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Ellie Sutton Jul 2020
This is a nice walk.
Good job I've gone
Out and about
I ate way too much today
I need to burn that off
Christ, my belly looks huge!
OK, breathe in, breathe in
I wonder what I'll have
For tea tonight
It'd better be something light
I had a bar of chocolate last night
I wonder how many calories
I've left for the day
What do My Fitness Pal say?
600. That's okay
It would be better
To have less
I'm at a party this weekend
So I'll probably eat and drink
More than I should
I could just skip tea altogether?
Wow, my thighs really rub together
That's disgusting
Yeah, I probably should
(I definitely shouldn't wear shorts)
I wonder what I'll do tonight
Maybe go for a run?
I'm tired from last night's, but
I'll be happier once it's done
I look disgusting
In everything right now
Maybe it'll help me be
A little trimmer for that party?
Oh God, that person's looking at me
I bet they're judging
My double chin
For God's sake
Why can't I just be thin?
There are too many people about
I should have waited
'til it was dark
My flab is less stark
Less to remark on
If people can't see properly
It's OK, nearly home now

...That was a nice walk.
I remember wanting to eat and eating and letting it
digest and not have tears rolling down my eyes as I watch my breakfast swirl down the toilet while I hold onto my toothbrush with my life they say bad habits are hard to break well now I feel I'm falling back down that hole of feeling worthless feeling as if I don't deserve to eat like I'm not worth that spoonful of cereal or that bite of the apple you gave me to eat and watched me chew and swallow every bit until it was the core and stem left in the palm of my hands and inside I wanted to run and cry because I didn't think I deserved that apple but this time you were watching me you were watching me so I couldn't go and throw it up somewhere far enough away where you couldn't hear me so you couldn't stop me I remember the times a toothbrush was just to brush my teeth
elizabeth Feb 2015
You hate what you see
when you look
at your reflection
so you do everything you can
and nothing at all
in hopes that you start
to waste away

Stopping yourself from living
will **** the passion in your eyes
and soon they will be incapable
of seeing brightness
and your new reflection
will be worse than the one
you hated before

They forget to tell you
the new shadows on your face
make everything seem darker
because there is less surface area
on which the sun can shine

No one will tell you
that laughter and late night pizza
with best friends and warm thoughts
will taste better
than emptiness and hunger
for something more

The food might leave
an aftertaste somewhat similar
to regret,
but at least it has more flavor
than the air you **** in
to keep yourself from faltering
In honor of NEDA Week

— The End —