

Fleeting existential begrudgery and the radiance of every sun. I imagine the beep beep beep of luminescent wonder as the thought of light reaches my senses. A guitar solo and distant beat enchanting my soul.

But in reality, I sense nothing. Not a cold winter morning, with fog on the window from warmth. Nor the buzz of insects from spring air, breathing life into the Earth's harmony.

The tingle I feel is in my reminiscent stardust memories. Of life before life. Feeling before it was felt. Sounds before they were heard and only vibrations of the mind. Of sight being nothing more than annoying bright lights before they were calculated into something more understandable.

This is the beginning of such a beautiful moment. Indescribable and an explosion of the senses. The background beat of a chorus. The vibrance of a photograph. The contrast of a black and white movie. The boom of bass against an orchestra of sounds.

The feeling of a loved one's touch. The sound of thunder rumbling. Seeing your first array of black clouds engulf the stratosphere. The cold envelopment of raindrops covering your delicate skin.

All of life's beauty doesn't have to seem beautiful at first. Just give it time. Just give. Time.

We're all stardust here.
   Sense of self
               Is wearing down
      I feel the corrosion
            In my head
                              My body
                                    And soul
              an unkindled fire
              a sea of flames
      The 'thump thump'
                                of my heart
                     Slowly drowned out
      The thunderous boom
               Of those around me
Self actualization
the tip of my tongue
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