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Ileana Amara Mar 2021
all my demons have awakened
from such long, deep slumber
like rampant creatures with wounds to mend,
and so i caressed their madness out of grief
inside my soul's dimly lit chamber.

03.21.21.| i think all madness is carved out of deep grief. one line that stuck with me from a show said, "what is grief if not love persevering?". and if grief is as said, isn't true love also a madness?
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2020
It's become obvious you are not coming back
The thought of you and her together hits me like a smack
The blood that runs rampant through my veins suddenly starts to freeze
My heart stops pumping as I drop straight to my knees
It shatters to pieces and the shrapnel fills my chest
Impaling my lungs
Making my breathing congest
Silence has no business settling inside my ears
But the fact that it does confirms my worst fears
There is not a word I could say to possibly change your mind
Without hesitation you effortlessly leave me behind
If you're not in love anymore why couldn't you let me know?
I gave you many opportunities to let me go
Yet you are such a coward you hid how you feel
Led me to believe your emotions were still real
Then you vanished without courtesy of a text or call
I guess the truth is I meant nothing to you at all
Not only did you not have the ***** to say it to my face, you couldn't say it to me period. After six years together you dont respect me enough to inform me of our break-up. I can't believe I have been dumped this hard and for some ****** who I can guarantee won't stick around once you have nothing more to offer. I would have been your ride or die until the very end but it's your loss I suppose. No one will ever love you the way I do.
Cattatonicat Jun 2020
This place
Is rampant with
People who choose jealousy over love
People who takes their anger out
To those who are in a less advantageous situation
People who would hurt their loved ones
At the sound of their ego crashing

What do we do?
A Simillacrum Jul 2018
Jamin Hollis has her residence in The Garden.
In The Garden, in the bloated blocks of Transit Town.
Behind the day shelter, beside the corner store.
Across the parking lot of the thrift shop.
Beyond the fluorescence of the pharmacy.
Right there, just a hop and a skip from the trains.
Right there, just a scoot from the bus barn.

Jamin Hollis is a rampant ***** and she needs,
she needs to die.

Jamin Hollis is a rampant ***** and indeed,
she'll die tonight.

Wait for the streetlights to dot the immediate sky.
Most of them are dead or flickering in the blocks.
Wait for the junk rats to leave for the metro line.
Most of them are dead or flickering.
If any open eyes remain on the sidelines, take a breath.
Collect your nerve and toss a penny on the pavement.
The eyes will blind to the shine and they will prostrate.

Bow with a force enough to imbed gravel in the forehead.

Jamin Hollis is a rampant ***** and she needs,
she needs to die.

Jamin Hollis is a rampant ***** and indeed,
she'll die tonight.
(when living nightmare pierced real time
thus engendering the following rhyme)

adrenaline powered stealth bomb blast
with the noggin of this, ah... ur... bane chap,
     which debilitating anxiety doth outlast
means to cope (thunder and dumb struck)
     with stranger mental things

     at expressed vertigo, nausea, racing heartbeat
     ogres recreated tormented, torpedoed, tortured
     most decades from my yesteryear,
     which aye presumed long passed.  

now, within my head "guerilla"
     warring faction
     lobs a grenade followed by "bombs away"
broadside finding this body electric doing

     a kamikaze nosedive into sick bay
where major organs suffer direct hit
     analogous to a giant fist
     smashing pumpkins,

     sans thine flesh as if clay,
which psychic sortie plagues my ability
     to function reduced
     tub bing bedridden one day

approximately one week ago
     from this thirtieth of April
     tooth house sand ate teen gray
ting, grinding, and grounding with figurative

     threshing blades employed
     to winnow chaff from hay
literally crushing willpower,
     where invisible jaws

     of sharpened steel interlay
atop pulling stalwart garrison strafed,
     (akin to a crash test dummy) named Jay
Walking to become blindsided

     obliterating every last trace to stay alive
     hence, this emergency transmission,
     viz this bloke communicating
     desperate plaintive wail,

     that I haint okay
with plea PLEASE HELP
     this tortured soul on verge pray
begging tubby rescued before drowning

     like a panicky gull clay pigeon,
     and buoy albatross
     strangling me far distant from any quay
quickly sinking spirits,
     abducted via fiendish runaway!
JoAnna Nelson Jan 2018
Before me is a blank page
Awaiting to be filled
And so I will sit here and spill
The words from the tattered heart within my ribcage
Struggling to find the correct diction
To bring light to my position
The ever roaring chaos within my mind
Clouds the creative process from time to time
But at times that roar
Becomes a whisper and rolls down my spinal chord
Through tissues and blood into my chest
And then I am allowed to express
These wild, demented feelings and thoughts
In the form of letters strewn together
Lines and swirls and dots
Forming the characters
Before me on this once blank page
Which has now become a stage
To present the troublesome strain
That life places on my brain
Dramatic and tragic
But isn’t that what poetry usually consists of?
Pain and angst and emotional stuff
I tend to ramble too much in my writings
Or not say enough
Because either I think of too little
Or can never shut up
Àŧùl Nov 2016
Shaayad mar chuka hai Bhagwan,
Tabhi to zameer bikte hain yahan.

Maybe God is decaying and is stale,
This is why consciences are on sale.
An Urdu|Hindi couplet and its translation.
An intended pun on the rampant corruption.
Probably God is dead and so there's limitless corruption.

HP Poem #1274
©Atul Kaushal

— The End —