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Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2020
I never listen
Never remember details
I am never there
I try to be but it feels like I am never enough
Simon Sep 2020
Kyle, you are the unsocial demerit point, because you tame that which isn't within the same parameters as your own guilt of never being able to essentially see past your own guilt, firstly. (Which is entirely filled too the absolute brimful of shame!) Shame that doesn't detest your own abstract mind from taming the logic that truly demands the official reasoning for you too cost more energy for yourself too bear (in order to suit your own needs from depleting even quicker. Then what was first realized.) While being at the demanding odds of something either unfortunate to ALWAYS come your way. Or (for the very first time in my very own simulation full of nothing more than completely realistic prolonged "shackled" days) that doesn't EVER seem to count the reasoning you need the very most. Mostly because life is truly never fair when it ONLY operates anyways, (for your very self first and foremost). On an operating system full of very tempting, unusual, unnatural and a seemingly unrealistic taste for more demerit points to be added in a complete collection full of both "wonder and detachment." Kyle, you’re also the unsocial demerit point, because you have yet to discover your own highs and lows upon your own governing system. It's not bad to be one's own demerit point. (Hell, I've been my own "demerit point" ever since the very beginning when I truly first popped out into this world full of "realistic advantages.)" Realistic advantages full to the absolute brimful of "factually chained uncertainties!" Your nothing more than a sense in your own details that doesn't limit one's own ideology against the world head-on! Instead, you devise a proper program for yourself against the desires of an even more proper exercise in order to free yourself full of the (not so rich) details that blind your own choices, from seeing the choice in it's own decision-making...from ever being able to reach the extension of your own actions. Actions that suddenly prompt its own inadvertent consequences, because the notion is in the very specifics that again demand you too see the odds that try to impress you (without even seeing "why that is)?"
Concluding what exactly...? Well, isn't it already obvious enough for you too "effectively" notice (ahead of time)?! Or are you too busy thinking on raising the bar of the current potential rate of your still rising (to this very day)...demerit points? Because that's what you should always be focusing on "separating" from your very structure of life, altogether. Versus the still ever-increasing rate of such a demerit succession!
Kyle, your more than just ANY ole demerit point. Because you don't lack which other's apparently do (ALL DAY LONG)! Compassion in your very heart!
Simon Aug 2020
“Love is nothing more than a cocoon for feelings to operate on”…. Because it’s the official testament of willpower! Except when willpower has shame for itself of not seeing anything (never before too essentially bear for itself…ever again). When it comes into contact with (the exception being that of “love” itself)! Because in the very end of ALL things… Love is nothing but a counterpart to the additional operating system, that is “feelings” to be forced to become “compassionate” upon. Something that can systematically envelope compassion into every fact, detail, specific of any kind. Except that only happens when that very fact is now within the detail that’s even more within the specific itself! Then “something that can systematically envelope compassion” into those very aspects, can then properly divide (evenly) into a thing that’s known (primarily)…as a “category”. But that comes immediately afterwards…. Before that could even come (in full swing)… You need to come to terms with when establishing that love is more what it seems…. Just as it’s operating system, (which is feelings itself) could actually contribute upon something (more along the lines) of something unbelievably…”standard”. Because love (at the end of the day) doesn’t know how to essentially contribute its very feelings into basic words. (Let alone letters that form into a single pattern that “eventually” becomes the standard word/words itself all around.) Then for anything to become properly sounded out sentences full of words that can’t EVER contribute very well to something with enough “characteristics” to create minor references upon the very subject at hand. Someone would then ask, “well what is that very subject at hand both (even for and what is it essentially about)…?” Then the one narrating ALL of this would simply reply, “well, isn’t it obvious by now…? Because if it truly isn’t… Then you ought to take an even BETTER look at your own personal life full of never-ending personal problems! The most obvious hint is in the cocoon for feelings to operate on, simply.” Since it isn’t some basic flaw that you need to (gradually over time) keep at it…until progress is “magically” shown to (seemingly) be moving forward, somehow! Instead of piling and piling it on some type of “exercise” that again (seemingly) won’t get you, anywhere! Because you see, the cocoon is nothing more than something that essentially goes beyond love. (Just as it goes beyond normal thoughts that don’t think such a regular cocoon is nothing more then realizations becoming the flaw that is meant to change everything “drastically”…over time!) Examples (for instance) like love having no claim to choices (while under the influence of mere feelings). Feelings having NO “law of attraction” where it can’t compete with itself, while constantly being under the never-ending watchful eye of loves struggle to hold an operating system (that’s essentially meant to “crumble up and burn”)! All it takes is one interaction upon one single piece of “contact” within one another’s “inner bubble”… And everything explodes into a “flair” full of fireworks! Showing once and for all that love has finally engaged in its very purpose to become fully established in it’s very operating systems “will” to (break free) from that very (once thought “laughable” idea about a cocoon that couldn’t EVER manage ANYTHING properly)! Until it found love in another cocoon who shared the very same interests as the next one and the next one after that! Eternally becoming binded by the very “twist of fate” that categorizes things into a very hidden stored stasis…in order to eventually claim that which you have always been in love with. Eventually filling your very heart full of an “eternalness” lasting for infinite lifetimes too bear!
Love is nothing more than a hidden attraction made to both (wonder and wander) about endlessly… Without so much as the single most regard for something that has yet to “tempt” it’s very operation full of feelings, altogether.
aesthenne Jul 2020
indie music
out loud
from my

cold draft
of wind
coming from
the window

my little
playing with
bouncy ball

i guess
the details
are the
most beautiful
Maybe I'm falling in love with living again.
Poetic T May 2020
A masquerade of perpetual fear,
          for all steps were in unison.
For who would misstep with
         unkept flames catching
                        each indiscretion.

Hollow melodies capture the soul,
           bounding it with this dance
of the dead, neither a  choreography
         but a chain of resonance
        where bones scrunch in fatigue.

The hell fire ball, where all burn eventually,
        Singed gowns, and suits charred.
But the devil is in the details,
and we shall dance till we bleed of die.

           Perfection is a demon of fulfilment...
Amanda N Skaggs Mar 2020
The little things are hard to notice
amidst all of the noise.
Ads screaming for stores,
Propaganda spewing from political parties,
People shouting for your time,
and the world spinning fast,
Faster now,
Day turns to night and I've forgotten the way rose smells.
Clock in
Clock out.
Weeks, months, years,
turn into dollars my ego can't wait to waste.
This flow feels endless,
gotta catch a break.
In between dimensions,
where the veils once covered,
now they surround.
Silence a gift,
from the Holy One.
Blurs focus, as these details are becoming clearer.
Marveling at this beauty, I understand.
Lanz Gabor Dec 2019
a reflection of you
sparkles silently
through a vivid flare

and the highlights
of your locks
stay very tantamount

to the rays that say hello
within this memory
that they call a photograph

just look at all these details
intricate and beautiful
just like you
Simon Oct 2019
Details to start off with, are undeniable. Filtering each other out of comfort, before anyone else claim’s rich detail. This happens when details aren’t rich. Having one script of information lasting for only a few short moments. Details within other details is more of a finite majority then one would admit. Details shadowing other details, to keep prolonging its desire of centering itself noticeably. Noticeably sound? Correction! Without subjected material mixing into desires not including options. Options firing details wrapped into a more cryptic pattern. Cryptic being subjected to overusing the same pattern from before. Attracting an entanglement. Switching off (plain for all to see). Giving more subject matter to what details could commute. Offering more justifiable knowledge on what’s truly never taking place. Details mask true intentions. Away from individuals always on the hustle for every day material. Never noticing their details within details everywhere. Downside is… Thinking there’s just one detail in the picture. One pure piece of information belonging to one base of operations. Vague as the surface is bland. Selfish tidings when noticing more within. Giving entirely different opinions all together. The potential never happens. Details within details are left astray. Until someone finally captures the right spectrum. Giving attention to the alert system that is noticing something odd about majority pieces within majority attires. Pieces joining attires full of typical based labels. The majority is bland. Sensing no time has wasted their own development when never noticing what’s past the first barrier. One barrier existing within one piece of detail. Details try to shadow more of its information. Feeling drowsy in its implications toward oblivious onlookers. Never appointing their unjustified opinions with (perfect picture) that’s unattended. More the shadowing. The more effects start taking on a new shape. A simple way to gain different interpretations, perspectives, and line of sights all in one gathering thrall! Conclusively remaining silent for no one to embrace upon. It’s simply a lackluster of human interpretation when never noticing what they aren’t ready to fully align properly. It’s never a shame, if it’s baby steps to a grander process. Details finally unmasking it’s shadowing effect. Unwinding for majority pieces and attires to appreciate itself finally. Giving presence of self for the very first time. Always to busy reflecting off for others to take in. When it’s those details within itself needing to reflect between its deeper meanings. That’s what it means to be trapped within details no one ever notices.
Details aren't fully knowing, until more information wraps around its surroundings. Finally, able to gain a self-conscious feel for better circulation.
Carl D'Souza Aug 2019
Is there joy
in noticing the details of experience?
For example:
When I encounter a flowering tree
I enjoy noticing
all the colours, shapes, sizes and textures
of every flower,
every leaf,
every fruit,
every branch,
and the bark of the trunk too;
Then I have enjoyed
experiencing the flowering tree!
matilda shaye May 2019

My roommates dog licks, it’s just what he does. He lays on my floor and licks his paw until there’s a puddle of saliva and residue dog food on my pink Ikea rug I bought for fifteen dollars. Do details make it worth it? Or what does? It’s April and my roommate doesn’t groom him so his hair is completely covering my new maroon satin sheets I bought at a thrift store for four dollars, all clumped on my bed, just like I am in this exact moment. I have no details to offer about what is going on inside of my head, I only know I want to break my bones over and over again until they are better. Until they can offer more, or less, or just take me from point A to point B without the faint sound of crunching anytime I feel something.


I’m not sure if it’s valid, rational, real or not but I felt it so I’m going to say it out loud anyway. I get here each and every time I don’t take my antidepressants, but I got too drunk and puked for 24 hours so there was no chance I was going to be able to down the one and only thing that makes my bones stick together. I’d say I should drink less but I don’t believe I’m capable of making it into a problem, I’m too busy exaggerating my position in all of these people's lives and breaking my own heart when I realize I stand for so much less. It’s usually my fault, I know that. We interacted for 25 seconds outside of a bar we once ****** at before they retreated off to the better, cooler, stronger-***** people I can only manage to feel contempt towards. It’s exactly how it should have gone, everybody tells me at least, I disagree, but it still made my spine curve. I talk like this because I’m completely out of serotonin.


I write about *** a whole lot because I think it’s one of the few worthwhile things in this stupid ******* world. I’m only on this planet still for human interaction, which is why it’s absolutely terror inducing to be alone, but these days words have gotten me nowhere so I guess I’m content using my body instead. If there are no humans left to connect with, does that mean I’ve hit my expiration date? I worry nobody will make it worth it but that goes back to me putting my happiness into other people and I remember I still have to find a way to make these bones better, more capable and durable. I want an independent skeleton and to wake up without feeling the need to check the time. I’m not sure if there is a single person in this world I feel able to be myself around completely and I know that is my fault, too.


We can discuss the dynamics of the word “deserve”. I deserve more than this, you deserve peace and quiet and a world unmatched, I deserve an explanation, a cover up, a new start; all of these with such force the word starts to feel empty. Like drinking tap water. I remember reading in a poem somewhere about how many months, years, sacrifices it takes to be able to deserve to own another person's choices. Truthfully, we never actually deserve anything from one another. The only thing I am worthy of is these brittle bones. The only thing I have to offer is a constant worry in my chest that I am unsafe. I look around me and feel terrified of the world outside- the wind, where does it come from? These people, how are they doing it? What person woke up one day and decided life would be worth it, that we could create a civilization and a planet to make home for absolutely no reason or purpose and throw billions of people into it as well? I’ve been saying this life is a job I am not cut out for since I was 14. Even the items on the shelf right in front of my hands are hard to grab sometimes and I feel like I should start doing stretches in this supermarket but I am too exhausted. I am too exhausted spending my time trying to get to know who this person is that I am, this body I inhabit, this mind that is unfortunately the only one I have until I can figure out if reincarnation is real, or just something I tell myself to feel better about the bones I’m stuck with. I deserve new bones, right? I deserve more than this, right?


Maybe it’s clockwork; mine and his and her hair on my bed, the dog panting to my left probably out of boredom because he has absolutely nothing to do, getting drunk and puking in the mens bathroom, not talking to them for three days, my perfume and deodorant and body wash all being rose flavored and the knowledge that this is just who I am inherently and the constant fear that that means I’ll never be able to grow out of it. I hammer my hand to see blood, I look at the bruises down my leg and on my chest, I wonder if I don’t take my antidepressants for seven days if I’ll have the courage to test my theory. Probably not, death is terrifying, but I’ll still try to call you and get ignored and I’ll ponder what I ever did to deserve such treatment. Am I too available? Yes, consistently. Am I too much, too loud, do I take up too much space and say the things nobody really needs to say? Yes, yesterday I called my boss an alcoholic and he laughed but nobody else did. Everybody else gave me those eyes that everyone gives me whenever I open my mouth, the eyes that make me feel like my skin has managed to come unglued and everybody is seeing my weak, frail bones I repeatedly break, I repeatedly try to heal, and gawking at my efforts. I put myself out there too much, too. I say I miss you when it doesn’t need to be said, I feel love when it has no business being felt. I crave my antidepressants that I still haven’t taken.


You say words for shock value and that makes you no better than any ****** white guy but I exaggerate how many girls I’ve slept with to anybody who cares to ask so I guess that means I’m the same as you.

steps that I am taking
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