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Laconic Noor Apr 14
饾摗饾摦饾摴饾摦饾摢饾摻饾摦饾摥 饾摙饾摳饾摲饾摪 馃幎

謪沾缘 謪茠 缘瞻医 覎觻沾医 諒茦站
缘瞻医 蓱諒諒謪詹蓱詹喜医 站謪沾 瞻蓱训医 覎删謪沾謥瞻缘 铡铆缘瞻 站謪沾
盏铆训医 蓱 摘沾医缘 铡铆缘瞻 蕧铆詹医; 喜謪詹喜医铆缘医摘詹医諒諒

蕧蓱詹謥觻医摘 医训医删站 摘蓱站 摘删医蓱蕧 铆詹 蕧站 觻铆缘缘觻医 瞻医蓱摘

铆'训医 瞻医蓱删摘 站謪沾删 蕧医觻謪摘站 茠删謪蕧 蓱 喜謪詹缘删蓱諒缘铆詹謥 铡瞻医删医蓱覎謪沾缘諒 - 瞻医删医...
茠蓱喜諒铆蕧铆觻医 謪茠 蕧站 茠蓱觻諒医 諒医詹諒医 謪茠 沾詹铆咋沾医詹医諒諒; 詹謪沾删铆諒瞻医摘 謪沾删 諒怨医喜铆茠铆喜铆缘站'諒 训蓱铆詹 摘医諒怨医删蓱缘铆謪詹

沾詹蓱训蓱铆觻铆詹謥 茠謪喜蓱觻 怨謪铆詹缘 謪茠 怨铆茠茠觻铆詹謥 蕧蓱缘缘医删諒 喜瞻謪删沾諒 缘瞻医 删铆諒铆詹謥 喜瞻医諒缘 諒医咋沾医詹喜医摘 覎站 茠蓱觻觻铆詹謥

站謪沾 蓱詹摘 铆 瞻蓱训医 覎医医詹 删医瞻医蓱删諒医摘 喜謪沾詹缘觻医諒諒觻站 - 蓱
蓱 諒謪詹謥 謪詹 觻謪謪怨 茠删謪蕧 蕧沾觻缘铆怨觻医 觻铆怨諒
Robert Watson Mar 2021
Dizzy, dazed, and sedated,
Nightly rinse bleaching brains,
Slowly spinning me apart.
Roses flashing on screen, withered.

Worshiping at the Pantheon,
Novocaine for the brain.
My habitual easy friends.
Lust conquering love.

Lights go out!
Alone in the dark.
Guiltless shame,
I'll quit after tomorrow.
If you understand the poem, you'll understand the struggle that many deal with. I'm with you! Resistance is possible.

— The End —