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Roxy Sky Apr 2015
I love when I read poems that rhyme,
They're the only ones worth my time,
It's even better when they're twisted like the mentally ill,
I think that was my fiftieth pill,
Oh those were just what I needed,
And I don't give a **** what anyone thinks because I'm so self conceited,
All you really need to be a writer is a little depressed,
But I don't give a **** I could careless.
Roxy Sky Apr 2015
I hear the church bell ringing,
And that loud *** choir singing,
Except I'm not religious and never have been,
So send me to hell so I can burn forever in the devils den,
I'm sorry but I don't believe there's a god ,
I think it's all just a scam and a facade ,
But how can I be so sure,
When everyone's shouting it's the only cure,
I guess because my life's been so full of sorrow,
This world would be better off if I wasn't here tomorrow.
Roxy Sky Apr 2015
That smell is so sweet,
For days I haven't had anything to eat,
I've just been depressed for so long,
This is it I'm writing my last love song,
I'm so tired of living in this dream,
When I have no voice and can't even scream,
I ask what would make you happy what could I do,
But I can't do anything because it's always all about you,
When our fight is at it's peak,
I fall to the ground the world darkening as I become too weak.
Roxy Sky Apr 2015
One day your soul will be forgotten,
Because no one will ever care about you if you keep acting so rotten,
You act like such a child,
But I love you because you're so wild,
I keep trying to forget,
But my head won't let me it keeps remembering our script,
Things were left so broken,
Not from the things said but words left unspoken,
Back then I gave you too much power,
I had forgotten how weak you were until you started to cower,
I thought you'd step up and be a man,
But you left me crying because you had a different plan.
Roxy Sky Apr 2015
The look in your eyes when you stole my virginity was pure evil,
Then you acted like you could do whatever you wanted like you were ******* knievel,
You treated me like dirt and knew I would stay,
But what you didn't know and couldn't find the words to say,
Is that one day you'll love me too,
From the beginning that I always knew,
But you could never be honest you always lied,
So in the end you just pushed me aside.
Roxy Sky Apr 2015
The last one I loved was him,
But we were no Kanye and Kim,
While I watched him always flirting,
He didn't know how bad I was twisted and hurting,
I spent my life on you when you were only seventeen,
And I saw my future with you but it was only a cruel daydream,
Then things stopped working,
And all those ****** started lurking,
Slowly you slipped away,
Without leaving me anything not even a word to say.
Roxy Sky Apr 2015
What if I actually love you,
Then what will we do,
I loved you so much only so you could then break my heart,
But that wasn't enough for you, you dug deeper to tear me apart,
And now look at what's left of me,
I'm broken and shattered you can't disagree,
You locked my heart up and threw away the key,
I tried to get you to love me back it was my only plea,
But I was never good enough for you,
So you went around talking about me so everyone else knew,
I was nothing to you but a good ****,
And when you found everything else I had to offer you thought it was just luck,
But that's not quite true,
Because one day I promise I'll make you love me as much as I've always loved you,
And when I finally make your heart mine,
I'll show every one that you're nothing but a ***** swine.
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