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Kimberly Jan 2023
It feels like you died.
Gone, out of my life.
In that instant you were taken away...
I try to find you
I really try to
I can not let go of you 'til this day...
One day if I see you,
I hope you will remember me, too
I will greet you
With tears bleeding down my face...
I hope I do see you
I really need you
Losing you only added to the pain.
I hate to say this
Do not know how you will take this
But at times I felt like you were to blame...
Only 'cause I was angry
At the reality of never seeing you again...
But I was never upset with you anyway...
It just hurts deeply
Your absence completely
Destroyed any progress we made...
The depth of my grieving
Thoughts of you leaving
There are times I can not function for days...
I sit on my bed, crying.
Devastated and desperately whispering your name...
Wishing you back has not worked yet...
But I am hoping that it will, some day....
This is part two to a piece I wrote about losing my therapist suddenly and unexpectedly, the one person I had in my life that gave me strength and love and support... She was everything I did not have my whole life and I made poems about the pain of not having her ...
Kimberly Jan 2023
When I would walk into your office
I would leave, almost thoughtless...
How I miss you... so very much.
I can not believe
How much it hurts me
I am still crying after seven months...
You; all I needed in my life
A mother figure, friend, healer all wrapped in one.
I was safe, open, comfortable...
I could be myself and that was more than enough.
I would cry, curse, make dark jokes
And it was never in your nature to judge...
We would come full circle by the end of each session
We had revelations about my life, the person I want to become...
You knew that I had a side of me that would make most people run...
You helped me heal when it killed me to deal
With all my pain and even things that I have done...
I fell to pieces on your couch
I told you secrets about
The things that broke me
Then you would patch me up.
You recognized me
Beneath my darkness
Nothing hurts more than losing someone does.
The background behind this poem is that I was blessed to have met the best therapist on the planet... she knew all of my trauma she was the best person in my life she made me strong. she was so funny and one day she told me that she had to go.... and then the last session we had I never saw or heard from her again... There is a part two. this piece was about what it was like having her, and part two will be about what it is like without her. I titled them MJ because her name was Jamie and I called her Miss Jamie. I will always love that woman.
MeanAileen Jan 2023
clutter everywhere
retail therapy gone bad...
nothing fills the void
I shop too much
Esther Jan 2023
the cold fan running
the people chattering
i'm in the waiting room
biting my own nails
my brain is wired
my mind as blank
as the white wall in front of me
it's half past the scheduled time
of the appointment i never wanted to show up to
the psychologist is not here yet...
where is she?
i'm sitting here anxiously waiting
shaking my knees, rocking back and forth
can she just get here already?
so we can go back to that same old room
talk about the same old useless ****
for what must've been the hundredth time
and does it even matter
because none of it will fix my problems?
i'm still sitting here
my thoughts are consuming me
with each ticking of the clock
the fan feels a little colder
and the chatters seem a little louder
Ginn Mosxa Oct 2022
It's not the end of me.
It was
A punch to the gut,
Throw me in a rut
Kind of feeling
If you must know
I did cry
Much like the day we met
But just as you've said
I know I've grown since
3 whole years have passed
It felt so fast
Growing with you as I did
I'd never be here now
If you hadn't stepped in

So I thank you,
For all the days
Though you were paid
You cared all the same
My greatest teacher
Biggest cheerleader
We had something grand
But now
It's all in my hands

I wish you the best
Your aid I'll never forget
With love, Gin.
A letter to my (ex) therapist. I'm going to be okay.
M Sep 2022
It scorched the Earth beneath my feet,
Forever tainted and augmented how I experience my world,
the world around me.

Things look different. Taste odd. Sound funny.

You can never go back. Never undo.

What's done is done.

And now,
Well, now,
You must live in the aftermath.

There has only ever been the aftermath.
The before time was a story you'd tell yourself to sleep better
        at night.
Stories of being Loved, Seen, Cared for, Known.
All fairytales that you'd gorge yourself on,
Imagine living in.

Anything to take away the pain,
Anything to make the loneliness stop.

As you grew, you leaned on other things to take away the
        feelings: cutting, eating, distracting, dissociating.

Make it numb.
Make it tolerable.                    
It hardened you.
Broke parts of you.
While the world around you continued to take.

You tried to stay afloat.

Sometimes, flirting with the idea of going under,
Wishing and praying to let the waves wash you away.
Never letting them.

Always trying.
Trying to rebuild from the rubble at your feet.

Some time, along the way, forgetting,
                                                                ­   it wasn't your bomb.
                                     You didn't detonate.

It wasn't your dilapidated, abused house - you Just lived there.

It wasn't.
It isn't.
It wasn't your fault.
It never was.
Wrote this after therapy. It is Never your fault.
Nicole Aug 2022
I'm walking to therapy
The sun is hot on my black clothing
I feel calm as i let my mind wander
I wonder what I'll talk about today
I could discuss my relationship
Since its been a bit rocky lately
Or I could talk about harder stuff
Like you
I could talk about you

Just the thought dries my lungs out
Takes my breath away from me again
You're always doing that
The buildings around me feel taller now
More suffocating, closing in around me
And the office, I can see is just 2 blocks down,
Suddenly stretches like a band
Pulling further away from me
With a tension that makes me dizzy
Its like im walking down a tunnel and
The soles of my shoes feel like boulders
Weighing me down, throwing off my balance
I don't want to get there now
I no longer feel real
Thoughts of you change everything
I don't want to talk about you
And that's exactly why I need to
neth jones Jul 2022
reminded of my hurt youth
             that never did quell

reprimand the cowardly self

should have sought
    correction from the harm
                that stoppered me

but i was too embarrassed
            to be met in therapy
R M May 2022
in the dark depths
of despair i thought
of joining you

aching with grief
as if struck too
i was lost in the
loss of you

but pain doesn't heal
hurt and more death
can't bring us to life

so i carry you inside
because as long
as i love you
you're alive
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