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  Dec 2017 Phoebe Woods
Ravanna Dee
My thoughts dance through the creeping shadows
until they're caught between the jagged cracks of daylight.
Perpetually being seared by the world.
waiting to be remembered and embraced by the twilight.
Understand my darkness too.
Phoebe Woods Dec 2017
It's the kind of relationship
where he says
I love you
and I say
thank you.
Phoebe Woods Dec 2017
Hollow cavern with a layer of dust
Swirling and shifting in a light breeze.
Everywhere else is darkness, nothingness, emptiness.
I am hopeful or hopeless or somewhere in between;
the weight of being empty continuously presses against my lungs
Phoebe Woods Dec 2017
I love them I do, but
They make me cry when they speak

I love them I do, but
They make me bleed when I protest

I love them I do, but
They starve me when they hurt

I love them I do, but
They break me when I try

I love them I do, but
I only do, because I love them.
Emotional abuse can hurt just as much. I am getting help, no worries. Poetry is a good place to vent.
Phoebe Woods Dec 2017
Four walls and a door propped open.
Roof comfortably overhead.
Full size bed with a squishy mattress.
Glass of water on the bedside table.

Prescription bottles gathered on the dresser.
Parental gaze from overhead.
Creeping fear from the open door.
Broken shard of glass on the floor.

Blood pooling in the carpet.
**** deep in both arms.
Well-known fear out the open door.
Broken body on the floor.
Phoebe Woods Dec 2017
He was there
When I pulled into the restaurant parking lot

He was there
When I swung open the right-hand door

He was there
When I walked to back of the line

He was there
When I waited to order

He was there
When I asked for my sub sandwich

He was there
And I cannot escape.
Phoebe Woods Oct 2017
Insomnia is not for the weary
It kills the hours of the night

Depression is not for the broken
It murders them on sight

Anxiety is not for the frightened
It makes their heart beat fast

Bulimia is not for the hungry
It swallows them up too fast

Self harm is not for the fragile
It won't let them just be

Love is not for the anyone
Especially not for me.
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