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Alexandria Aug 2023
you asked if i loved you
i wanted to say
but i knew
you wouldn’t say it back
ky Jul 2023
I broke your heart.

You came crawling back to me,
saying it was all your fault
(even though you thought it was mine),
just so you could speak to me again.

So, I let you back in my life.
But then you said you couldn't handle it,
couldn't handle thinking about
what had happened between us,
about how badly it hurt you,
because you still loved me
and knew I didn't love you back.

So you said goodbye,
that you might be back

You had given me a second chance
when I broke your heart.
But I don't think
I'll ever be able to give you one
after you broke mine.

So when you did come back,
I had to say goodbye.
yāsha Jun 2023
my mother shoved words into my mouth
she fed me whenever i cried
and as the obedient kid that i was,
i learned to nibble on every word
and swallowed them as i should.
now that i'm older,
my stomach has ran acid
ーit burns my chest and i would still feel them
foam inside my mouth as if
every word were told just yesterday.
how can i truly love my mother
if she couldn't feed me
when i was hungry for something else?
i cried again with my heart wide open
as my knees wobble in fear
of how exposed i was in front of her.
but this time,
i guess she couldn't hear me enough.
it was silentーshe couldn't feed me anything,
for not a single word left her mouth.
she watched me intently
as i detach the cord from both of our bodies.
     i wasn't the daughter she loved anymore,
     but she was still the mother i loved.
Tess M Jun 2023
love is a scam
I think we all know it
only takes, never gives
demands your whole life
without even a blink

we both know
we loved each other
and yet
you let fear take over
so we never were

you heart broke me
crying tears for you
that never should be

now I need to forget
you and all the memories
how long will it take this time
only the future knows
Two boys once met, in innocence and youth,
Their hearts ignited with a flame of truth,
A love so pure, so genuine and bright,
A bond they thought could conquer day and night.

As years went by, they held onto their love,
Their passion fuelled by the stars above,
But life can be cruel, and the world can change,
And their love story began to rearrange.

Their paths diverged, as they pursued their dreams,
And life's hardships slowly tore at the seams,
Their love that once burned like a raging fire,
Now flickered dim, and began to expire.

Misunderstandings and hurtful words were said,
And slowly but surely, their love was dead,
They both felt lost, and wondered what went wrong,
For a love so strong shouldn't fade this long.

As they looked back at what they used to be,
They realised that love can set us free,
But love alone cannot bear life's heavy weight,
It needs nurturing and care, before it's too late.

And so they parted, with a heavy heart,
Each on their own journey, worlds apart,
But as they moved on, they never forgot,
The love they shared, no matter what.

For in their hearts, they knew it was true,
That once upon a time, they loved anew,
And though their love may have come to an end,
The memories they shared, they'll always defend.
Louisa Coller May 2023
I thought time healed most wounds,
Yet my blood is red and pouring still.
My heart is being forced with staples,
To keep the smile I'm known for.

I'd wish for any scenario,
That involves our eyes locking.
Whether loving, suffering, burning or screaming,
I just want to see your face.

I'd wish you said no,
Then I could suffer easier.
Instead I'm left with tears
And consequences of our love.
Ikimi Festus Dec 2018
In this world of constant change, where all things shatter,
Love, too, succumbs to fate, like the falling matter.
From high to low, all rises fall, gravity's hold supreme,
Leaving us to ponder, what's the purpose of this dream?

What's the point, I ask, of embracing love's allure?
Today, you were absent, and my heart felt unsure.
Before my weary eyes, I witnessed a tender sight,
Two souls, enraptured, frolicking in the evening light.

Their joy was evident, as they shared a playful kiss,
A secret world they cherished, a passion they wouldn't dismiss.
But love, they claim, is magic, with hidden tricks concealed,
Give me a single reason to believe this truth revealed.

The art of life, they say, elevates desires and dreams,
Including true love, where nothing's as it seems.
Just like you, dear Akalu, I long for company,
Yet I stand alone, amidst stars, in infinite mystery.

Awaiting a fictional lover, hoping for a guiding hand,
You understand my plight, in this desolate land.
Loneliness engulfs me, a lost soul adrift,
Circling a crush who never notices my existence's gift.

Akalu loko-loko, we both yearn to be complete,
To find a love priceless, with hearts firmly bound, sweet.
Someone to catch us when we stumble and fall,
A companion to withstand gravity's daunting call.

But unlike me, dear Akalu, you bask in the sun's embrace,
Its radiant light ignites you, casting a glowing grace.
My faith, once steadfast, has faltered and waned,
Leaving behind a sorrowful journal, a garden untamed.
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