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Karijinbba Oct 2021
Freedom is power
Born in wealth, the sins
of my fingertips
silent tongue did cast me aside
your kingdom diamond crown.
Chronological genius you
for chrono disaster me Ram.
O feedom who runs free!
Mostly winds fly blowing yelling
hissing out so loud
winds destroying Mansions
strong towers and never get charged
with deadly blowing crimes.
No human has such freedom.
Wind is free to give life or death.
We all pop out giving joy and pain.
We begin in the same womb, yet live estranged from each other on this planet lucky to even share a song
or a poem, slaves to buck
that must be earned to pay for
bare necessities.
Lucky we pay not for oxigen
to breathe as of yet.
Oh that I was wind to fly and
Swirl my lover up and down the whole night through cosmophile
and blow all enemies skyhigh
and back down eighty mile an hour.
If only your freedom winds
joined mine E.T. divine for  
my hurracane dancing twisters
Tycoons or soft breeze
to sway the willows of our sins
Oh wind Tandabam tam-tam
Come be not gone tantric
with passer by greener
grassy winds.
at least one shooting every week
congress & president mild and meek
whatever they might do or say
no blame goes to the NRA

that keeps abusing the 2nd amendment
     who needs militias today?!
and thanks to that ****** arrangement
more students weekly fall prey

to psychopaths in our states
whose weapons open the gates
to free indiscriminate killing
thanks to our politicians unwilling

to forego all the boons
they receive from their insane tycoons
The recent high school  shooting in Santa Fe, TX, is the 20th school shooting in the 20th week of 2018 .... who tf wants to attend (high) school in the USA any more?!

— The End —