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8.1k · Dec 2017
Charles Campbell Dec 2017
Roblox is better than Minecraft
Minecraft should be called minecrap
In Roblox you can play so many games
Minecraft's one is very lame
Who else plays Roblox
1.5k · Nov 2017
Dank Memes
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
There's nothing that I love more
Than instagram and its meme galore.
There's all the memes I could ever want,
Ones with weird meanings or large fonts.
They make me smile for a little while,
Luckily phones and their memes are mobile.
I can see a picture, a combo of Os and Ones
And I can laugh until I eventually have to be done.
1.3k · Nov 2017
International Penpal
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
I have an international penpal.
I don't know where they're from
Our first letters were just us getting to know each other .
I learned that they like gum,
They learned about my brother.
I dont think they know English...
They most likely use Google Translate,
They use words like 'tingleish.'
I tell them what life is like, they think its great.
I don't know who they are or where they're from,
All I know is that I have an International Penpal.
1.3k · Jan 2018
Tide Pods
Charles Campbell Jan 2018
At this point are we even shocked,
eating tide pods became a sensation in hours on the clock.
please don't eat the forbidden fruit,
else we'll have to burry you in your suit.
all because you ate tide pods,
of all of the detergents this one is a little odd.
please don't e-eat th-t-the p-po-pp-pods

But wait, whats that?
is that what I think it is?

a tide pod.

I can't eat it right? I won't eat it... right?

Well.. how I can't let it go to waste right? That would be bad....
It looks so enticing,
"Just one bite" it seems to say.
I can't; I won't. But the temptation.....
I have to; I must.

Alas, the time has come for me to finally face the problem head on.

I shall eat the tide pod
on a real not this is a joke and seriously don't eat tide pods
911 · Oct 2017
It Clears My Mind
Charles Campbell Oct 2017
"I'm sneaking out tonight."
"It clears my mind."

She, a light in the dark, left.
Neither Lord nor I know where she went,
Perhaps right or left, east or west.
She told me as she fled: "I just need to vent."
The memories we had, they were a backpack.
When she emptied it out, I knew we'd never get those times back.
The times that we had seemed to haunt her
Those times I'd try to talk to her but my words would slur,
Out of my mouth something stupid would spill,
Again and again, my words would try to climb that hill,
Through my heart, up my throat, and out my mouth.
It happened in a moment,
She was there once,
Gone second,
And lost third.
I understand why she needs to vent.
I understand why she wants to forget.
I understand why she doesn't want this.
She wants to leave it all.
It makes me weak, I want to fall.
I want to fall to the Earth and make her understand,
I love her.
But now she'll never know.

"I Worry About You."

This is about two friends (boy and girl, one of which likes the other). One night, the girl says she is going to sneak out of her house. The boy doesn't know how to react. He fears she'll never come back. He never finds out.
526 · Jan 2018
Charles Campbell Jan 2018
So it’s over, the end of 2017 draws near.
After 365 days in orbit, another year is here.
Earth has gone through a lot these past months,
Everything from Donald trump
To “Gucci gang” by lil pump.
Everything from the end of net neutrality,
To North Korea sending America into a calamity.
There has been unrest, pain, and wounds deep,
Especially when we lost our hero lil peep.
So here it is, a toast to a new opportunity for change.
Yes, things may get a little strange.
But hey, we’ll just have to see.
HERE’S TO 2018!
~Charles Campbell
525 · Oct 2017
Broken Hearted
Charles Campbell Oct 2017
There I sat, broken hearted
Try to **** but only farted.
This is an old little saying we used to say at camp when we were little. Enjoy :).
Charles Campbell Dec 2017
I have a place where I can go,
A place nobody knows,
I sneak away there when life's too much to bear,
I am onto of the world there.

It's far up in the mountains and forests,
A place where you can hear birds win their chorus,
I sneak away there when life's too much to bear,
I am onto of the world there.

It's the best place to go to watch the sun go down,
A place where you can see the lights go on all over town,
I sneak away there when life's too much to bear,
I am onto of the world there.

Its the best place to stop and look around,
A place where your thoughts have no bound,
I sneak away there when life's too much to bear,
I am onto of the world there

I sneak away there when life's too much to bear,
I am onto of the world there.
Charles Campbell Oct 2017
But you're dancing with another guy.
I wish that was me in your arms.
I love you and you'll never know.

357 · Oct 2017
Why do Leaves Fall?
Charles Campbell Oct 2017

I won't pretend I understand it at all,
You know, the reason why leaves fall.
Maybe the tree and the leaves got in a brawl?
Now that I think about it, that would explain the color change.
This whole "Fall" thing is really strange!

353 · Nov 2017
Im gonna fail my test
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
Im going to fail my test
Miss one problem then miss the rest.
Who gives a test after a break?
My sleep, my studying will take.
Why am I writing this?
I have a test I don't wanna miss.
Im legit going to fail my test
347 · Dec 2017
These Poems on here are...
Charles Campbell Dec 2017
Some of the poems are depressing,
Some are messy and others are pressing.
Some glimpses of dreams,
Others tell the stories of people who gleam.
Some people may seem sad
Other look at life and are glad.
When you right a a few lines,
they mix to make a story like grape vines.
So go ahead, write wha ever it is you want,
your dreams, wants, memories, whatever
I challenge you
Go ahead, be inspired
333 · Dec 2017
Glass World
Charles Campbell Dec 2017
Everything these days has glass
Everything from buildings to the phones produced in mass
Do we stop and look
Or do our eyes our phones hook
I encourage you to Look around
To see beyond the glass
To see the beauty that is the world
324 · Nov 2017
Fake Names
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
Did you know you can create a fake name?
You can restart like life is a game.
You can be anyone you want.
You can be George from Vermont,
Charles from Africa,
Or even Boris in Antartica.

All the people who you could be,
Its nice to finally not be me.

That's not to say I don't love my life,
I do, and you should to.
But, its not as exciting as James Bond,
Being an olympic gold medalist,
Heck, being an astronaut on the moon.

With a new name,
Infinite possibilities follow soon.
303 · Nov 2017
Can't we be happy?
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
Why are so many poems sad?
Why do so many people in this world seem like they've gone mad?
Why does the news always show something bad?

Can't we be happy?
Why do things have to appear so sappy?
Why is everybody always so ****** crabby?

Cant' we be happy?
287 · Nov 2017
The Rain
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
It's raining outside,
I'd rather be out there rather than inside here by a landslide.
There's nothing like seeing the dark clouds above,
And the rain pouring down; that what I love.
I love jumping into puddles,
Hearing the rain outside as a book and I snuggle,
To resist the urge to go outside is my biggest struggle.

Then the clouds leave and skies of blue show.
I get a little sad, the ran clouds are no longer aglow.
See, rain gives me a new world for a moment.
You can't see your worries when the fog it too potent.
So, clouds, next time you see my town,
Come on over and let your rain fall down.
I'd love to see some rain right about now.
What can I say, I love rain
251 · Nov 2017
Post-it Poems
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
I feel like I just might grab a post-it
and jot down a little poem.
It could be my thoughts on a particular thing
or lyrics to a song I'll never sing.
Perhaps I'll be over the moon,
other times I'll be sad and gloom.
But, Post-its are there for me
249 · Jul 2021
If you should say goodbye
Charles Campbell Jul 2021
Be careful if you say goodbye.
For if those seven letters trickle off your tongue,
If you turn out of this cul-de-sac,
If you burn the memories of us from your phone,
If you fill your brain lies about how you feel,
- How you felt –
How you feel,
- How you felt –
How you feel,
- How you felt –
How you

How the sun filtered through your hair as we watched it set
How blueberries always tasted sweeter around you
How the rows of a supermarket turned into the nectar of memories
How polaroids of you always captured more than a photo
How the aquarium turned into an open sea of love
How prom felt like a rehearsal for the dances at our wedding
How you fixed my 1%
How 4lifers seemed like more than just an empty platitude

If you fill your brain with lies about how you felt:
I can promise you it will be the last time.

Goodbye, C_
this one. this one hurts.
230 · Oct 2017
This is for you
Charles Campbell Oct 2017
This is for you
This is for the person who feels like the world forgot about them
This is for you, you don't realize that you're a gem
This is for you, you're trying to get through every day
This is for you, friendship is a job and you never got paid.

This is for you
This is for the person who uses Snapchat filters to hide their insecurities
This is for you, who doesn't know beauty isn't just their outer design
This is for you, who tries to hide what's going on with treatments
This is for you, who feels like zits have to be one big secret.

This is for you
This is for the person who never goes to events
This is for you, who would rather stay home and vent
This is for you, because you feel like you will mess up
This is for you, because the hardest thing for you to do when you see a person is to walk up.

This is for you
This is for the person who hates themselves
This is for you, the person who hates how their ears look like elves
This is for you, the person who hates mirrors
This is for you, the person whos own self they seem to fear.

This is for me. This is for you.
Get better soon.

224 · Nov 2017
I Didn't Mean To
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
I didn't mean harm with what I said.
I tried and tried to apologize while all you did was insult me and fill me with dread.
You didn't have to yell at me
Can't you just let me be.
221 · Nov 2017
The Stars
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
She once asked me "What do you think when you look at the stars?"
For once I didn't need to think long and hard.
When I look at the stars I think about the past
If anybody else looked up and was think what I am now.
If somebody has loved the way I do under these stars.
If somebody knew that I'd be thinking of them in the future.
If somebody felt what I feel now.
If somebody cared.
don't rhyme but what can ya do.
186 · Nov 2017
It Rained Today
Charles Campbell Nov 2017
It rained today.


— The End —