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I close my eyes
To visualize
A romanticized
Big picture prize
Then realize
To my surprise
It's all been lies
And my soul cries

No ceremony
Or invention
Ever stagnant

You, foul Country
Are my skin
You are not tunic
Not shalwar

Not the shame
With which I
Stiffle my chest
Not love

Fumbling, flapping
Forced to sit
And forced to flee

Your tongue burns
As a curse
On my tongue
Your hands

Are *****
With my guilt
Your crime
Was me

Your tears seep
In pillow and they
Weep all night
On my face

There is no grief
In me to spare
You bring with you
Everything hot

You beat
As a breathing
Heart of fire
Your feet

Are defiant
Stained with a Henna
That is red as souls
Your wounds

Are flowers on my
Palms, your laments
****** in my wrists
In beauty, I

Return to you
You, the grotesque
Soil of my sprout
Your sins my scars

Your songs my scars
Your violent dances
Alive as tulips
And the love

That you make
Is borne of silence
Whispered, crime
Your law is grey

Your child looks
At me forever
And it moves
Like winds, it moves

Me, it disgusts
At me, and in there
It examines everything
The streets

In your stare
Are quiet and shut
All the jewels
Are jewels of shame

And I do not
Wear you like a flag
I do not rejoice
When you are green

Release me
Or do not leave
Tyrant, I love you.
You peasant, you fool

Your kisses are petty
Your weight frail
You sob like a railway
And all your people

Are dead.
They were running
To you, their homes
Behind. They

Were all running
For you. You reach
In the quiet for me
But I am bleeding

I have killed the sun
And the dawn is you
Sweet, haggard, lover
Of brisk touch and flame

Your massacre
Is my massacre.
Your foul decay
Is my blood.
I've prayed for you
a million times
before I laid
my eyes unto yours

I've dreamt of this
for a thousand summers
before your sunshine
shone deep unto my abyss
I ride the waves of sorrow
to join eternal bliss
I await a kindly person
to plant a gentle kiss
what is joy
intervals of
soprano blue laughter
climb over
rainbows of happiness
dwell inside
of the
little boy soul
inside of joy
One night i dreamed i was a tree
Full strength and beauty within me
Though perilous storms hit the sky
My branches clapped quite high
And when i lost a limb or two
I grew stronger blooming new
Birds came to visit once to rest
Friends stayed and built a nest
Some leaves i just had to let go
They're old and new had to grow
I dreamed too much of that tree
As I burried the seeds it gave me
Sow Wisdom beauty and strength
I'll heighten to break free the fence

∴ Lyna Salman
 May 26 Bekah Halle
I lost myself in the most
pathetic possible way,
I will never be able to handle
losing myself.

But in the midst of darkness,
I found a glimmer of light,
a moment of grace that whispered,
you are more than your flaws.

I may have lost the old me,
but the new me is still growing,
finding strength in vulnerability,
and resilience in the face of loss.

So, here's to the journey of
losing and finding oneself,
for in the broken pieces,
we discover our truest beauty.
Dearest reader ;
I know it's unbelievable, unfortunately we have to be able to handle this inescapable truth :

I fear him
The him I carry inside
It doesn't control the heart
But it controls the mind
I'm afraid to go in there
Because I'm afraid of what I'll find
Me looking blankly back at me
The me I know has basically died

The star's are obscured by clouds
Like curtains hiding a stage
I wait
For the play to begin
 Apr 17 Bekah Halle
If my words are worthy
And if they are a trail of stars
Let them lead me back to You
Do not let me stray too far

And when my heart is lonely
When my light submits to dark
Do not let me lose You
Do not let me stray too far
I think this will be the most definitive year of my life so far
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