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Oct 2012
The summers breeze blows the clouds across the midnight sky,
Revealing only the stars that shine so heavenly bright β€˜til they die.
Below such a sight, lies several lingering flowers.
Mingling ever so gently, speaking mutely for dearest yet bitter hours
And so it brew and brew so gently amongst the land,
Capturing the pedals of such flowers in the palms of the hand.
And by the same hand, do these petals fall asunder.
Unaware of the many careless yet human blunders.
And let the captivating moonlight glow shine brightly here,
Until what was once deemed strange has grown adear.
And with this newfound growth upon them, the distance shortens yet lingers.
The musings of each illuminated by Heaven's light, and one feels the strings of Fate between their fingers.
Yet, such strings, in the possession of the Sisters of Fate, lie
Awaiting to be torn in two by their treacherous fate denied.
Written by two persons; every other couplet was written by the same person.
Jay M Wong
Written by
Jay M Wong
   Emily Tyler, 1487 and ---
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