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Charles Hobgood May 2020
Born with gifts and flaws, we ride
The merry-go-round of life
goes up and down like painted ponies
The wheels we put in motion
will brings peace or run over us
No matter the effort, life’s tragedies
will break our spirit.
Will our hearts
become a thousand broken pieces?
Or will these cracks be
where the light comes in?
Charles Hobgood May 2020
Finding yourself means being lost.
The only way to reappear is to disappear
Admit you do not know
and are lousy at predictions.
Life will reveal itself.

To know for even one brief moment
what it means to be free
Never settle for a smaller version of yourself
Measuring outcomes leads us
away from inner treasures
Charles Hobgood May 2020
Woe to those
who lead little lives
Who leave more inside
than ever gets used

Haunted by ghost
of unborn dreams
Looking toward tomorrow’s
that never come

Smothering their fires of hope
with wet blankets
If only they could ride their dragons
extinguishing fears from yesterday

In a world pestered by distortions
dreams are doorways for the brave
Courage comes and goes
hold on for the next supply
Charles Hobgood May 2020
Solitude the unwanted guest
at the Christmas Day celebration,
can you imagine anything worst than
spending Christmas Day alone?
Remember as a child misbehaving
being sent to, “time-out”
for added misery you were
positioned to see others playing.
Today in prison, the worst of the worst,
when they are even worse- solitary confinement.
The picture is clear in our society
solitude is negative, punishment.
Research subjects report in experiments
solitude reduces your happiness and joy.

However, the story is not over
these same research subjects
report solitude adds calmness,
reduces anxiety and enhances clarity.
The question becomes when
I go for a walk in the woods,
what  is my objective?
The solitary turtle sunning
on the  log in the pond,
what is his objective?
Next time you go for a walk
in the woods, leave your device at home
don’t be so quick to call a friend,
goggle a sports score or type in HelloPoetry.
Charles Hobgood May 2020
Time has no space
to be bamboozled
No space for quaint, petty, or polite things
Things that put you to sleep
Time needs to be jolted
Time is beyond chin-up, spine-straight, eyes-ahead
Time lives in radiance
Time demands that washing the dishes becomes holy
Taking a shower becomes part of the water cycle
Emptying the trash an ecological celebration
Time our gift from grandeur
Put down your electronic device
and create your own buzz!
Charles Hobgood May 2020
Fly on the window’s ledge
Stuck upside down
Twisting and turning
A ***** disease carrier
I could swat you
One quick blow
Easy, you’re trapped

I blow a gentle stream of air
You land feet first and fly away
Your struggle too much like mine
Challenged by twists and turns
Sleepwalking in daylight
Missing the universal stream
Which breathe will lift me?
Charles Hobgood May 2020
To lose your self in a fabricated world
Being occupied by the mundane
Convention the burial ground
for artful living
There exist a great vortex of false promises.

Follow the difficult trail
Ripen like seed in fertile ground
Love the question and not the answer
Learn to live into the question
Watching your self grow takes patience.
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