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It's me,🌳
that queen bee
It finally occurred to me
and anyone among your
Powerful elite dearest
darling lover poet,
in your glamorous domain
that I wouldn't be unkind
but something sinester had
happened for death silence
to take over my free will
speech, laughter song and
dance to just walk away from
all treasures anchored to our
heart all which fell into
my lap from your sky
Oh that Janehilton may on
mother's day at the Hilton
your three hundred fifty red and white roses and my last letter upon them from a perilous past I had ran from straight into hell
thus, naturally I was speechless!
Your tycoon antorage passed me
by and again here your gold ink
  throwing stones into my pond
Like in a Japanese garden as other
younger King drones join in.
Stone ripples changing all again.
And I am never the same
Mr and Mrs. Andrews
And karijinbba
(In memory of poets tycoon beloved)

— The End —