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Kai Nov 2020
yá quanta lisselë náldë, valinvë lïndalyë
ar, lé vilya nenda, urulya i ilúvënna tulolyë
lertalyë rácina apa veryavë mahtalyë
immoencavë i miruvórë o rihtarlya antalyë

when you are full of sweetness, happily you sing
and, through steam (lit. wet air), bring your warmth to the world
you’re so fragile (lit. you can be broken), but you bravely fight fire
selflessly you give away the nectar of your efforts
this took.... way too long
after a long and convoluted chain of events i, roleplaying an elf character, needed to write a poem about a freaking kettle. so instead of doing something like writing poetry in italicized english, i just went on parf ed helen and said “ok.... time to figure this out”
it’s in quenya from LOTR, the only version of elvish i could find grammar resources on. it took me a long time to figure it out and i had to make up some words and approximate here and there, but i actually managed to get more than just rhyme scheme down! the lines alternate between 14 and 17 syllables so take that

character wasn’t from LOTR but like no ones looking shhhh
Uta Jun 2018
She gave him with her cold elvish crystal hands,

a bottle of starlight,

that will protect him from the evil outside and it's poisoning blackness,

for it will show him that there will always be light in his life.

He gave her with his warm, ***** and damaged humanly hands,

a pearl from a shell, from its wavey sea,

of which men have traveled upon for many years.

It will remind her of what a man can give when having a clean and kind soul.

Till this day she has the pearl,

and it makes her smile,

every time when she sees it,

as if,

a human and an elf were meant to be,

a mortal with an immortal.
Comment and tell me what you think!

(the first short part was from Lord of The Rings when Galadriel gives Frodo a  small crystal bottle of liquid which contains the light of Eärendil's star in the water of Galadriel's fountain. Other is all made up ofc.)
positrxnicbrain Jun 2015
Mel mí hendi dagniruva
Nai npér ve nu mel
Ar pér lok tenn’ i orë

Love within the eyes is not the bane of
That which we desire
And bends unto the heart
Not the eye
this was wrote in elvish and translated into english, if you were wondering what language it was
Seye Kuyinu Oct 2014
My ****** mind craved
a new hearing from you
I would sit night after night
Imagining castles and angels
I would dress not in a cape
But in Burberry mufflers and a hat
learning to serenade in your voice.
The in betweens beckon once in a while
but i have known the true voice
just like you know from deep within.
I know of a woman who thought picking cherries
and dreaming of castles were for the wrong
I know of another woman,
Evolved from the Eloi Clan
And Elvish. And she sings
The rain to sleep.
She is Bella
I am learning
to breath
and I hope you still do.

— The End —