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Bea Rae Apr 6
I fell in love with

The darkness of your soul because

It felt like home
Bea Rae Apr 1
I spend more time

Mourning the living rather

Than mourning the dead
Talon Robinson Dec 2023
i don't feel like,
how about

hmm with YOUR Permission
continue but be Warned...
May i Explore YOU?
to me YOU are a
Unique, Beautiful, Lovely Being
no matter how Similar we are
we are Different,
i LOVE that.
isn't that Interesting?
well to me yea

back to Exploration
May i Explore YOUR Being?
YOUR Cute Eyes
stealing my gaze,
forced to pay Attention,
trapped to Learn Everything about YOU.

All YOUR Different Looks,
Happy, Sad, Scared, Strong, Weak,
May i Explore YOU?
One-Of-My Rules is i Trust Everyone
unless Shown-Otherwise,
i mean i want Everyone to

i don't know where to go from here,
Honest but i Feel i will have more.
YOU will know when i return
i will always ask you for Permission.
there's more of YOU to Explore
i hope i have caught YOUR Gaze!
i guess i capitalized All the words Important to me
Lydia Nov 2023
I am not sure if it’s possible for me to be fun. Or at least the definition of fun that everyone else around me seems to have
I don’t want to drink or do drugs and stay up late
I want to go to sleep at a decent time and wake up and play Animal Crossing and do some things around the house and then go for a walk
Random thoughts
Mark Wanless Sep 2023
random patterns of
choice was my life here i
am now ha ha ha
neo May 2023
i’ve never liked running.

there was always this pound
in my chest
as the dust and the breeze settles,
as the sweat slithers sidewards,
as the world around me comes to a

i’ve never liked running.
not when the destination is
nothing but an illusion
just to give me the satisfaction
that my feet lead me to somewhere in this oblivion.

i’ve never liked running.
my lungs were weak
(at least that’s what mom told me)
yet i latch onto your chase

i’ve never liked running
but for you: until the
soles of my shoes thin out,
the oxygen in my lungs run out.
the world around me blurs out.
for you:
i would run
and run
run     run     run     run     ruin
put i in run and now i’m looking at your face
wondering how did we end up
in this haste, this chase

so indulge me:
how do i pace
myself within this space

i’ve never liked running
because again, i fall
behind my own weak   ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶
haven't written in a while
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