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Carson Campbell Feb 2021
Empathy is the key to our society some say
put yourself in their shoes they say

but I do

I do it too much.
I feel for them too much.

Every time I see their tears
its a punch to the chest
it shatters my glass ribs
and punctures my nylon heart.

But to my own tears,
to my own suffering
I feel nothing.

Maybe I am a mirror
only reflecting the pain I see.

Or maybe I have been told
it's weak to cry
cowardly to feel bad for myself
nerveless to struggle.

So I continue to cry for the broken
hurt for the rejected
and ache for the beaten

leaving nothing left for myself.
eve Jan 2021
we have a lot of mixed feelings
and a lot of thoughts
i cant tell which ones are mine

extremely emotional
since we feel others emotions
just as if they are ours

i can feel your pain
i’m hurting with you
we think it’s our job to fix people
it isn’t
Nikkie Jan 2021
I don’t know when it started.
I guess it was always there,
my ability to feel ones energy.
My ability to read tarot cards.
People, even complete strangers, are shocked at my
pinpoint accuracy.
How is it possible that I dream and my dream
becomes a reality?
Through vibrations and voices, I hear statements,
I feel what Spirit wants me to deliver.
A year before my mom went to heaven, I heard
A voice loud and clear, “this will be her last Thanksgiving.”
November 2021, my mom went to be with the Lord,  
a few days before Thanksgiving.
Why was I chosen with this extraordinary gift?
Why was I chosen to deliver messages?
I channel messages and feel spirits near.
But I’m glad I can hear them and not see them.
I’ve dreamed of loved ones coming into my sleep,
Passing on messages for me to deliver.
Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool, my abilities
have gotten stronger through the years.
I am happy that a part of me can do such a
wondrous thing.
People may not agree with me using my gift,
at first I felt the same way, but people are being helped,
their concerns are being put to rest. I am blessed when I
help a person who needs answers.
Like it or not, I am here to stay, or at least my
Intuitive abilities are.
Dolly Balou Jan 2021
It started with a kiss
Hand in sand
He swept me into the mist
That wasn't the plan

The music rang through both our ears

Playing & playing
Delaying, delaying.

What was this
Not dominance
But a mutual self-inflicted full oneness
Acting out not a doubt
Gain some control
While the body suffices & one feels whole.

Wholeness or numbness one will never know

Whilst playing & playing
Delaying, delaying

The inevitable
Kalliope Dec 2020
What do you do when you don't
Want to break a heart
But the heart in question
Cant actually be broken
Its a facade
Created to break you
Over and over
Block out all emotions
Max Dec 2020
I’m an empath , to not give is sin
So I will stretch myself paper thin
And when I rip, fix me with tape
Sadly for me , there’s no escape
Lowkie Nov 2020
I see ghosts
No, not the ones you see in horror movies
No, not the ones that possess and use people as hosts
These ghosts belongs to the skeletons in your closet
The ones you try to hide while looking for closure
The ones you wish would just disappear.
I hear voices
With your thoughts so loud, it's not like I have much of a choice
Some are crying out for help
Some are telling me how you got hurt by these boys
Some are confused
Some are telling begging me to tell you to stop using these girls as toys
I feel things
From a mere handshake to intense eye contact
I feel those feelings you try to hold back
I feel the anxiety attack
The weight you carry on your back
The depression relapse
As you hide behind that smile
So that no one else sees that
I feel your happy feelings too
Those butterflies you get when you see your boo
That blissful moments when you're with the crew
I feel that too
But while walking around in your shoes
I sometimes forget I still have to wear mine too
Lowkie ®
Elena Mustafa Oct 2020
These are the children
Of the light
The real light workers
Whom done nothing
But good
In the world
And i am also a child
Of the light
Helen Sep 2020
Grammy is an Empath, clairsentient old soul
Mommy is an Indigo, not sure if she knows
I was born a Rainbow Bear to make the planet whole
Together we will change the world, at least that is our goal
Grammy plays with honeybees, loves entomology
Mommy is a healer, she gets it naturally
I'm completely fearless, we all are HSP
At least we’re slightly different, on that we can agree
Grammy hears the trees speak, scream when they are down
Mommy sees the unborn babes by using ultrasound
I sensate most creatures before they come around
We hope to stir you deeply so offer this background
I’ll share my involution with you every now and then
Speak with you of changes by taking up a pen
Together we bee wise ones who work for truth again
The world will be lighter, though I can not tell you when...
(Little Bear speaks of Starseed, from "The Book of the Bear")
Shannon Soeganda Sep 2020
With such audacity,
she sayeth to the Lord;

"Father, in Thy name all things shalt be done.

With relentless faith, I trust Ye to performeth the impossible.

By all means,

the stage is all Yours to direct."
The Lord shall perform the impossible.
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