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Penguin Poems Nov 2018
do you have any idea
how ******* good it feels
to see that smiley face
and know you might be imitating it as we type?
HappyHappyHappy Feb 2017
How come when I know that it'll just hurt, I keep on laughing?

How come when I know it will be only a painful memory for me, but keep on smiling?

How come when I know that you will never love me back, I keep on loving you?

Why do I keep on smearing that fake grin on my face, when I know it's not real?

Goofy me and my goofy acts.

Sad. Despair. Pain. Misery. Tears. Cries. Scars. Anger. Broken.

But I keep on laughing.

hahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahha people laughing is good for your health!!! hahhahahahahahhahaahmerrychristmashahhahahaha(that was random)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In present times the world is filled up,
Like a crazy cartoon with characters that build up,
A new hope for an inadequate concieved pup,
Be wary of the real undead whose hearts that still pump,
They live and breathe and talk in their pin ups,
Like the crimson they seek to fill up
Their stomachs of ego will still thump,
Unto the light of the unexpecting machine clump,
Running on programs of unending ****,
That is, what they think, for they forgot the time that they believe is up,
They too are humans that are machine dumps.
Know your friends, or do this and try to protect your friends, if any of it makes sense.
That One Guy Oct 2015
I want to write you you more
Because you are the one I adore
You are a best friend to me
And a lover
I'll kiss you free
Of pain, stress, and anxiety

I think of you as a friend
Of course I will defend

I'm going to bring you on dates
I'll bring you flowers
But more importantly
I'll be here, smiling
And giving my all
To catch you when you fall
In love with me again
And lift you up
And kiss you when you stand tall
shosho Rea Dec 2014
Thank you to the writers.
You somehow manage to portray a feeling that I a reader cannot put out there, you seem to understand what I am going through let it be pain, love, happiness, you understand me... Thank you for making me feel safe with your words. For making me feel as if I am not the only one.

To the readers.
Thank you for taking your time to listen to our words, to feel our emotions and being there for us just by reading our vulnerability. You accept us for what we really are.

To those who made a huge impact.
Thank you for the pain, the love and the chaos, Its been the best experience that has given us such motivation to keep writing and inspiration to those who needed someone to talk on their behalf.

To poetry.
Thank you for being my escape from reality, God knows how much I need it. Thank you for being more than just art but a way of Life. Thank you
I'm not really good with outing my words, I can't say **** properly out loud, but for some reason when I have a pen and paper or a laptop, my phone or even where its sandy, my words just flow. Every bit of me is put out there. And I thank God for that.
I love the way you're positive
And always lift me up
I cannot seem to comprehend
The way you're full of love.

I thought we all had our bad days
But you push though all of yours
You smile in so many ways
I love how your hope endures.

You're the best inspiration
That I've met in a long while
So many in your position
Saw joy as out of style.

I'm glad when I'm around you
You mean so much to me—
Everyone would say the same, too
That you're amazing, Bree.
Love you! ^_^
I heard you were blue:
When I red the white on your face
I knew it was true

— The End —