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jia Mar 2021
as mysterious as the moon
you're a moment that ends so soon
still waiting even at noon
in that summer at june

your shadow upon the night
blinded my very sight
and in return i gave my light
though i know its quite not right

in dim light they both embraced
like it's their last, like they're in haste
the moon which the light chased
in this moment, they both graced
lune et lumière
Austin Reed Feb 2021
I walked past your old house.
I stared at the dark windows,
wishing I could turn back time.

Your bedroom light would flick on and I’d call you.
Asking you out for ice cream.
You’d run to the window and there I’d be.
You’d run out of that house all giddy like,
wearing an old flannel of mine.
We’d hold hands as we walked down the block.
You’d start to ramble on about nothing.
We’d admire our neighborhood
as the leaves rustle across the street.
admitting this was our favorite time of year.

You’d find us a table while I stood in line
I’d ask for two Oreo shakes.
Your eyes getting big when I brought them over.
We’d sip away and talk more about nothing
and I’d be so happy.

The night would get cooler
And we’d snuggle each other walking back.
Squeezing me tighter
the closer you were from home.
We’d stand under that light
in your front yard.
Saying nothing but
feeling everything.
Both tired and cold,
refusing to let go.

Tonight, I stood there again.
begging to be that kid again.
Inspired By Kacey Johansing
“Let Me Walk Right In”
This wind whistles a sad song
As it rumbles through baron trees
No humans left to sing along
No animals left to enjoy her breeze

It just blows around in the dust
People destroyed themselves for greed
Mother Nature finally had enough
"They loved money more than me"

"Humans polluted my waters
They kept poisoning my air
I warned them over and over
But they just didn't seem to care"

She tried to comfort the wind
Who's moans fell upon no one's ears
The wind is crying and lonely
There's no people left to hear

Dear Mother tried hard to explain
But the wind just blew harder
Trying to drowned out all the pain
Not believing that life was over

"Who will I cool in the hot summer?
Why did you do this, Dear Mother?
Who will play with me in the winter?
My breath will never be felt by another"

The angry wind was weeping
As her tears flooded the land
"Dear Wind, they did it to themselves
It was all done by their own hand"

She knew mother's words were true
But her rain continued to flow
The sky had never glowed so blue
As the healing began to show

The smog cleared from the skies
As the earth was again turning green
The wind had no more reason to cry
While Mother Nature continued to clean

The wind still missed the wildlife
As polluted oceans were now pristine
This has happened before in time
When dinosaurs were roaming free

"New life will soon return again"
This is my promise to thee"
Mother told the excited wind
My words are true, just wait and see"

The wind howled in pure delight
"Mother,  will you have to do this again?"
Mother Nature just answered in a sigh
"It all depends on them, my dearest wind"

© 2021 Michael Messinger(All rights reserved)
Narrative Poetry
This wind whistles a sad song
As it rumbles through baron trees
No humans left to sing along
No animals left to enjoy her breeze

It just blows around in the dust
People destroyed themselves for greed
Mother Nature finally had enough
"They loved money more than me"

"Humans polluted my waters
They kept poisoning my air
I warned them over and over
But they just didn't seem to care"

She tried to comfort the wind
Who's moans fell upon no one's ears
The wind is crying and lonely
There's no people left to hear

Dear Mother tried hard to explain
But the wind just blew harder
Trying to drowned out all the pain
Not believing that life was over

"Who will I cool in the hot summer?
Why did you do this, Dear Mother?
Who will play with me in the winter?
My breath will never be felt by another"

The angry wind was weeping
As her tears flooded the land
"Dear Wind, they did it to themselves
It was all done by their own hand"

She knew mother's words were true
But her rain continued to flow
The sky had never glowed so blue
As the healing began to show

The smog cleared from the skies
As the earth was again turning green
The wind had no more reason to cry
While Mother Nature continued to clean

The wind still missed the wildlife
As polluted oceans were now pristine
This has happened before in time
When dinosaurs were roaming free

"New life will soon return again"
This is my promise to thee"
Mother told the excited wind
My words are true, just wait and see"

The wind howled in pure delight
"Mother,  will you have to do this again?"
Mother Nature just answered in a sigh
"It all depends them, my dearest wind"

© 2020  Michael Messinger(All rights reserved)
Morgan Dave Dec 2020
He was saying,
I ain't leaving and God help me
From your wrathful waves
I am fed up, I am fed up
But above all I can't stand it
It's like running to a deep pit
Pit of ignorance, arrogance and irreverence
But I am still digging all the graves
In the cemetery we left behind to flee
From our disagreements but you'll see
That I am someone you will need
And it's obvious that you owe me an apology.

Then I said,
Wait, what me? And why should I agree?
Why are you blaming me for your mistake?
I am not one who sheds skin like a snake
Moreover it never worked out between us
'Cause you can't love anyone plus
It's not me you are running from
It's yourself, even you know the truth
I am just fed up from your lies
So, lets over it for a full term
And see my life run smooth
While your toxic body slowly dies.
HeWhoExplores Nov 2020
Oh queen! One of unjust passion
who leaves a gaping hole in my chest
With your two hands
One holding my beating heart
And the other a knife-
That rains down-
Down! From the heavens and impales with such sadness
With such ferocity, the damage is done
And with a single blow, the passion is over
Gone! As if never before seen again...
And in an instant, you destroy the living being that once loved you
Like Marc Anthony, a Roman conquerer
Whom to you was a lover, an overseas companion
Who captured your heart and womanly desires
Was just a mere mortal, in the end...
Undoubtedly imperfect for your ambitions
It pains one, oh dear Cleopatra
That our ways will more than likely
never cross again.
gray Nov 2020
"It's a lonely world" a Girl did cry. She wept
and wept until Her tears ran dry.
Eyes were burning, still pained from the salt
"It's not worth it" spiralling Her thoughts.

What could She do? There's nought more left-
No bread nor jam nor time to rest.
Not a friend or foe besides Herself, not a place to sit,
not even dust on the shelf.

She sits there in quiet, interrupted by Her fears
because She knows She can't hold them back-
those dreaded saltine tears.
sometimes to process how i'm feeling in my own mental health, it's best to place it into a narrative situation and see how it plays out. i really like this one!
Norman Crane Oct 2020
I found the two-headed baby deer dying
on a bed of soft pine needles under cover of an overturned oak,
not five kilometres from my cottage,
Its lungs still pumped,
Its crimson heart beat weakly through a thin,
translucent skin,
that decayed before my eyes,
until there was no skin,
and all the organs lay warm and still,
in a heap upon the earth,
like waste.

A god evaporated.

It is human nature to disbelieve
that one may be witness to epochal events,
so I did not believe that I,
of all people,
should be witness to the death of time.

Epochal: the concept itself is dead.

How lucky we were
to know time at its cleanest,
and most linear!

We know now that such constant linearity
was the consequence of a living entity,
It followed the creature like stench follows a skunk,
and we basked in it
as if it was the natural state of the world.

No more.

Time no longer heals,
Things do not pass,
Or pass only to return.

At first we believed this would be manageable,
Yes, we thought, we will relive our pain but also our love,
Everything shall be magnified!
Welcome to an age of great emotions,
a new Romanticism!

Yet we overestimated how much we help,
failed to accept how much we hurt.

And we did not realize the nature of evil,
which accumulates in a way love does not,
To re-experience our love is to know it,
again and again,
at the same intensity,
but to re-experience pain is to increase its volume until it overpowers us,
deafening us to everything else.

I will never forget the creature's eyes,
full of hatred or hubris,
yet seeking aid it knew I could not give.

How does one save a dying god?

It was not my fault!

I was but a child asked suddenly to solve a deathbed equation
expressed in an undiscovered mathematics,
I had to fail,
yet in failing I have brought it all upon us.

I relive it constantly,
Every time its eyes are louder.

But it is the hour for my afternoon walk,
so I will take a pause and enjoy what remains of living.

I will go to my favourite spot overlooking the city,
and sit on the iron bench,
from where the view is magnificent,
Above me,
the clouds will form,
a tangle of pain and human corpses,
and I will sit and ponder until the first blood drops fall,
Then the screaming will begin,
the final storm will rage,
Beating, crimson corpse-clouds under a thin skin
of dissipating reality,
raining blood until we are left
warm and still upon the earth.
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