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Jolie Savitsky May 2011
whats there to say?
soon the end of the day, will be upon us
as the driver pulls away
forgotten words bring on pain
whats left as they watch their lives decay ?

heartbroken faces watching tears of sadness soak the ground
beautiful and depressed
life and death
the sweet reminder still left on her breath

whats left for one to say?
words of comfort no longer comply
beautiful and depressed
as the **** slowly breaks
raises her head to the sky,
shes finally able to cry

heartbroken faces watching tears of sadness soak the ground
beautiful and depressed
life and death
the sweet reminder still left on her breath

all the pain locked inside
beautiful and depressed
no one knew the key
no one understood why
she seeks friendship from the sky
heavenly secrets held in the stars
heavy secrets disguised as scars

heartbroken faces watching tears of sadness soak the ground
beautiful and depressed
life and death
the sweet reminder still left on her breath

as traffic screeches to a halt
a terrifying scream breaks through
one of finally letting go
one that shocked all who knew

heartbroken faces watching tears of sadness soak the ground
beautiful and depressed
life and death
the sweet reminder dying on her breath
Realeboga M Feb 2015
My neighbour is heartbroken.
She had her heart torn into pieces by a poet,a writer, a painter and a singer.
Her silent cries are thought to be hidden through her thick walls.
But I hear them.
She spends her nights screaming and rummaging the pain silently away.
But loud enough for me.
I hear her sharp razor tickle through her skin creating a flawless crisscross pattern.
I see the blood explode from her vein running down her no longer smooth skin dripping on the tiles forming a puddle.
I hear the loud crack from her throat that shows me the tears that desperately escapes from her eyes,running down her cheeks searching for a way out.
She covers her mouth,closes her eyes and huddles, hoping she's tricking her heart to believe she's being cuddled,
But her mind and I know what's real.
Her blood's escaping vigorously,
Her hearts beating ferociously,
Her mind is wandering off into darkness tremendously.
My neighbour is heartbroken and I don't know what to do.
I cannot save her.
She believes that I am like him.
Because I am a poet.
If only she knew we're all different.
marion  Dec 2019
marion Dec 2019
right down the middle
two piece separated but still equal
we cannot be together
this news surely brings stormy weather
i wanted to be your girl
the oyster that turns into a pearl
but alas all we will be
not an us but a you and a me
Tamara Fraser Aug 2016
I got myself heartbroken,
by that boy
who I only got to see until decisions were
made for me.

Everyone talks about the heartbeat that goes still,
rippling waves of fire melting skin,
the stony sickness riding inside,
the absent stumbles as you will yourself to sleep
through tears and the stolen ability to breathe.

Everyone talks about being vulnerable,
the power behind allowing yourself to feel things,
as they are
seconds to minutes, days to weeks and dreams to dusty
cracks in open eyes,
letting in the glare of things gone wrong,
horrid failures and cut glass pieces lodged in broken wings.

Everyone talks about the necessity, the fundamental
break to start the healing.
It’s the sticky glue and ***** hands of being and not being,
at once rocking inside, feeling the edge, protective,
at once sitting on the edge letting the empty air hold you.
It’s the trust you place to let yourself be free in wrapped arms
and watch it get ripped out if it fails.
But it’s also the calm warnings,
like sharp pebbles making cliffs to climb on bare feet,
not getting out of the surf when the waves get to beastly,
to never let yourself feel fear and pleasure and
true, complicated, I-don’t-know-how-to-say-this
love and hurt.

I got myself heartbroken,
by that boy
who held me more
than any other boy did.

Everyone wants something they find so easy to
The lightness, the unburdening burden of
loving someone to love you back.
Nothing sweeter than water on a parched throat,
nothing more kinder than a respite for a heart beating too fast and too hard;
we talk about feelings like raiding lands and gaining empires,
scars and tears and blood spattering the terrains of our chests
when we open siege
and fight to own something we have never been blessed to keep
for more than an extended moment;
fight to keep you wanting more,
flames and sparks and agony
when we give you the open ground to
lay waste to us.

Everyone wants to understand what it is,
that makes each attempt so much harder than the last.
Did we damage something vital the first time round?
Did we develop a fever, an ongoing sickness that we breathe around
for weeks?
Did we shut down a vital event of trauma, so hard to close away we completely
forget to try, to damaged to take note of scarred skin?
Let it run and rampage and leave us losers defeated,
walking the same tracks to collect things we left behind,
hoping no one stole them from the dying grass while we slept.

Everyone wants to push aside the worst of things.
I do,
feeling broken and sad looking at my insides
on the floor, a little heaped mound of beautiful knives,
you coveted and hurled back to me, after a simple cut.
You were afraid to bleed out and watch me patch you up,
when I let all my cuts bleed open in front of you,
knowing you would finally be the one to heal them.

I got myself heartbroken,
by a boy
I desperately want to have back again.
I’d fall and cut myself all over again,
to reopen all those empty notches
just for a little piece in the chaos I walk head-straight that
brings me all that warmth and brightness and security and peace
Just please, once all over again.

Not a doubt in my mind we could be so happy,
if you didn’t step in it. And leave me alone in the woods
hearing the howls and screeches and feeling the
feel of claws trace down my spine…
Chris Dionisio  Dec 2013
For You
Chris Dionisio Dec 2013
You always listen to my voice mails,
So I know you care.
You always save them,
So I know you love me.
But I also know that there is another whom you love and who loves you
And I am heartbroken.
I am heartbroken because he is the one,
Your one.
I am heartbroken knowing that he gets to hold you
And you hold him.
I am heartbroken to think of him kissing you
And you kissing him.
I am heartbroken,
But I can still hope.
I hope that he treats you well.
I hope that he makes you happy.
I hope that you think of me from time to time.
But most of all,
I hope that some time in in this life or the next
We get our chance.
If any of these were to be fulfilled,
I would be happy.
But I hope it is the last.
Steven Fried May 2015
Not heartless, heartbroken
not manipulative, not terroristic

Not heartless, heartbroken
the fields of grass sway bright blue and green
under a red sky weeping
horseless, loveless, alone.

It’s not an unerring path
it’s a wounded warrior pierced by stalactites
huddled cold in the winter
a man searching, and hurting, and crying

Better to have loved
to have splintered
to have shattered
to have hurt
than to remain
the King
of Pluto.
Hannah Anderson May 2014
I wrote a poem for my biography to a special person about Adam, I thought you would like to read it.

Blue Heart

You were 18, so many years in front of you.
It felt like a dark eternity, you didn’t want to go.
I saw it in your sunken eyes.
The vacant stare and sad dark eyes.
I saw when you were sitting around the table prom night.
So much going around but you were too calm
too collected.
too inside your mind for us.
I knew that blank expression from experience
All too well.
You screamed for help
silent and loud
I reached for your hand
but you

You were poised and calm
Broken but full of love.
All I wanted to do was help you.
you were standing still when the world went on
and it did go on, it did, without you.

When you were standing there at the edge
I wondered about you, all in my head.
We were short lived, a friendship that was fast.
You came, changed me, then you left.
it came and went in a flash.

I knew when no one else could guess.
you put it all on me, didn’t you.
but I was not cross with you.
Heartbroken, yes
scared, yes
alone, yes
mad, no

Your color was blue
Blue heart, blue veins
Blue is the color of our planet
from far far away
we wore it proud it was all for you,
a blue solemn silence.
and the world spun fast and
all the people hurried fast, real fast
and no one ever smiled.

You weren’t all there, in that head of yours.
dark and empty
you were sad but you lived like you would die
tomorrow came too soon and it was up to you.
it was always up to you.

Meeting you was bitter
you put me through stress, anxiety and heartache
you put me through shame and shock
All I wanted was you by my side,
and you there was not.

Meeting you was sweet
you gave me smiles and laughs,
good music and thoughts
you gave me a feeling of friendship and care.
All I wanted was you by my side,
but you were not there.

You were poised and calm,
you rubbed off on me.
I was hyped and excited
you called me “ADHD”

You drove an old red beater with water bottles everywhere,
with **** in the glove compartment.
but you didn’t care.
Your drove with sunglasses and the FM radio loud.
You drove in silence, thinking no doubt.

You loved the sun but you would hike for the shade
when we were together you took me away.
I didn’t think, I didn’t have nerves.
We talked about the world
We talked about life
You had a life you thought you didn’t deserve.

Whoever planted that seed
had some **** nerve
you wrote like me but I wrote for myself
you wrote for us when there’d be nothing else.

I knew when no one else could guess.
you put it all on me, didn’t you.
but I was not mad.
Heartbroken, yes
scared, yes
alone, yes
mad, no

When you were gone
I read
I read
i wanted to know exactly when
you felt what you felt.
You called me your jav friend
you called me your angel

You are up there watching over me
I yelled and screamed
I couldn’t breathe.

I shut them out,
I cursed at you.
I hated you
I cried for you

I only see you in my head
Dreaming once and a while of your smile,
of your eyes
but they are never dark
they are never sad
they are never empty
The vacant stare is not there.
your hair is a giant mess
and I freeze that moment right there.

You said you were alone
you said it was a secret
you asked me about my darkest
and you told me all your secrets
I have never been in that much peace knowing I kept you there
It felt like moments when it was hours and you were gone too **** soon.
tomorrow came too fast and it was up to you.
it was always up to you.

Now I wear a band on my wrist
and pray for your peace
that is all I have left,
but you mean so much to me.
I hope you are happy,
I hope your journey has ended
and you found what you wanted
My heart was once broken
but soon if all this is true
it will be mended.
This is about my friend who committed suicide on 5/19/13 the anniversary just passed and I wrote this for english.
#love #go #suicide #poem #poetry #short #broken #peace #sad #depression #doubt #life #heart #want #eyes #sadness #death #sun #world #depressed #alone #anxiety #die #hope #scared #days #happy #not #cried #up #memories #in #good #be #empty #dark #hello #f #of #angel #friend #friendship #thoughts #away #people #always #true #real #secret #evil #silent #smile #mind #if #i #had #the #are #thinking #music #has #shame #blue #night #water #dreaming #red #and #what #stress #this #help #silence #too #much #could #you #thought #me #mess #sweet #one #on #*** #think #my #heartbroken #journey #no #blank #color #bitter #breathe #old #wrote #when #was #about #it #suicidal #hair #feeling #together #do #only #for #to #but #nothing #left #never #out #have #hours #gone #us #head #like #now #is #years #loved #person #fast #eternity #still #tomorrow #flash #moment #over #cross #nerves #bottles #**** #know #smiles #right #deep #myself #heartache #darkest #who #we #all #so #were #secrets #just #caring #experience #loud #yes #inside #english #they #pray #by #calm #moments #mad #veins #did #there #care #that #at #passed #l #hand #knew #shock #see #read #expression #radio #ever #an #yours #our #proud #changed #once #would #planet #else #from #guess #will #edit #adhd #**** #shade #deserve #hated #without #with #freeze #then #loving #through #sitting #found #stare #wrist #laughs #going #full #off #felt #cursed #wanted #excited #2 #ended #them #well #soon #mean #told #wear #vacant #many #couldnt #took #knowing #shut #kept #special #saw #ago #gave #adam #your #seed #1 #e #while #18 #anderson #solemn #watching #prom #said #far #side #been #some #collected #reached #edge #meeting #screamed #put #came #front #smiled #didnt #around #called #anniversary #band #giant #planted #glove #went #standing #committed #yelled #everywhere #biography #lived #nerve #hike #werent #hannah #talked #hurried #romane #drove #exactly #wore #beater #table #sunglasses #frienddeath #spun #sunken #poised #wondered #rubbed #hyped #compartment #fm #whoever #thered #jav #asked #mended #51913 #46 #0 #added
LexiSully Jan 2017
She looks up,
Tears swelling in her eyes,
And looks into his,
Searching for a reason to hold out hope

She delays just a moment-
Waiting for a sign,
A wavering tear,
A slight gesture,
One word to make her worries disappear

She's hoping he will fight for her,
Dang it.

But instead, she walks away,
Stronger than ever,
Cradling a broken heart.
Liz Carlson  Mar 2017
Liz Carlson Mar 2017
When I found out that you found someone else,
My heart sank deep into my chest;
As an anchor sinks into the sand.
I've never felt so heartbroken before,
So hopeless, so useless,
so uninspired, so much sorrow in my soul.
I never expected you to fall for me,
but why does it have to hurt so much?
Isn't love supposed to be a joyous feeling?
Then why does it leave me so breathless,
so empty, so tired,
so worthless, so heartbroken?
Alma Nkemla  Mar 2013
Alma Nkemla Mar 2013
Heartbroken I am
I never asked you anything,
But you came to love me for fake
Why do you have to ruin my life?

If only you could go,
To a land full of curved bows
Where you would treat
The girls the way you want
Each day without stop

I’ll be happy and happier,
And the world would be merrier,
But I’m stuck here with you
Forced to marry you
Support you everyday of my existance

You know I am heartbroken
Why do you have to ruin my life?
jeffrey conyers Jul 2012
With lack of sleep.
All because I let love make a fool of me.
I'm heartbroken.
Feeled with words left unspoken.

Why do I hold on to this hate.
When it wasn't just me making this mistake.

Mine was in loving someone I thought loved me.
But I found out that wasn't meant to be.
I'm heartbroken.
Feeled with words I should have said.

Now this raged is eaten at me.
When true love in my life would make me so happy.
George Ellison May 2011
Why do I cry myself to sleep about thinking of the things you have done to me.
I never asked for you to hand me back my heart in broken pieces but to cherish it to your heart and hold it tight.
I want you to feel loved and cared about and not feeling like I am slowly coming closer to wanting to leave you...because i'm not just takes it awhile for me to gather all my thoughts from all the ***.
Its hard for me to fully grasped the emotions I have grown for you because when you do hurt me I just want to be in your presence and I never have a feel for vengeance.
And the thing that takes the smile away from my day is the thought of you abandoning me all then i'm stuck with no one to talk to cause speaking in your mind gets boring when there is no one to hear a response from.
Heartbroken I felt when I was old enough to think straight and because I knew the people that raised me wasn't my kind and I could tell that by their face.
But shame I never felt but a loss on their part because I don't take heartbreak too easily but you seem to make me want to fix things peacefully and equally.
But I am hurt you can tell I know you can. I see it when you tell me how much you are trying hard to fix things...but its okay because regardless of what ever happens I will still be hurt and still heartbroken.
feedback please.
Patricia Tsouros Mar 2013
When you step on my dreams 
There will be days like these

In the depth of the night 
I feel your hand embrace my neck 
Stroke my back 
Your loving arms secure me 
You take my hand in yours 
You whisper in my ear 
I am here with you 
I won't let you die 
I roll over 
Open my eyes 
I am alone

I want the world to know 
To know 
The empty promises you made 
I am not afraid to bare my scares 
I am heartbroken 
Not by the end of us 
Heartbroken by the deception 
Heartbroken by the illusion of the impossible 
How you lead me to believe 
With words and love 
That you were all I needed 
That I was all you wanted
Broken trust and broken faith 
Betrayed in the hardest way

I know today 
I have a rocky road to walk 
I am not afraid to tell the world 
You hurt me through and through 
I to destroyed so many trusts 
You had my soul 
I feel no shame in 
Telling all 
The rocky road ahead 
I will walk with 
My head held high 
My intellect intact 
If not my soul
My vulnerability there for all to see 
My weakness and your strength 
A vulnerability captured in destruction 
Caught up in confusion

In the depth of the night 
I feel your lips on mine 
I am wrapped in your embrace 
You whisper 
I love you 
I will catch you 
When you fall 
I open my eyes 
I am alone

When you step on my dreams 
There will be days like these

— The End —