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Heavy Hearted Aug 2020
One thing I can show you-
As if my love understands, or could do,
All of the things that the happy people knew,

The lessons we teach, are taught back to us too.

I won't know you again, right on by my side,
As my dreams whirlpool,  we're pulled under riptides
May I find, and then loose, you on this earthly ride-

May you glimpse my real pain, on this final bedside.
A collaborative
Ken Pepiton Jul 2020
Hey, 2020, praying person, what do you pray,
I saw you praying,
what were you saying,
how do you do
called prayer, is it easy, is it hard, is there a right way,
is there a wrong?
H'lafwearden, teach us to pray. Must you beg?

-- I would that ye should pray unceasingly.\
-- imagine that, as a kid,
-- six years into being.
-- Thy will.
-- Be done, at your service, my
command, learn, recite, learn, recite, learn re

after ever learning truth expands,
we can never catch ever resting
in peace.

Sunday school or Hebrew school or Madrassa
people of the book, look, look
a word
to the wise
is enough, you can we what you claim to be
and we shall see,
we shall.
Show yourselves lovers of wisdom and truth and
no lie,
the self evident truth will be your witness.

Define you, and truth shall form the you you wish.
2020 tech, do-overs, set to auto. Imagine better,
not good,
aim at completion,
just better, each time, live to the end,

sleep and rise, expecting to recall all you ever needed
to finish this one
before, facing dawn, once more.
After all. being old comes with perks, lessons learned, lonesome valleys walked, lessoning maxims learned and lost in spells that failed, but prayer,
once watched working and practiced for fifty years, 2020, as it turns out is what you get/
Maniacal Escape Jun 2020
Eight days of seven are you lobster
Stop chains kissing bouquets
Lovely sting but punch less
But don’t stop
I hate it
Front stabbing martyr I love you
Tighten my bindings whilst I take a ****.
Done? Good. I’d be so grateful if you’d take the katana from the mouth of my daughter
As they say the plot worsens
But please, do tell me about your luxurious Judas cradle
Is it to your liking sir?
Roomy yes thank you
I’ll pay half
Ten out of five on pointless dot com.
Grey May 2020
As sleep overcomes me,
my unsteady hands loosen their grip on the locket
and it slides through my fingers
and falls to the ground.
Poetic T Apr 2020
Tethered upon my shoulders,
          loose threads keeping me

from being decapitated

             mundane consequences.


What would happen If
            I'd  held my breath letting all the
air out.

deflated meanings of life,

LC Feb 2020
my love for him
is intricately woven
into my body.
the loose ends are
tied in a perfect bow
on top of my heart.
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