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By his side, the devout chant God's glory
in a life so brittle and fragile
yet not lacking in strength to navigate
on the river of chaotic turbulence.

Some are tearlessly silent,
a few are about to embrace a cry
and there is one whose wails
reverberate and pound the walls.

The ascent to the greater kingdom
is adorned with white lotus
and incense that smell of heaven.

Filled with the finality
there is no point denying,
the atheist sleeps on peacefully.
The unsmelled rose on the back of the bush
Is mocked by the one in the vase
But water can not replace good soil
And the unsmelled rose laughs last.

Found this among some notes.
I don’t hear the thunder yet
But I see the black clouds forming
I don’t have a lightning rod
And I’m standing in a puddle.
The world situation grows worse and worse. There's no longer any place to hide.
Warm Vanilla scent
Drifts from Christmas kitchen
Bringing back my youth

Seven and two fives
Parsed and added carefully
Just make seventeen

Rainy winter sky
Dripping down the windowpane
Paints a broken heart

Sleeping daffodils
Cozy in their buried bulbs
Wait for springtime sun
I have a long way to go with Haiku.
Is anyone teaching  A I  to pray?
Is it learning the Ten Commandments?
While we’re making them into mechanical Gods,
Have we introduced the two to each other?


Will a robot prove God is a myth
And assume that throne for itself.
Will a Robot create a different world
And people it with only machines.
We live in interesting times, as the old Chinese proverb says.
Words are threads of many colors.
That can be woven into something
Beautiful and strong.
I said that to Melan of Innocence once
And it’s true.
She is a weaver of gossamer truth.
Warp dipped in LOVE and then woven
Through heartwarming weft
To form fabric both beautiful and
Astoundingly strong.
A humble note of admiration.
She sits, knees down,
In practiced posture.

Grounded and calm.

Her curled fingers
Rest on her thighs.

Her own.

In her smile,
A wisp on the wings
Slowly unfurls,
In a whirl
Of wise and winding


As honey'd tones
Roll from her maw,
I am humbled.

Lucky to be involved.

And in her every word
There is a piece of her
But no less present.

Pure effervescence.

On all terms,
In her way,
And pleasant.

Purposeful, she;
Spinner of tales.

why do i write?
to remember
not to forget
that is a fear

as one ages..
one thing leads to
music helps..

and not-
to be fixed
or crucified
to the moment..

somewhere between
young and old
now and then

is fun..
but kind of painful

sometimes not
sometimes there is hope
and ambition
love and hate..


i like to write
drink tea
and sing..

as old as man
in my cave..
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