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 Feb 2015 ruorou
Rhyme night with light.
Rhyme love with dove.
Rhyme pain with razors,
and when that's not enough
mix in some words about heartbreak and the mock-laughing moon.
Catch some eyes, smoke some starlight.
Dream about raves full of lasers.
Drink till you're on the floor,
then shut the door.
And lie alone in your room.

Wait for the pain
to make way for the high.

That's the path to the floor where I lie.
The train's in motion.
Its brakes are broken.
I guess that means I'll see you all soon.
 Feb 2015 ruorou
The difficulty I see
through the news
through these tubes
is that people
don't see people
as people.

strange to say
the phrase before.
people should
see people
as people.

when I go out
I people watch.
knowing every person
that I see
has a life.

it shouldn't be
to think of
people have lives.
duh, you may say.

but a person
gets beaten
and they
are a victim.

you read in the news
"woman beaten brutally by ex"
and so many have the thought
"she probably deserved it"

you read a headline
"teen fatally shot by officer"
and so many ask
"well what did he do?"

you read the post
"celebrity dead by own hand"
and so many write
"what a coward"

Those people
the woman who was beat
the teen who was shot
the man who couldn't live
they are people.
they are humans.

all these people are humans
all these people
are people.
so treat them as such.

they have lives.
had lives.
cared for others
had others care for them.

don't be cruel
don't judge them
for their headlines.

because people
are people
and treat them as such
because someday
you may be a headline too.
 Feb 2015 ruorou
In the night they searched
For their surroundings to sustain them
For their choices to be enough
For their lives to have meaning

One roamed the nights here
The other roamed its home there
Searching through shadows
Trying in vain
To live up to the task of living

Together only in dreams
Wild and free
Unseen by those who did not matter
Noticed only by those
Whose time leached into the shadows

And in the night they searched
To be fulfilled both within and without
Left hungry wrapped in their thoughtful empty choices
Starved in darkness yearning to be sated
Their bright colors hued gray in the night

Passing, never having been sated
Spirits rose and were united at last
Finding in death what they lost among the living
Never to be seen but in the shadows of yesterday

 Feb 2015 ruorou
Flita Fernandes
This crimson liquid that flows through our veins,
It's not mere plasma or life that it sustains.

Blood is family; a bond that has no end,
Something that flowed till the lineage of men.

It's what makes us human; conscience a vessel,
These ropes of emotion, a curse or a blessing.

This ruby red ink stains many sinful hands,
The gift of life replaced by guilt and death.

Boundaries and religion divide the human race,
It's the color of blood that matters and we all bleed the same.
 Feb 2015 ruorou
Forest Fire
 Feb 2015 ruorou
He was a forest
and I was the
that enabled him to
He burned
in his path, leaving
untouched by his
I blamed
for all the destruction he
even though he scorched
worse than anything.*


— The End —