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SALaprade Sep 2013
Cold and unforgiving, no longer caring,
no longer happy, but also not grieving
My body just sits here, numb, motionless,
for what feels like a thousand years
Forgetting what it means to remember,
like using logic to sort through the feelings
Like a statue made up of *****,
like a machine choking on its own tears
Like trying to escape from a room with no door
Surrounded by people, and still so alone
Each day comes darker than the one before
Heart turned cold, then turned to stone
Petrification of compassion and empathy
Metastasis of pathological apathy
Irony and cynicism replace joy and hope
Divinity and love exchanged for empty *** and dope
Unrelenting curses and half Muffled screams
Mask the sudden death of unrealized dreams
Such is the nature of love which has been lost
Before it ever even had a chance to live.
Such is the nature of mercy and grace
Before it ever even learned to forgive.
SALaprade Sep 2013
The deeply personal thoughts and emotions which I've poetically expressed to you
did not come from some shallow and easily accessible metaphorical tide-pool
where through the clear water you see the empty shells which once were alive

No, those intimate and soulful words were painstakingly and lovingly lifted
from the Deepest depths of the most turbulent and uncharted seas;
where only the bravest of lovers have been known to survive.

So read those words again my love,
They are quite literally from the core of my soul.
Why do you deny what's meant to be my love,
You reject the truth that you and I both know.
SALaprade Sep 2013
The pain of a broken heart is real
It's a physical pain, like an open wound
Raw, stinging, burning, aching flesh
It even has a smell all of its own

Yes, I can smell it, it burns my senses
It assaults my ego as it comes in waves
It invades my dreams by night
It selfishly monopolizes my days

My every thought is consumed
By the bitterness of my heart so bruised
By the man who in one moment loved me
And in the next made me feel so used

But now I've found a way to dull the pain
A way to numb myself
A way to stop the flow of tears
A way to make it through the days

You should be happy for me
Why aren’t you happy for me?
You should be happy… For me.
But I'm not even happy for me.
SALaprade Sep 2013
We were making plans, you and I,
And now we're not. We're just not.
How could we let this just slip by?

We were so 'in love', and it was real.
At least for me it was. For me it is still.
But you took your love for another to feel.

You not only took your love from me,
You took so much more than you know.
More than I will ever let you see.

So for now I'll just say that I'm okay
And maybe someday it will be true.
Eventually I'm sure the pain will go away

So many things I wanted to tell you
Things I KNOW you'd want to hear
And even more that we were going to do

I'm left with nothing but unanswered questions
And the slow death of our unfulfilled dreams
And that's alright in your world it seems.

You were so selfish in the way you took yourself away from me.
Not even the courtesy of hearing what I had to say.
You took the easy way out. No courage needed.
Just say your piece, then run away.

*Where is the honor in that?
SALaprade Sep 2013
I want to feel myself move slowly through you
I want to feel your skin against my skin
I want to know the day without will give way to the night within
My mind wanders through these thoughts of you
While my body sits for hours like a statue made of stone
Making love to your soul—With the essence of my own.
Gazing intently, passionately into each other's eyes—
These eyes become the portal through which our souls collide.
Transcending the physical. It's a super-human experience,
It's two souls becoming intertwined; moving through each other.
Divinity and beauty beyond words; beyond reason; beyond logic; beyond time.
And so with fire racing through my veins, and quickening breaths
At the very thought, I wait ever patiently to be with you my love.
I edited the title, the original just didn't fit.
SALaprade Aug 2013
Thank you for making my life worth living again,
Even if it was only temporary
Thank you for making my mornings fun to wake up to
With just a few simple words
Thank you for showing me that I am worthy of compliments
And how to accept them with grace
Thank you for filling my heart with happiness and hope
But NO thanks for letting it all slip away.

Sometimes I think about how hard and fast I fell for you
And it frightens me to say the least
I think of how silly it must have sounded to you when I told you
I loved you before I knew you
I feel like there's a fire in my heart when I recall how it felt
To be held and touched by you
I could so easily go to sleep in your arms
Because that's where I felt safe.
But not anymore, my love…Not anymore.
*I'll eventually get over it, I'm pretty sure.
SALaprade Aug 2013
I've never been a religious person,
And maybe now I can explain why
I'm not saying I can answer things like
"Where do we go when we die?"

So many of the answers are right in our face
But still leave the question to beg
Things like which one do you think came first?
Was it the chicken or was it the egg?

Now this may not really amount to much
But at least it's some food for thought
It has nothing to do with Darwin or even theology
Which through the ages so many people have bought

This to me, just seems to make sense
And believe me it's nothing divine
This is just my way of filling in the blanks
With these silly little thoughts of mine

Moses' life was altered by the weird **** he'd seen
When he came down off that mountain that day
He'd sat there and talked with a burning bush
and needed to explain that one away!

So he goes down to the people with tablets in hand
And behaving in a way that was quite odd,
He held up the tablets for all to see
And said, "Now look here, I've spoken with God!"

Now let's stop right here for what it's worth
And back up a bit and examine what he saw
There was rumbling and smoke, and a burning bush
But believe me that wasn't all.

I tend to think he witnessed the landing of a craft
Which descended from the heavens above
And the 'God' that he claimed to have spoken with
Was actually the pilot thereof.

This was by no means our first encounter
And it certainly wasn't the last
But doesn't this help to explain a few things
Which we couldn't explain in the past?
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