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She doesn't understand her
Her need for extra attention.
Her desire to
chirp and meow
constantly, and raise her
**** in the air.

She gazes out the
window with
longing in her
golden eyes.
Her calls through the
screen bring no
Little lonely orphan.

She sits with me while
I write at my large
maple desk.
She swats at the
purple orchid.
It drives her batty.
I've been there.
Lost in the
smell and taste of
She wanders over to
the Starry Night
painting and looks
dizzy at the sky.
She lifts her **** in
the air and stutter steps
rapidly with her
back paws.

When I got her and
her sister, I thought they
had *****.
I named him (her)
She comes to the
and seems to like it.
Pray for me.
Buk's in heat.
Here is a link to my recently published Limited Edition book titled, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories.
Lawrence Hall, HSG

               A Pharmacy Aisle Marked INDEPENDENT LIVING

                                 “We shall never surrender”

                                          -Churchill, 1940

Bed and bath grip bars, universal crutches
Quadrupedal crutch tips, raised toilet seats
Cleaning wipes, reaching tools, bedside commodes
Walking sticks (but not one with an Elvis theme)

Sitz baths and universal urinals
Transport chairs, folding walkers, rolling walkers
Commode liner bags, inflatable cushions
Walker ski glides, walker tennis *****

None of this is depressing; it is inspiring:
“We shall never surrender”
He’s a very famous shell-man.
Who thought he was coated with teflon.
Can a narcissist be taught a lesson?
By him, the prosecutor and judge were threatened,
could the legal system withstand his aggression?
Yeah, his guilt was proven beyond question,
and now he's a 34-time convicted felon.
What’s he going to tell poor little Barron?
I doubt the judge will send him to prison,
but there are still some outstanding questions.
Like will his followers shake their obsession?
Will craven Republicans still nominate him?
The dynasty powers that be
Are attempting a strong hold, a siege
By eradicating the middle class
They can change global societies caste

2024 has become the clear the air, year
Facts truths are becoming crystal clear
Exposing allegations, conspiracy theory
People Ostracize, for suggesting a query

Systematically destroying small businesses
Protesters steal,burn stores No witnesses
Government taxation laws, let it burn
Historical stores harsh lessons to learn

One by one, the stores bankruptcy close
Toys “R” Us, bed bath, and beyond, Kmart
Did Smart Bidenomics, adding to those
99CentStores stores, Sears and Burger King
I see a trend emerging middle class thing

No warning, overnight Red lobster closed
The community bought Mother’s Day
Gift cards the day before, people chose
Did the store know while taking the money
Or were nefarious actions, At play

Owners knew what was going down
Yeah, they took money from the town
Will they refund mothers not a sound

Tyrant stores are left
Walmart Costrco, target
Prices on the rise
Mc Donald’s five dollar french fries
BLT word of the day challenge
Dynasty 5-30-24
Refers to a group, team, family, etc. that is very powerful or successful for a long period of time
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                              Memorial Day: This ****** Field

                   That we may wander o’er this ****** field
                   To book our dead, and then to bury them

                                     -Henry V, IV.vii.75-76

Some say this day began
                    As a memorial to the Confederate dead
Some say this day began
                    As a memorial to the Union dead
We only know that now it is a memorial for those
Who died for causes far beyond themselves

The glory of our soldiers is in the orphans they fed
The huts they helped repair, the ponchos they gave
To the shivering cold, reassurance to the terrified
Poor comforts to the bombed-out and the dying

The glory of our soldiers
Is not in some strident Man of Destiny
Bellowing fancy words from a prompter screen
But in hungry men who gave their C-rats away

Before they died in some ****** ****** ditch

In their honor, then

Let us quietly work in causes beyond ourselves
And risk being made into sacraments
Call or text your special needs.
  Wheelchair to your hollow knees?
  **** her oyster desert dry
  as you break your heart to cry.
Pay the price for what it's worth
empty vessel killed at birth.
We never talked of pleasure.
  It was always buried treasure.
  Marriage was a woman pure
  as a ****** bride to endure.
  Bette home on John's Island
  she finally made her stand.
  Took her kids and left behind
  his ashes they'll never find.
Bette Mann finally died at 92,
I say that lie, but I care
for everyone everywhere.
Committees never get things right
Egads they’re thick as planks.
They need my input every night
And seldom give me thanks.

They tell me I’m a gadfly
And I should go away,
But even if I have to shout
I’m going to have my say.

You cannot swat me like a fly
Or swish your horsey tail.
I’ll crash your meeting every night
Until I’m locked in jail.
Love a good challenge.  Part of BLT's word game.  Come join me.
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