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Ayodeji Oje Aug 2020
Groping in the dark
when there is light?
When light beams,
darkness takes off.
Kiss the beaming life
And you'll find your breath.
Jasmine Reid Aug 2020
let me drip venom in your mouth,
poison your lungs, corrupt your thoughts,
break your limbs,

let me drown you under the waves of desire,
love me with your wrists bound,
pretend this is a dream

and learn your lesson now
Maria Mitea Aug 2020
One sunny afternoon                                        
I set my tent in the jungle,
and broke every rule walking alone to find a sip of fresh water.     
I studied everything I could about big creatures that live in the jungle. I was convinced that there are no lions and hyenas, ...
when all of a sadden I could not step on the ground.      
Paralyzing pain was numbing my right leg.
I was bitten by a venomous creature.
I immediately knew that I’ll die
The fear helped me deepen my breath, with no hope for survival ...
Big creatures have been given power, while minuscule one have been gifted with venom and poison to protect themselves.

Never underestimate a minuscule creature, ...
Life teachings come to us in many ways.

There is more and more knowledge, but never more learning.

Learning comes through direct experience.

In the jungle, I learned a big deal about the so-called small creatures ... My experience taught me that there are no small creatures...
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Sipping daydreams, guzzling emptiness
Poison licks its carcinogenic tongue
Stains the buds that long for sweet
Sweet they taste
Forced sugar and sprinkled honey
Sweetness is sweet
The tongue tastes malice. And venom
Smooth toxicity glass half empty
Infected throat, glass half full
But always the glass empty’s
Self replenishment
Sage May 2020
And I know you don't care.
You just know how to transform love into venom.
You whip me with your insanity.
You give me of my own medicine.
An unrequited love with oneself. Life manifests a person to tell you that the rejection you feel is for yourself.
LWZ Apr 2020
Why do I bother with the anticipation of love (lust).

No escaping the pain. One way or the other.
Roulette at its finest.

The love for family burns holes in my heart.
Romantic love burns like cigarettes on the flesh.
Searing the skin right before your eyes.

Sometimes you can smell your smoldering ignited flesh.

Other times in sneaks up behind and the ******* leaves you paralyzed.

Insidiously leaving venom in your veins.
The pain may never disipate.
lua Dec 2019
I could feel the longing in her eyes
As we spoke
Each word she whispered stung and ached
Like the bite of a venomous snake
But every move she made had screamed
With unspoken apologies
Apologies for what,
I did not know.
She did not do anything wrong
Ashwin Kumar Nov 2019
How dare you?
How dare you do this to me?
I, who have put so much trust in you
And you take all that trust away
And shatter it into a million tiny pieces
Leaving me, frozen with shock
To watch helplessly
Cursing my poor luck
And praying desperately
That the day should end
So that I can at least begin afresh

How dare you?
How dare you do this to me?
How dare you think
That you shall get away with it?
You, shall pay for your actions
I shall transform myself
Into the monstrous form
Of a King Cobra
As I quietly, but swiftly
Gently, but firmly
Slither towards your pathetic form
I relish that fear in your eyes
As I raise my majestic hood
I see you cower in terror
As I hiss in a quiet, but deadly manner
I see you whimper and moan
However, as always, I am totally unmoved
Before you can say "mercy"
I strike, and strike repeatedly
Enjoying that wonderful feeling
Of my long and razor-sharp fangs
Sinking into your warm flesh
Relishing that wonderful taste
Of the warm and delicious blood
That runs through your veins
As my highly neurotoxic venom
Pierces every nerve and sinew of your body
Every artery and vein
I can sense, that Justice has been served
As your body becomes immobile
And crumbles in a heap
I hiss once more
As if to say again, "How dare you?"
This poem is dedicated to RailYatri; who failed to deliver dinner during my train journey yesterday evening.
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