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Anais Vionet Jul 2023
“You can have any wish,” the genie said.
“Any ONE wish?” the girl asked, a little disappointedly.
“One wish,” the genie answered, shrugging.

“Oh.. then” she said, thinking it over. “I wish for.. a banana,” she said whimsically.
“A banana?” The genie asked, hesitantly.
“Yes," the girl said, nodding her head.

A banana appeared on the table.

“As a banana pudding, please - in a bowl,” she amended.
The genie nodded, and a large bowl of delicious looking pudding took the place of the banana.

“With a spoon?” she asked sweetly, and a spoon appeared by the bowl.
She tasted the pudding and it was, indeed, magically delicious.

“A jewel encrusted spoon.” she corrected, and again it was so.

Then she blurted, all at once:
“The Spoon is In the hand of a handsome prince, who’s genetically identical to Timothée Chalamet and is so in love with me that he proposed a moment ago - to the delight of his father, the king, who knows we will both live long and happy lives, having several delightful children - that will rule long after us - but who, unbeknownst to anyone, has an immensely serious heart condition that, sadly, will claim him roughly fifteen minutes after he pronounces the prince and I husband and princess!”

The prince appeared, and the happy king.. It all happened.

As the ensuing dramas unfolded, the genie took his leave.

“It’s never just a banana,” he said to no one, snapping his finger and vanishing in a puff of wispy white smoke.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Whimsical: something playful or amusing.
We wish to be happy
        But genies can't grant that
                I wish to find a nice life
                        A nice life with you
                                But genies can't grant that
                                        So I wish again
                                                For future happiness
                                                        The genie says again,
                                                                "I can't grant that,miss."
                                                        I wish they could,
                                                I'd be happier then
                                        Happier forever
                                I wonder what you would wish for?
                        A life in riches?
                A happy family?
        You don't need a genie for that!
But my wishes seem to be too much to ask.
For: Huxley Densen, Jenny Thoma
Phil Lindsey Mar 2015
If I had found a magic lamp in 1982,
And it produced a genie,
As magic lamps are wont to do,
And the genie granted me one wish,
Not three or even two,
I’d have wished to have a daughter –
A daughter just like you.

She’d be the perfect baby, she’d never cry (too loud),
She’d be smart - almost a genius,
My friends would all be wowed!
She’d be a scholar AND an athlete,
She’d stand out in every crowd,
She would win at everything she tried,
And make me very proud!

She be cute just like her Mother,
Blue eyes, and long blond hair,
Though her smile might sometimes cover
A sadness in her heart,
There could never be another,
If the genie did his part.

I  don’t believe in genies, the magic lamp I must have missed.
I’ve never found a princess,
In any frog I’ve ever kissed.
But of all the things that I AM proud of,
At the far top of the list,
Is the daughter that I wished for,
Because she DOES exist.
I love YOU, Keri!
Written for my daughter, a long time ago.  On April 18th next month Keri LeAnne Lindsey will be 33 years old!

— The End —