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Pineapple Isle May 2018
I have songs within me
The words come here and there
As I go about my days
I feel connected to them
I feel there are things I want to share

It's as if my torso is a cabinet or a safe
Shut, locked
But full of words unorganizedly stacked
Making noise if I move
And if I open the door and tip
Tons of words will come spilling out
Pineapple Isle Mar 2018
I feel like I have all the time in the world if I just stay up late at night.
Oh, but that's not sustainable.
Pineapple Isle Jan 2018
Break me down
So I can learn each piece
I feel like a puzzle that's not put together
I'm familiar with some pieces
I know parts of the picture
But others seem like a mystery
Or a contradiction
Pineapple Isle Jan 2018
In 11 years
At least one thing hasn't changed:
You're home to me

You've supported my endeavors
And I've always had you to come home to
I like having that to count on

I need your stability
May I be so bold to say
Maybe you need my variety

I like that you truly see me
I need that
Maybe you do too

I need your insight and blunt honesty
I need your silliness
Maybe you need my different ways of thinking

We unwaveringly support each other
I need your stability
Maybe you need my variety
Pineapple Isle Sep 2017
This is where I grew up broken
And I still am
I'm trying to find my missing pieces

This is where I fell apart
I'm still not together
I'm searching for a way to snap things into place

Understanding is out of my reach
I walk with limited sight
Hoping that the next thing I stumble upon
Will be an answer
Will help me move forward
Pineapple Isle Aug 2017
Could I write
to **** out the poison
that paralyzes me?
I'm considering adding "and makes me feel ill" at the end. I can't decide which way I like it better.
Pineapple Isle Aug 2017
The stone around your heart has been chiseled at
You warm the frost when you're ready
When you realize the small thinking, anger, fear, and drawing into yourself
Have shrunk you small
The wall starts to crumble
You start to free your mind, your heart
From the prison you kept for safety
A poem I wrote years ago
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