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the engineers have left the building
architects now rule the roost
nothing gets made but there's plenty
tilting and cooing over the pretty view
I do wonder what was the choice
when I had no choice
only the voice that richochets

and in the voice the echo that says
take the sick you need me
and I
who could not feed the need in me
would not listen
to this one who was forgotten,

I remember then
I guess you do
who I was
I'm still me
a different century.
I find myself
without a rhythm
a lack of lyrics
back in a prison
I thought
I'd escaped out the back
but the fact is
I backtracked
back by my own volition
and wishing
on familiar chains
to be free of dusty days
deep breath
choke on hope
and blow
Riz Mack May 6
just a location in space
that keeps you in line
puts you in place
take some off
it takes your place
ticks you off
shapes your face
makes you late
consumes your days
makes you nervous
makes you wait
takes you out
takes itself
offers wealth
exchanges health
for similies
and nurse's smiles
and promises
to stay a while
time to go
  May 2 Riz Mack
Julie Butler
I think we’re just
bodies sometimes

a how-to
on becoming the ocean

or Saturday

something to swallow

It’ll make a list of me

I call it something else
let it run across me like
calling it back

acts like a thorn
& turns me back to flowers
  Apr 30 Riz Mack
Mrs Timetable
We may not
Be able
To heal
Each others wounds
But we can
That's why we write and share
we could be rambling along a country lane  or better still we could be sitting up by the old mill among the buttercups and lilacs and having a picnic of peanut butter sandwiches and freshly pressed lemonade and then lying back and watching the movie show of clouds that pass,

we could be
if you were with me
but you're not
because you married that little snot, Timothy Gregson
and I am on my lonesome

so it'll be lunch for one at the chippie
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