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Nov 2010
As you look upon the alabaster statue of the beauty in the garden of Edom, the softness looks so real, can you feel her?  She is crying out the tears of blood, the crimson fluid of love.  She can’t hold that frozen space much longer.

The beauty is a piece of the dream, our clay that holds water. The one you wish to hold.  Her water is drying up and it won’t flow any longer. As purity changes from her solid stance, the wind blows and she fails to dance.  The clay becomes as the dry bones of the desert. How long must she wait?  Will you understand that she will blow away into the sand?

You are the salvation.  For joy and happiness is found in her man.  His day crosses many lands she is very rare. To her he is the Jeanie in the lamp. She cries into the darkness to hold his hand as he begs her to dance.  His heart is cracking into pieces for the long lost desires of the eternal twin’s secrets.  He stands in time and tenderly kisses her cheek as the tears of blood drops into his hand leaving rubies from a far off land.

The lion’s roar into the sand is sending the quake through all the land.  His love has left man leaving death and destruction with suffering just four years at hand for the final divinity  of man.  His love safely guarded by cherubim under the tree of life, waiting for her husband’s salutations.  The lion will return to the family of man to live as it was truly planned with in MT. Zion.

Jah beams as his wife arrives shinning and all knowing for his love to return. A prophecy to fill a life worth living was only a dream in my lion’s eye

He was such a strong and dedicated king in his day. Jah I say “let him walk in your way.”  His love would save my heart from destruction and depression. Jah say “wife of mine it was me you adored so how could he see you weren’t meant for him. A gift I will give to him to come close to heal all the nations’ afflictions!  His love must grow for years.  I stroke your cheek to change those tears to precious gifts so man will continue to love.  You gave a life for them one and all.  You heard my call to come home daughter I welcomed you into the garden full of beauty glowing within the golden dreams of life that sustains a husband and a wife.  Love never dies it changes faces and places for us to never ask why.

Jah’s army to warrior against the dead was to win at life and for his warriors to deliver his petition to his wife.  For peace and hope to prevail we must press onward and give to all to believe in equal measure to receive their universal treasure?

My queen I have let you live, love, and return unto to me under the tree of life where I ask you shekhinah to be my wife. I ask for you to birth man, to grow universes and comfort all their pain and strife.  I did give largely to let man truly live my love, for the earth was my son’s special birth.
Shekhinah En Ka Mitt(C)                                                                               1/8/08
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