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They do not worry.
About food.
They do not worry.
About clothes.
They aren't afraid.
Of being abandoned.
They know.
God will take care of them.
They know.
Their Creator will feed them.
They know.
The One who cares for them
will never forsake them.
They know.
His eye is ever upon them.
Oh, may I learn how to live.
From watching the birds.
Based on Matthew 6:25-26, Holy Bible
I am lonely for you
Which is strange to me,
I do not love you
I don't want your mouth on mine
I don't want your hand on my back
I do not wish we could be together
I do not wonder about the future
  (or try to draw you into it with a charcoal pencil)
But I am lonely for you
I want you, want you, truly, as my friend
But not very close,
I like to keep my distance until I decide
  to give permission
Maybe I will ask you
What you think of kelp
And myths
And a thousand other things
And still I will not know
You see!
I am not lonely for you for a while
And then I think
That I like your jokes
And I wish you could tell me one now
I could use a laugh
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
two hundredth of a millisecond can be bought for one Satoshi,
a Satoshi is a hundred millionth of a bit-coin, or byte-coin -
whatever variation of the name - by the end of it there
will be 21 million of these coins in circulation; hot topic:
London, how this started to unravel come 1998,
slowly Hackney disappeared off the map as a hub of art
and whatnot, Camden came prior - they say central Paris
looks like a museum, as much can be said about central
London: no artistic vibe - we jumped ship, extortion -
in Silicon Valley 8 people share a three bedroom house,
$4000 a month's worth of rent, they're reduced to shift-sleeping,
a day divided into 8 hours, and as was noted,
this isn't a boat load from China , nerds and
app. entrepreneurs - in the end software will be
able to own money, imagine: Uber, taxi, driver-less cars -
the ancient lore of black cabs in London and the knowledge:
that proud A - Z gone, ****! gone! added to the fact that
there's nothing left to invest it - which is why, i assume,
is the reason why gambling adverts number more than
alcohol adverts... bet 3 6 5 et al. - if there's nothing to invest in,
then the only alternative it seems would be to gamble it away;
or at least being spurred to do so.

it's hard to imagine what literature will be like either,
let's face it - you look at the early 20th century
and it's there, you look at middle through to a quarter
past 1950 and it's still there - you look beyond that
and i really don't know what i'm supposed to be looking
out - i don't suppose there's an ignorance hovering
over my head - it just hasn't hit me in any way
relevant, given that in England only important
people get to write books - t.v. personalities, glamour
models, footballers - ghost writers are the norm -
England doesn't seem to appreciate important books
by unimportant people: the machine requires diluted
vegetable oil and a steep hill to get the car moving -
it requires this sort of image for marketing a book,
marketing a book, selling it, and perhaps reading it;
it's hardly moaning about the situation, it's the actual
situation - but as it turns out, there are alternatives -

              to count the number of birds in my vicinity,
              today i managed to finally identify
              a bird that was bothering me for some time,
              just today - put a description into
              the algorithm... a finch! but more precisely...
              a goldfinch! so let me count the number
              of birds i spot with my naked eyes:

               1. goldfinches
                                                        2. robins
3. canadian geese              4. mandrakes
5. crows                                                6. seagulls
     7. a crane                           8. sparrows
9. blackbirds                     10. a kestrel (once)
11. woodland pigeons             12. magpies
                               13. song thrushes;
                      14. swallows

and to think, i don't have to leave the house to watch
such variety - i'm waiting for the day that they create an app
for birdwatching - but i'm pretty sure they won't,
unless it's birdwatching in a museum of stuffed animals.
Logan  Feb 2014
Logan Feb 2014
I am a beginning and I am an end
I am a stream of consciousness and
I am my own lack of surprise
Manifested into a walking horrorshow wondering
where it went wrong.
Watching the birdwatchers checking for watches
They know no time with enough patience to share
Little smiles of knowing more than you
The ones who found what they were looking for
in the trees and canopies and little handbooks and scientific names
Flightless birds waiting to be classified
posting old crap
Cait Mae  Feb 2016
Cait Mae Feb 2016
Tiny shadows litter the sky
filling the horizons
circling around each other
fighting for a better view of the setting sun

as i stare outside my window,
gazing at the birds overhead,
dreams plague my mind
of what it would be like
to fly towards the sun
with no limitations,
just me
and the wind in my wings
chasing the light
that illuminates my soul
betterdays Sep 2017
little birds
all yellow mouths
and hunger

chirp with needful bellies
keeping the olds
in frantic motion
to  silence the calamitous cries

you are the show of the day
for the half grown, well fed instinct
that sits on the other side of the window ledge
eyes wide, ears forward, poised to leap
he watches trembling, with adrenaline
filled need to hunt, years of
domestication be ******
he is tiger, you are prey

at least till the door to the
refrigerator opens.....
Jay M Wong  Feb 2018
Jay M Wong Feb 2018
Shall roses by any other name smell just as sweet,
Here within this garden, two hummingbirds meet,
And nightingales to whom sing their delightful tunes,
Yields a ****** of crows when all is in ruins.
Love alike the doves that fly so freely today,
Yes, as swans that drift harmoniously we may,
Nearing nightfall for ‘tis when the love birds rest.
J  May 2020
compassion fatigue
J May 2020
i’m sitting scrolling through Instagram taking a 5 minute brain break from my grad class work
about urban education policy which breaks my heart
because education policy and initiatives in urban school districts don’t take into account
unsafe living conditions
mom working 3 jobs just to put food on the table and keep the lights on
all of which are exacerbated by the pandemic we’re in right now

all i need is 5 minutes to escape from that
but as i scroll
all i can see is

another unarmed back man was murdered by white cops
another cry of “i can’t breathe”
another child died of starvation
another plane crashed
another trans woman of color was murdered
another kid committed suicide
another animal was shot so someone could have bacon for breakfast
another black man was harassed by a white woman while birdwatching in the park
another woman was beaten by her husband while quarantined together

all i need is 5 minutes
to escape the
that’s everywhere

i’m just tired
everything i’ve seen today has broken my heart
everything i saw yesterday broke my heart
and the day before that
and the day before that
and the day before that

how can i help make change if i’m so **** tired all the time?
jessica  May 2020
jessica May 2020
A robin’s nest was in the holly bush last week
At almost eye level, I had an intimate view
Into the life of a baby bird
Pink, frail and wanting
These small, translucent creatures
Waking ,sleeping,  eating
Had everything they needed to survive
But did not know yet how to live
I would clutch my hands in delight
At their tiny outstretched necks, their barely formed beaks
Open, seeking, receiving
I giggled at how very wide their mouths seemed
I oohed and ahhed at their desperation
To be nourished, how mom went
back and forth
Back and forth
For hours to find the food from a hidden source
I woke early the next day
Having planned all my errands around birdwatching
I got excited thinking how I would watch these babies grow
I went outside, I hunkered down
But momma Robin never came

— The End —