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Man 3d
Roaming the rolling sapphire,
Thoughts of home & the bereaved.
Under tide they sink.
Spit back into that grand basin,
Give a good greeting to Poseidon,
Lift up your cup & drink;
To the fathoms we eclipsed,
The journey facing.
** & heave,
Waves crash against the hull
Letting on water;
I've never much cared for
Admitting defeat in the presence
Of overwhelming odds,
I'd rather die on my feet
Bravely meeting the Gods
Man Oct 2023
Fog on the glass,
I rise and fall
With the tides of passion.
And in spite of it all
I still tried to make it on time to class
But always ended up in detention,
Why mention?
When I was out of school, I was at work
Cuts on the saw, eyes in the crook of a book.
Lunchtime was a good opportunity for lessons;
So they excused my absences and exempted my attendance.
Man Jan 26
Levy on me love, my sweet;

These words you bequeath,
To one whose heart is true.

Hear how it beats,
With melody and rhythm,
An instrument of the soul
In the orchestra on life;
The song which sings for you

Every tendon, all fiber
Is strung with great intention-
And I relinquish control.
Keys to me, departed with gladly
For my hand to hold your cheek

What lengths prove too far,
Where love also goes?

Levy me love, sweet chance

In that distance that love takes us
Each step is trod, fellowed by love;
That which we seek, follows
Man Nov 2021
this emptiness that gnaws at me
there are no words
like chalk lines on the blacktop
joy exists only momentarily
washed away by the rain
as i cry
my dead gaze
weighs heavily
on the mirror cracked
shards of my image
distorted as i am
Man Feb 2022
ranting and raving
about nothing and everything
it's so tiring
going on from one thing to the next
never any rest
tired of trying
Man Mar 6
They don't want you to look up
To look at the stars
They feel it is reserved for them,
The rich - not the intelligent.
They realize how it will make you feel,
And you'll realize,
They are too.
Man Nov 2020
you wanna **** yourself
so they put you where you'd rather die
where the fluorescents hum
and your life becomes eggshell, white
with pills you're fed
that make you emulate death
and the dead

eyes, that stare out
but barely do they do
and more oft, rarely too
instead, they turn within
and do as the dead
Man May 13
Painful truths -
That those you love are broken,
Misused and abused,
Having let only pain
Shape who they are.
What they have grown to become
Is in turn the abuser
Having never freed themselves
Of all of the trauma.
As response is triggered-
Healing is hard
Man Nov 2020
that we may fall
to arms

blades sharpened
on the grindstone of hate
atlas stands

shouldering the weight
that their words
were willed to do wicked deeds
he weeps

at the long suffering
at length and still here
Man Mar 2022
you probably think my desires
carnal, or insidious and ****** in nature
when i fantasize about strumming a song out to you
while you're still laying in bed
and rays of sunshine light up your hair
or having you curl up to me
while a movie plays
and we fall asleep in each other's arms
your voice
the first thing i hear in the morning
Man Apr 2022
take the hill
the man with the whistle
hollers, up and over
i can't remember
my mother's face
and the photo
my wife gave
is tattered to shreds
a bayonet stabs
my brother to my left
bleeding, crying out for god
clammy hands
clasping my rifle, muttering prayers
shells drop like the most
magnificent rainfall
gas creeping
like fog hanging
in humid air
Man Jul 2023
What man under modernity, is free?
Comparative to the peasantry preceding
We must seem to be
Shackled to a strange form
Of self-induced slavery
Man Mar 8
Keep your cult ****, far away from me.
You know nothing of what it is,
That what is American;
You only can claim it in name.
Those who pit the people against one another,
Deserve nothing but pain and shame
Like those who seek absolute control
And consolidation of wealth and votes
Only aimed upward, toward
Classes who are not entitled to anything
But that which us, the common people, gave them.
It looks as though
It's time to take it away
From politicians who only lobby
On behalf of corporations
On maintaining a broken status quo
Stagnant policy with no change
Votes that go toward killing bills
By the very people who write them;
What sick theater.
How long will we let this aberration of justice continue?
Man Jun 2022
words fail
where i wish to convey
what it is, in this heart,
the fire,
that shrieks to hide
but blazes into the night
straining to beat
with a summation of all its might
that is brought to life
only with that unbridled ecstasy
from simple pleasures
Man Mar 2022
if you read these
i don't know it
i need to talk
though i may not say it
may not show it
i need you
though you already know it

that's the worst
Man Dec 2020
take heed,
you are dying

don't wait in watch, the sands fall,
crack the hourglass
and feel its grit,
run it, betwixt your fingers

brave the dim
and unlit
trails not as of yet marked
frontiers still foreign

but should you not,
in your death
let you find the peace
you never distilled through life
Man Mar 5
If you think I am the rat in a cage
And not those who sit inside all day
In courthouses and temples
You are the lost one and I
Am saved

I stand, even if it is alone
And will refuse to break
Even in death

In death, you will see
What life did not deem
You fortunate enough, living
Man Mar 2022
you have actually destroyed me as a person
i was thinking the other day
it really doesn't matter, to you
since you never saw me as one anyway
just your "favorite"
Man Jan 2021
there was something i wanted write
some thing i wanted to make right
but in the end, i lost sight
and moved on

there were many things i wished to do
many a thing that would've borne fruit
but nearer the finish, my light grew dimmish
so i moved on

you told me there was never
an answer to the question "forever"
but death knows different
because we move on

and there is no trying now
no sense in staving off the dying, anyhow
a distance merchant comes to pick up his purchase
of a bid you can't out
Man Oct 2022
a tree sits,
outside my window.

autumn greets, hello

green, turns to orange,
and things previously flourished,
now go
down below
Man Mar 2022
i guess that's it
cause we both know
how cowardly you are
you can be maimed and marred
and still stay stone faced
without so much as a reaction
though you'll need that
considering you can't help from going back
to that pissant who beats
because he's still of some use to you
Man Feb 2022
what does she crave
to be fractured more?
to be left, weeping
on ash covered floors
why does she seek
to be shattered
she says this pain cannot last
trying to stem it, cutting herself
with shards of reflective glass
Man Apr 18
Roses fall, silent;
In moonlight, like pouring rain.
On the leaves, dew hangs
Man Nov 2020
crawling into a crevice
to call home
a cave in the side of a hill
carved out long ago
eons before i was conceived

bedding underneath the rocky ceiling
that fire gives way with a tango
of flames bouncing here and fro
dancing all over
Man May 2022
what is peace
a prelude to conflict
the calm before the storm
one crisis
to the next
the human memory is limited
how blessed we are that it is
with how awful life can be
Man Mar 2022
should i give up
on thoughts of us
as us
and not separate

call it bust
and quit
cause i'm ****
and a liar

stressin, cause i'm guessin
every moment
what you do
on fire

is you
and pleasure falls through
no kiss compares

spring breath, for these winter lungs
your warm lips
the feeling of your hair
as i run my fingers

and share
every thought
even if you don't
or care

i come correct
and direct
straight from the heart
can pour out my chest

what's in my head
is a terminal of tracks
trains rushing past
with no destination

and set my interal clock
back, one time last
rescind the old, new revisions

forget what came prior
close your eyes
when you tire
so close them, forever

no coming down now
trying to reach you
through the silence
has me wondering how
they did it in the past
back in the day
"simpler" times
of things denied
ages long of repression
regression, into what we were
like is the fashion of the day
Man Mar 9
The ones you worship, in truth
Not in the words written by men.
They do not care for falsehoods of the physical
Meant to veil the true nature of your soul.
The mendacities of the mind.
These are as city streets, a
Beautiful bonsai, meant to be
Nurtured with fostered growth,
And cleansed of all *****, evil.
To trim away at dead branches
Rotted wood, that would otherwise
Hurt what has its roots
Through every fiber of your being.
The reverberations are felt
Throughout eternity; the
Things you feel, think, & do.
You know of enlightenment,
Great messiahs and prophets
Spoke of it until men killed them.
The words for you to free yourself,
They are there.
Further back than these books today
That only steal from what was written.
Man Aug 2021
Longing for the land of my lineage
I am dying here, in Beggar Country
Here, where fools act the wise
Pseudo Intellectualism steadily on the rise
Where the disease celebritism has took hold
Forced out the tried and true for the shiny yet old
Where the idiom
The more things that change, the more remains the same
Is unquestionably fact
I long for Ireland
I long to go back

Give me land that's green
And rolling countryside
Give me tide to rival hell's fury
And people that mean well, amid gales so dreary
I miss fog
Like that kicked up by the mire

Give me land that's hungry
Give me people that's tired
Man Mar 2021
you leave your home
because of oppression
and in your new country
you flourish, doing well in this life

generations on
they have forgotten your struggles
as they learned hate
they have forgotten their origins
as they learned what it is
to be the xenophobe
to be the oppressor

to see your triumphs tarnished

you begotten fortunates
taking all you have for granted
slanted views, courtesy of that you've been taught
so some say it isn't your fault
but we know better, eh?
all your wealth could not stuff the gaping maw
that your soul cries out to fill
and so this is what you reap
when seeds of suffering do you sow
Man Jan 2021
i open up to you
though at times, you make me regret it
we're friends, it's true
and yet, every now and then i forget it
you're here for me
and i'm here for you
so i wish your love for me
weighed as heavily
as the pain and trauma
Man Aug 2022
God I'm a cynic
at times
I want the world to burn,
I want to die
look up in the sky
and think of the limitless possibilities
everyone out there
so many possibilities
and joy seems
so distant
Man Nov 2021
Naked death
Unclothed, unrobed
Scythe still sheathed
Christ unrisen
In his infinite wisdom
Stayed his hand
And the Cosmos remained silent
Man Jul 2021
i find myself to be a contentious person
because my big mouth
never shuts
but there's a lot of good coming out
that just gets interlaced with some bad
well-meaning, albeit, not exactly thought out
that get espoused before they're finished
i'm a rushed man
amid no rapids
Man Apr 2023
Subtlety, and nonchalant
Brace reality and confront
What needs to be

Arriving at decisions carefully
Meditative & decisively,
But knowing when to be abrupt

Head held high, chin up,
Shoulders squared, 
Ready to face what's in front

Dissected corpses of the past
Left in the lab
Behind the frontal lobe

History is,
Things that have come to pass
And things still yet to unfold
Man Aug 2023
The odd thing
About the constant moving
Of a life grown up on the road

Is the people you meet
Know you will leave
And so you get their best

However brief
Thankful for all of the positive people in my life, and those that have gone
Man Mar 2022
trust is earned
respect is earned
adoration and love
and just as easily
when it's something you scorn
the track i drive
treads worn
weather the storm
but not for much longer
Man Jan 2021
you'll find someone
to love and hold on to
and you'll have happy times

forget why you went with one another
and where you went, for what
but suppose it makes no difference
to two lovebirds

it's the kind of love that makes people turn their heads
mirrored in their faces is everything we want
so we just stare, waiting for our reflection

though that might wain
love's thrill comes in rolling
on the crest of another day
as sure as a sunrise
Man Mar 2021
and i fear when seasons
and anything in particular
its rooted far from rational explanation
reason removed, because i know
change is good
and those things that come with it
i know, i know
twelve thousand fold
for how long have i been told
fearing of change
is folly
when life is change
odd and strange
as paintings by dali
Man Feb 2022
he cries once
it's all she needs
he's cried countless times
over her
but he's a freak
Man Jun 2023
Blackheart by the bed,
Blackheart next to me.
Lying here with you
Man Jan 19
Forest floor, underbrush abound;
The light sprinklings of winter found.
Snow kissed scenery, that
Whether cold be dreary
Still seems the more dreamy, than
Tracing each step.
These frigid months of death-
Before life springs back
Bringing fresh greenery
Man Jan 2021
i have atom bomb dreams
from the desert
mushroom clouds billowing
the shockwave blow past cacti
and down dirt roads
from the cockpit of a b-29
leveling the ground below
already comprised of craters
as we pummel the earth
we become a might to match the gods
"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendour of the mighty one” Oppenheimer
Man Feb 2022
i have the courage to ****
and i've instilled the will
through a drip
and still
till i've had my fill
and the house of cards
Man Feb 2022
i really feel numb
a kind i can't shake
the kind that makes you dumb
because your wish is to feel
even if it puts your life at stake
every risk you take
despite the missteps
and many mistakes
Man May 20
Not a kiss to tell of,
Just hot lust;
Aching to feel her
Lips, around-the-clock
Man Feb 2022
one man's hell is another's heaven?
a reference
to something I said when we were younger
and dumber
it's true, i think the world of you
but what good does it do

for you?
Man Mar 8
I ask you, what is math?
What are equations?
Factored life.
I charge it is living,
Senseless pained observations which we must make
So as to live another day, so as not to perish early
And die before a just time;
The degrees of life are right.
Man must stand *****, stiffen your spine,
But remain relaxed.
Straighten out your ethics, your morals;
Never forget from where you came.
Your ancestors, this planet.
That you are just in another herd.
No really different than any other animal,
Only in our intelligence.
Which is itself, a gift.
So give thanks to mother nature.
She could use it
Man Mar 2022
put yourself in my boots
is that something you can do
and look through
my view
at how things rest
and you'd ask too
is there any use?
Man Jun 2023
I don't stop
Crying, when others
Enter the room.
I just cry quietly
Or laspe into
A silent weeping.
Man Mar 6
Everything I say, I never believe.
Then, why speak?
It is paradoxical,
That is the purpose

That when you encounter this
You show the cheek, and
Continue to speak your truths.
To not let another, shy you away
From heartfelt honesty.
The beliefs held at the soul's root

To be true to no one else,
But reality
The harsh things that stand
As obstacles for our race
The species run, now from us
Nature rendered with disgrace
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