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Imagine walking into a forest full of pine and other trees
They are all colors and sizes

As you stop amongst the trees, all you can hear is the deep silence
and the sound of your boots as you walk along on the dirt path

A slight cool breeze rustles through the trees moving the limbs
as the branches sway back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze

It is pleasant and calming
There is a scent of freshness in the air
It is invigorating

The sky is clear, and there is a glimmer of the sun gently hitting the path ahead
As you look up through the trees, the sun seems to shimmer

You keep walking
At the end of the path, is a small log cabin with
a fire burning in the fireplace, waiting quietly for its owner to return
You can smell something baking in the oven

It’s a perfect summer day
Dreams are what we make
From the ideas, wants and desires
From our minds and spirits
We can take them into reality
At anytime
It just requires will, persistence
And faith
If you believe
Especially in yourself
You can do anything
At anytime, anywhere
Dream big
Watch it grow
Into your reality
We are each an artist
Creating our own worlds
When hope is lost
Heavy darkness comes
Light diminishes
The idea of tomorrow fades
We feel mired down
We are frozen

When hope is lost
People lose their north
They lose their sense of purpose
Seeking any sliver of light to lift
To show them the way
To guide
Seeking anything to inspire
But the vast void

When hope is lost
and darkness comes
We hunger for the light
We need it
To survive
We long for hope
We pray it comes
Sitting in a café
Or a restaurant
Facing the street
On a bright sunny day
Watching the traffic pass
People on the street
All shapes and sizes
Different colors of clothing
Different languages
A Coke truck across the street
Horns honking
It’s life
In the city
The café has plants
Many large green ones
They offer a slice
Of nature and calm
In a busy city
She was staying at the beach
Her room looked out on the boardwalk
The beach was beautiful
White sand
Turquoise water
Warm sun but not too hot
When the sun hit the water the reflection looked like shimmering diamonds

One night after dinner she sat on a bench
Facing the ocean
Watching the moon and sea do their dance together
The moon shone brightly down on the waves
Highlighting the white tips of the waves
As the moon continued to shine
The water seemed to move in an almost hypnotic way
Getting stronger and stronger
Drawing her to it

She was entranced
She could not pull herself away
Though time passed and it was time to go
She watched the dance of the moon and the sea as they spun their magic together
We’re addicted
We can’t quit
We talk about it
Yet it continues
Sad event after event
Year after year
American addiction

No matter how awful
The pain and horror
We can’t quit
Oh there’s talk
Hand wringing
Crying and shouting
Yet nothing changes
American addiction

When will courage
Appear to stop this
When will life
Truly be valued
Lately it’s been children
Paying the price
American addiction

Life is precious
Beyond materialism
Beyond power
We each have one
It’s up to us
How we choose
To live
It’s time to stop
The carnage
Look after each other
American addiction
Can we quit
Are we ready??
I am a survivor
Many of us are
From the few  last years or so
We have battle scars
From fear, loss, illness
Overall stress from the times
But, we are still here
Still standing
Broken perhaps
But we made it through
To the other side
Though so many did not
Such loss and pain
The war is not over yet
It’s still going on
In so many places
The danger is still there
Muted only by vaccines
For that we are grateful
Yet we must remain vigilant
More battles may be coming
Yet we have made it to this point
We are survivors
We too are warriors
I am thankful
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