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Randy Johnson Jan 2023
Last night we said goodbye to 2022.
Out with the old and in with the new.
The new year is here at last.
2022 is a thing of the past.
I hope that 2023 will be a terrific year.
And when I say that, I'm being sincere.
I hope the new year will bring happiness and prosperity.
We said goodbye to 2022 and we're saying hello to 2023.
Alex McQuate Dec 2022
Fight, Love, Look, See,
Take in such a beautiful brawl that stars you and me,
Flying chairs and broken glass,
Blackened eyes and much-kicked ***.

One more time around that big ball of fire,
What will this trip bring this time around?
Some mud and hard to trek mire,
Or gold and diamond laid ground,
An easy path ahead towards we joyfully bound?

Such wisdom must lie in the future,
Startling realizations and obstacles we approach,
Yet stretches onward like a magnificent azure beacher,
That one might upon first glance be wary to broach.

But saunter forth we must,
With the trodden gait of some war-weary old sailor,
With a rind of salt crust,
Who has been both Captain and Bailer,
Lost-Limbed and near broken.

Such a great journey this last trip was,
Such changes it has brought,
With a son I learned caution and to be more kind,
Abandoning my careless risks,
To have more presence of mind,
To weigh my options and be more careful with my money,
And to always be more kind.

But roots you should not forget,
To take chances still,
To still live life with no regrets,
For no flour is made in a place that is a still mill.

Love this world,
But don't hate the things you can't change,
Fight for those things,
With tooth and claw,
For those things will be the most relished victory of all.

I sit here typing this,
A bittersweet adieu to the year 2022,
For death rung in the year,
And leaves me with the gift of a new life,
The start with a startling pain from the stab of a knife,
But ending with the approaching of joy that is oh-so-near.

Lace up your boots,
******* your pack,
Take a seat,
Buckle in,
7 seconds left on this bucking bronc,
A last kick that will bring a few more knocks,
But will bring in the new year with smiles that lets the last stings of death defrocked.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2022
This year drawing to a close
Mind clouded by memory;
Your name
Future is a mystery but one thing is certain
Nothing ever will again be the same
I never thought I'd have to live without you so soon
Cameron Nov 2022



The clock keeps ticking on.

First a second, then an hour.

Then a year, then a decade.




The sun had always shone for me,

but now I stand only in the dusk.

The clock keeps ticking on.




Two decades dead and gone,

How many more have yet to come?

The clock keeps ticking on.
Alex Jan 2022
this deep well simmers
this deep well of nothing
why did i even think that i was
or any less empty
just because i had more things
to distract me

almost thought it doesn't consume you
as much as it did
this is what growing up was supposed
to be like, right?
everything falling into place.

new years eve I realized,
i may really well be the one
to die
happy new year. feeling better now but the holiday seasons,,,sheesh.
Arlen Jan 2022
Dear 2022,

I will try to have hope for you.
I will try to hold you near.
I will try to love you.
And in return please be a dear.
Please don't let them hurt me.
Please hold me when my tears fall.
Please be there for me through it all.

And when it gets tough.
Let there be goodness.
Let there be love too.
And let hope blossom anew.
If you could do this.
We would all be extremely, entirely,
gratefully indebted to you.  

Those hoping for something new
Here's to hoping for a good 2022
To some,
It's just a new day
Like the days before this;
A change in a date
Like 2021 changing into 2022;
There's nothing special about today
Cuz "New Year New Me" is a myth
That's what I used to believe
Until 2020,
When I realized that there's more
It's not just arithmetic figures
But it's the start of a new beginning
Of our lives journey
To the future
Where unending opportunities await
To better education, skills and lives
Get closer to our family and friends
Build broken relationships
Work out on our bodies
Be kind to strangers and the needy
Quit drinking and smoking
Practice financial management
And it all starts with a checklist,
A plan to execute it
Achieve each of them
And review for progress
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