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Life, like the universe itself
Full of darkness, full of light
Always moving.

Shell ✨🐚
Life a reflection of the universe
When I lay myself to sleep
When actually I want to weep
That’s when I close my eyes
and say a silent prayer
while teardrops falling sideways.

When you are sad or distressed that’s the time that you need a silent prayer
 Feb 2021 Niel
within your voice a Sun rises
silence is a red dwarf dreaming
across surreal skies of violet

I see the unfolding Universe
in the breath of a nights song
rising with the dawn chorus.
it had clipped the hand in error

left a moon shape mark

turned black

or maybe

is was dark blue with a little red added

lasted two weeks and still prominent

much has happened since the pinch

rain, mutations and slight headaches

the path is blocked off
due to mud and saturation

life goes on
the mark remains

it was remarked that there is no hurry
that we have the rest of the winter

happily with a little chocolate
 Feb 2021 Niel
no bows only rain
her eyes were the color of burnt sienna
arched over pools of black.
she had the smell of chimney on her breath
and wrinkles like flowing smoke around her lips.
she looked an age only defined by sullen experience, matured from countless wakeful nights.
its impossible to guess just how many years her face met the pillow
and the pillow soaked her tears.
 Feb 2021 Niel
no bows only rain
im just a girl
who loves other girls,
but im in love with a boy
and i can’t keep my head straight.
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