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 Dec 2013 Psylocke
the world is a machine built of scorpions and wolves, praying for sleep and
soft lullabies. the wheels and knobs turn endlessly, recklessly howling at the
stars for it's desirable solace, like ghosts stuck on earth preying on others for
revenge for being sentient puppets tangled in the strings, thrashing in their
thoughts, stuck in a everlasting cycle carrying around burdens like a courier
through dense forests and vast wastelands, burning bridges and bibles and
throwing gasoline upon the architectures built up and setting them on fire
but i feel hands of fear at my ankles, pulling me into the restless ocean
with a pulsating ache, wolves howl from the insides of my barren stomach
and making them be quiet is difficult, if duct tape worked, it would help
these knives for fingers cut through anything, but it can't cut through you

- kra
The death angel

The death angel makes her rounds through the rooms of the dying, She lays her hands on them and prays for them, tells them Satan is only lying.

She feels so good inside like she did some good deed.  She feels like she curing the dying, curing a need.

She goes home to her family believing that she did something good for God.  Husband, children at the table, smile at her, and nod.  

She cannot feel true love for she is a narcissist.  She buys, she lies, she prays, what she does best.

As she makes her way through each and every ward, making beds, sweeping away dirt, telling the dying to pray to the Lord.  

She tells them they can be given a new breast, a new lung, a new leg.  Little does she know or care that that their graves others will soon dig.  

It's been said that people that don't know they are fools are rather sad, but this death angel is truly bad.

She tells people that have a year to live or less, that they can be made whole again if only to the Lord they confess.

She visited me one year ago and lay her hands on me, she said I would be healed that day and spend my future in eternity.  

As time went on, I got worse, to the point of my last breath.  That is when she finally came back around, that sweet Angel of Death.

The Angel of Death gets ready to make her rounds for tomorrow.  Never in her heart feeling an ounce of pain or sorrow.
I know
I think too much.
I know
I maybe talk too much.
I know
I maybe dream too much.
but why even a single ,tiny,
thing I ask for.
A thing I want.
a thing that wont just end the stock,
is taken away.

as soon as you find a guy who is so gentle to you and you like how he talks and
when you begin to dream,
day dream,i must say,
he asks me,are you taken?
and obviously,I'm proud to be taken.

He just ends the talking.
is it too mean of him,or i prolly think too much.
and then all my sandcastles fall like the ashes of cigarettes .
and i watch it join the other sandgrains,
never gonna happen
this poem's too silly,idk why i just wrote it. :/
 Dec 2013 Psylocke
Randy Vera
"Dust And Bones" lyrics by Randy Vera 2011 (BMI) 

English Translation for Italian lines in italics 
                       (A Tango in D-minor)
Recorded at Studio Bopnique, Jan 2012, produced by Anthony J. Resta

When I am dust/
Quando io Sono Ossa/ (When I am bones)
Un Sonno Piu Tranquillo (I will sleep most peaceful) 
In the city's catacombs/
For I knew life eternal/
When once she ooooi suresse a me /
(Smiled at me)
Non temo la mia Morte./
(I no longer fear my death)
for that moment, I was king/ 
The dank and cold under stone roads/
shall be my mansion by the sea/
For I knew her kindness/ 
In estate il balcone/
*(on summer's balcony) 
knowledge awaits is the ticket
they sell you as you pass through
the pearly gates of higher learning
with textbook in hand you pray
that the dream you have isn't as much of
a work of fiction as the history they teach
with your college bound girl
her vanity lay in her turtle frame glasses
she hides behind the foggy lenses of her
casual drugs and meaningful ****** episodes
she grasps the back of your letterman jacket
hoping that you are as surefooted as your propaganda speaks
as you follow the blinding path
of confusions principal and you think to yourself repeatedly
that the truth in the simplest explanation is the actually the most complex
because you make it that with
realizations and rationalizations
through the day to day whittling away
of what you really are
through lying to yourself that
if you stick it out with this false life
one more day it will all be better
that the relationship you are trapped in
will work with you
instead of making every day
an uphill battle to be heard
and loved without tears
sometimes look into her eyes and
see the endless road of escaping her past
and i think that i just want to stop running away
settle down
and be
just simply be
a father, a husband, a lover
at least ginsburg got to be happy before he died
Ashes on the ground
what was lost would never be found.
Thick, dark smoke
swam in and out of our guts,
the searing pain at the sight of it ingrained in our hearts.
The buildings were razed to the ground.

Early hours of yester years
christmas period, he recalled
at the stroke of mid-night exactly
the disturbing sounds came.
Voices and chatter was at its loudest,
sirens blared
he curiously stepped out of his apartment.
His sight was greeted with smoke,
his nose awoke fully the rest of his half-asleep senses.
Fire, he saw.
Walking people on fire
He froze,
stood still and stared
unable to run forward and help.

His ears vibrated at the sounds of the approaching foot-steps.
He could see people pouring buckets after another
on people and the buildings.
Soon, the police
and the fire men came.

The fires vexed.
The screams we heard from those inside the buildings ceased, those who worked late into the night.
Hose after hose
Ladder after ladder
till the second hour
when it flamed out.
It grew higher and higher,
darker and thicker
till the third hour
when the white smoke prevailed.

Yellow stripes made by the police contained the curious crowd.
Ambulances struggled to revive the fainting people.
Some where in the crowd the man stood.
He kept his head down
a tear trickled down his face.
He had seen fires kissing flesh
and properties transforming to ash.
He witnessed live death
and fires blazing bright.
He saw what he saw.
The National Business Center would be greatly missed.
In Memory of those who lost their loved ones and valued properties in Fire accidents.

May God grant you all the fortitude to bear the loss.
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