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Unburdened by the past
Heralding the future
A blend of ancient and the modern
History swirls
Rock solid walls
A fortress to beckon
A hint of glitter
Glamour and gold
Glimpses of the old
Refurbished  and restored
Manicured gardens
Perfect leaves
And trees
Branches bow down in rows
Bound by boundaries
Through centuries
The fort
Open to the commoners
The royals once owned
Lost in a sea of madness
Life seems so short
Ready for all the sadness
You build your fort

These walls are the highest
Just to keep people out
No more bricks, these are the finest
Walls that have been built

Time ticks right on by
As you sit in your fortress
The walls are so high
It gets real hard to focus

You can't climb this wall
But wish you could
So scared you will fall
Just wondering if you should

It's not easy to break barriers
But someone must try
Without that we will all wither
Will we give up and die?
Emma Nov 2018
I really want to run away with you
Don’t be scared, it’s easy.
We wait until no one is watching. It has to be dark out.
We’ll need food and drinks and blankets
We should leave our phones behind for obvious reasons.
And we’ll need matches. Lots of matches.
And then.
We build a shelter
Out of blankets and chairs
We cuddle up underneath,
And escape this world together
Using candlelight and cookie-dough
I told you it’d be easy to run away
And we did it
All while staying indoors.
Seema Aug 2018
Falling fort, cried
in vain, as it started disappearing
right in front of my eyes
Pillars dropped like weak weapons
Crushing to the emotionless ground
Deep trenches seem to elude
What on earth, was I witnessing
Few around gathered, gazing at the fall
None, heard the cries
From the ruined like walls
My ears seem to pick the historic ache
That stood tall, for centuries
A pileup of derbies, now filled the place
Birds, call for their peers to see
Where once they all seem to be
A nightmare flunged for the poor creatures
Busted off, so to flee
Like an ancient grave, it sleeps in silent
Never to awake to stand tall
In dust it loses itself day by day
Only the wind answers its call...

Spilling imagination. Inspired by a painting.
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
What is so important to address
something to react to the illumine
fruity to their balance sips like
a goldmine
He sways passed you and trips
Rose Poumedeur right near your* lips

Both stumbling and boasting over her
imported wine dress

The swinging parasol his cork topped
Those imported by his number nights
Cabernet Sauvignon
Hooked to there eyes
Million stars to lift
Her petite waistline
Like heartline of Valentine
wine felt dresses

Outnumbered you by four words
The strenuous tiresome love-wine
Be mine the stargaze* dazing inside the sunsets
So bottled inside her mission
His love how it aged in her
in  a good retrospect like
Deep cherry confessions

The import from a trade surplus
She got overlooked got flown in place
like a sticker
The smart star- reservation 
 high-demand book
To seek her

What a chemistry  love- hands creation
She's the many vintage dresses A plus
The pouring of wine of many fusions
The cloudy dress is a minus illusion

She learned her entire lesson
How many times she was moved
around like musical  I tunes of wine
CD collection of Rennaisance
Battling like the fort chair
But someone was moved by her Jazz
type of hair
My lesson my wish was on hold
the mission cruise of the impossible dress
Getting weaved inside someone's
powerful suite but the best suite
and stay
The Fort William Henry until this day
The Fort William Henry Hotel like no
other sorts and what sports

Japan imports 77.8 billion exports
more than imports
Lackadaisical called the
breath of sunshine
The daisy sundress sitting on the
veranda with Fort Williams and the
Henry the eight I am children

I've been sunbathing looking at the boat
The Minne Haha thinking of MaMa
Someone was singing like Lady GAGA

The matter of great expression of words
Hummingbirds at Lake George
Picking the best birth of seeds
Imported wine what our heart needs
Rising demands of the meat
like the paradise of lovebirds
Her dress was to heal the world
Those wildflowers were the
sort of thing silence is the  best thing
Somehow not the hype of the bling
or diamond ring
Sometimes the Goddess
sun shines more

Making her feel loved to sing
Her dress had the gimmick to move
What a rural fun tree orange grove
Like the referee wine shopping spree
Everyday people were moved by her
gift of imported wines
Her gravity of smiles he's mine
Her face steams like the highest
light beam very well bred and fine
The long winding trail her
corset gown
Started to make head waves to the
higher forces
So enlightening the lakes
such cascades
Those wine deep waves romantic
To prelude to a kiss the Cosmic
The Islander-border lace her face
To love and honor her more

Not necessarily less that
divine moment
We should never miss
Lake George rippling waves
On her outskirts

Princess Kelly cheese Italian wine
Naples deserts
The evergreen  long dress
Shined your Highness the
Roman pillars
How he grabbed her waist dancing
like the Gatsby
Gave her such splendor everlasting sip
But the imported wine was deeper

To Set up the date
To Make- the wine up
In the cellar aged hours to perfect
What a stir over her dress-up deep ruby
wine start to pour end
of a new beginning
To book the trip Lake George New York
All you had to do

Go to the Fort William Henry
Hotel like a home with family
So many friendly faces with smiles
All you have to do is show up
This is about imports but I love the Fort William Henry in Lake George is a great place to stay on vacation I sort of tied it in ribbon-like gifts of imported wines tell me what you think
Elissa Deauvall Sep 2017
late nights by the fire
sipping on hot chocolate
under a fort of blankets and pillows
drunk on laughter and
high on love

we danced in the moonlight
          (i apologized too many times for stepping on your toes)
we ran through sprinklers and
wished upon shooting stars
you kissed me like never before
you held me like you were going to lose me
i could feel your heart beat as you drifted to sleep on the floor
i love you more than the sun loves the moon
i'm never in the dark when we're together
your passions burn like the sun
you guide me in troubled times
you carry me when i can't stand
i got lucky when i met you
my heart hasn't been the same since
Inside this room, the halls fill with the illuminating darkness,
Where it shines a spotlight on the truths we often hide,
Fall and behold to its witchcraft in earnest prowess,
Cannot seem to unravel the long painted ties,

Maybe it chills to think of the possibility,
Remembering past and futures of an infinite,
Resolute but twisted that is a trap for *******,
To a world only in the imagination where it is not an illusory,

Be careful for naught it is fury of red that will be caught,
Although in this black hallway it would only seem like a pretty thought.
Look yourself in the mirror and ask, maybe dream of the sub conscious and track, where ever you may go it will lie with you, darker than a shadow the temptress (gender and species undefined) may turn you.

P.S. Middle stanza inspired by Jack Black lines.
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