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Marcus Belcher Nov 2020
I feel an energy
I need the synergy
I want the remedy
I heard the melody

Soul vibin
Cold riding
For my people
I can't have an equal

The pressure on my shoulders
Helps me lift boulders
All apart of the plan
Makes me a better man

I use the light to break the curse
Heaven's water quench the thirst
Digging in my mental purse
Searching for my own worth
This is for my nephew who is going through a lot right now. I see you and I'm hear for you.  More so than I ever been
Gabriela Cintron Apr 2020
I don't know you
you don't know me

but can we be here?
in this moment, for a while, together.

Your past,

Are what I love most about you
Even though we are strangers

You're beautiful
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes

The innocence of ignorance
I understand you have parts of yourself you hide away
As do we all

That part is ok, because for know
We don't have to look at it
Its as if it doesn't exist

As your best parts of yourself are revealed first to a person you just met

That is you
Your best parts
That is who I choose to see

But I accept all of you
Because I know how much you hurt
I know your weight

For I share it too
in this moment
We can lift each other's burdens

Before we inevitably must return
to reality
Gemma Feb 2019
I can see you there,
hiding behind your wall.
well I’ll climb right over it,
I’m not afraid to fall.
Besides, I can always start climbing again,
what’s a few bruises and scrapes between friends?!
I’ll find you where you are hiding
and I’ll try to help you see,
How much I really care for you
and how much you mean to me.
I understand it’s been easier,
to build your wall instead of getting hurt,
so I won’t come along and smash it down,
instead I’ll sit with you in the dirt.
I’ll help you to install a gate
so sometimes I can come through,
I’ll try to help repair the cracks,
using love and kindness for the glue.
I’ll fill some gaps with flowers,
to bring some colour to your life,
their beauty keeping you hopeful,
when your mind is in trouble and strife.
One Day you’ll be strong enough
to come out from where you hide
and it won’t be so scary
for you to allow me to see inside.
But until that day I’ll keep scaling your wall,
and planting my flowers in the gaps,
hopefully they will help you to see
there’s beauty within the cracks.
For I refuse to leave you hiding alone,
So I’ll keep climbing, stone by stone.
Sometimes, all you need is someone who wants to try.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I see you

I see you in candle light.
I see you in the day light.
I see you every time I close my eyes.

There are others with bigger smiles for me,
But you hold no deceit.
There are others who claim to be more passionate about me,
But it is you that I truly need.

I may not be right for you,
But you are perfect for me.
Nobody ever said this was going to be easy.

I am waiting on you to make the call.
Are we eternally bound, or are we nothing at all?
I no longer have judgment in what I see as love;
But I see you, I see you with me,
I hope one day I am looking in the mirror
And I hope in the reflection I am looking at us.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Jack Feb 2017
This is a dance
You and I have
I'm surprised how quickly I've picked up the steps
Because I've never danced this dance before
My rhythm's a little out of sync
But then again I've always been awfully terrible at keeping time
Too fast
Too slow
It's hard alone
I'm great with someone else
Someone to play off of
I like to play off you
Sometimes we miss
but the moments we meet
are simply the ones that make life worth living.
The life you read about in favorite stories
And see on screens that are way too big
And you think
that can't possibly be real
except it is!
It's just made up of shorter moments than you thought
But the moments are thick and full
And you feel the frightening lightness and emptiness when they're gone
And all you want then
is to feel their weight once more.
I think it's wonderful.
You've never danced the dance either
You know this and you don't
You think you have
You love to dance
You've danced before
But not this one
I wonder if you know I know
I wonder that a lot
Do you know I know you
Do you know I see you
Even when you yourself
are blind
That's okay
I'll see for both of us
until you do
or don't
Let's keep dancing till then
Just a little longer
only a little while longer.
They seek and they seek,
Meek, bleak, and they speak,
That the ones who can are the ones who reek,
Only a fraud for that one is unique,
To their eyes, but not to the peak,
Those who see, whom like to tweak,
With machines of life and of the cheek,
Words that arouse the minds obliques,
Through visions and laws where there is no physique,
Just all even from odds that creak.
The fine lone between megalomania and humility
Ell Mar 2016
Do you see me when you close your eyes?
Do you see me when you kiss her good night?
I see you;
I see you when day turns to night.
I see you when the sun shines bright.
Do you see me when you touch her hair?
What about when she asks you what she should wear?
I long for the day I don't see you anymore.
When I can drive down back roads and sing "our song" without looking at the passenger seat and see you.
Anna Banana Dec 2015
It was one odd night, when I was asleep in my bed.
When suddenly, I heard a sound that awoke me from my slumber.
There were three women standing round, looking down.
"Oh my, how she has grown, I could have sworn it was someone else!" The first women said with adoring eyes and a smile.
"Oh no, she's awoken, what a scene.. She looks so mean, perhaps a bad dream?" The second women shamed.
Although the third women had become ghostly pale. "Help, help.. Somebody please. I believe she see's me."
The three women then realized that I was gaping at their prattle.
"I see you." I mumbled, not believed my eyes.
The three jumped and took a step back.
"This is whacked, she must be faking." The first women proclaimed.
"This is unnamed, un-herd of! Come we must leave!" The second women yelped.
"She see's us! Perhaps we can be helped! She's of the first!" The third yelled.
"I... I see you" I said again.
This time they all turned their heads into my sight.. and with mighty fright the first women clapped and then all three disappeared in the air.
Still to this day, I think that night is weird. Who can say if it was a dream or if it was real?
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Don't think that I don't see
just because I'm not there
for you to view me
glancing through you.
I know.
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